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“Attona al.1 siwialona of the aourt, take full
*hcrrt.hnna ilOt nc 911 3ti tsetimmy orfered in
avery oeae tried ~AIsaid court, together with aL1
iionorable~Gom 9. Isaaos, Page 3
objsctlons to the admissibility of’ the evidenoe,
the rulings and remarks of the oourt thereon, and
all exoeptions thereto.
“Preserve all shorthand notes taken in said
aourt for future use or referenoe fbr a full year,
and furnish to any pemaon a tranearlpt in question
and anener.~form or narrative form of all suoh eti-
denoe or other -prooeedings, or any portion thereof
as auoh person may order, upon the paymsnt to hlm
of the flea provided by law.
TYhen any party to any suit reported by any
suoh reporter shall desire a transorlpt oi the svi-
aence In sald suit, said party may apply Por same
and shall i(n)dloate whether he desires same in
question and answer form or in narrative form.
In the event such transoript should be ordered in
question aud answer form, then suoh reporter shall
de ths wane up in duplioate in question and au-
swer i’orm, and shall reselve au ooapensatlon there-
for the sum of flf.teen oents per hundred words .for
the original. In the event said transoript should
be ordered made in narrati?e rorm, then such re-
porter shall make up same in duplicate ln narrative
form, and shall rsoeive a8 oompeusation therefor
the sum of twenty cents ‘per hundred words for tie
original: provided,, that in case any reporter
oharges more than the feee herein all~ued he shall
be liable to the person paying the sag, a sum equal
to iour times the exoess so paid.”
Artiole 2327a, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes
provides In part:
*Ins eaoh Judloial Dlstrlot of this State oom-
posed of one county only, and in whioh oounty there
is only one Distriot Court, and also in eaoh Judl-
oial Ulstrlot composed of two (2) or mor0 oounties,
and also in each Jndioial Distriot composed of one
county, .whioh county composes also a portion of
another Judioial Diatriot, the salary of the offl-
oial Court Reporter shall be Twenty-seven Iiundrsd
lollars j:iZ7OO) per annum, in addition Lo the oom-
psnsation for transorlpt fees and allcmanoes for
ewenoes niw
yjrovided b.y ha; mid salaxy to be
. by the C4imfsai4rmr3
3iaa rsonth4 Cowc of the
aotrntp or aotmtiaa, out of the Cmeral .?und of
the wuatg or wuntlea, upon the aetiliioate3f
she CistrlutJufi~e;t
. . .n
.:rtiole 2323.. aupra, authorizea an8 requireaeadr
iistrlutand axlalnal d,letPiot J&#&8 to appoint an OillOitil
wurt x:806xtefs &Mole 2323, supa, aothorlsee tbs astrlot
judge or tha arlainal dlstriot Judge ti3 appoint a dspaty re-
poxter when there is a neaeseiby for a deputy offiofnl short-
hand reporter. :?hs :laoessLtp tir a dspu%y uffloial shorthand
m~orter is left entirelywithin the diearotion oi the jucise
oi the oouTt* ..ktlole 2324, supxa; sata oat tha duties of
the os!ilolal oourt reporter amI &Wale a327a, aupm, qmidsa
end mthoriima the salary Co be paid to the offiafol oourt
reposer an& fixes thfb amount of such ealary in addition to
the eonpenaat~on far tranaorlpt fees and allowaneea for et
penrae nom provfdsd by law. ‘i-his atmtute further yrovldes
'&t the aalory shall bs paid zionthly by tha ao&sionsrsS
oouxt of the oo~ity or oounties 4tlt ol (;hs gstur@ %uDd of'
t!%3 aountp iax u4unt:es, up4n the oertiriootoof the dlrrtxlat
Them la no utetute M) tar aa we have beam able to
find autboxialtq the disttiot aouxb to appoint a ,parb-the
omrt repaxtex and ‘ipg for suah servlaer on a pr diem basis.
.t=ansnllp :~pea&lng $ubZio offlfiern mid go+ermental
aad sdminfatratlve bonrds gosses8 only ~uah ~avrsrs 88 are ex-
preeeiy confornd upon thea by law or xm?essaxlly faplied from
the powers so oonfesra& ‘233~ oonnob legally ptmwm acts
not authorbed by sxist~ law. (i%O '26Xc JUT. vol. 34‘ 3.
440 and nlrt!mritlca cited thorsin). 1
5s ‘thr, forsgolrq rrtetutes gmvide fm the zppoint-
cant s1p court r*lp~porbsrs and doputty STlOitd 8horth&ml rs-
;ortars m(; fix: 1-h cro;npsnsation of suah rsportars and of-
ftiial short&and reporters it fs our oglnioll tht euoh at+?&-
utes cre omtrolling rtad ;;lwt be followed by the distriot
Jdgae or julgeta when appointing oourt reporters or deputy
ofiloiel shorEtmnd reportergand that the aonpewation sl-
lowed by touch &aEutas zust be paid to BUOYreporters Or