‘. i I . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN en reaelved rod we quote SPaa %e8theC~rrlonerrcourt have authm- ity *y pmmlripuoa Offiolrlsuret to Bona8 tar I doputt** OS the above namd offloirlm Wth the above stated Nate, doer tb Cam- mlarlomrcl Court aad County Auditor ban the Bonorable S. L. Ueet, page 2 authority to p&r the premlume on Offiolal Sure- ty Bonds for the 4 oamlr~ioner~,vhero the salary 18 bared on Artiole 23500t hrtiole 16, seotfon 61, of our stat. Constitution, wami0di~ put 00ml 0fri06r8 in 00mie8 hwing l pop- letlon of 20,000 or more inhabitant8 8ooording to t& lart preoedlng ?ederal oenaua on a ral.sryb&sir fra and after the let dq of Janw~, 1936. Seatlon l3 of Artidle 39120, V. A. 0. 8., maker it the mandatory dutr of the oolplirrlon- lr 8’ o o u r in tr o o u u tle8 h 4 Tlng a popuhtion o f20,000 or more lnhabltantr u~d 1088 than 190,000 lnhabitrntr, aooord- lag to the lsst preoedlng Federal O~MUS, to fix the ssl~ier of aertelnnabd oounty offlcwrr, inoludlng rherlffr, l88e880r8’ and oolleotorr of taxer,oountx lttornap, aountr Judger, oountq alerkr, dlrtrlot clerk8 and aountr trersurerr snd other nnned offiorrr. 8eptinn (b) of Artiolr 3899, V. A. C. S., 4s amend- ed br the Act8 of the 117thLengirlature,1941, reads, in pert, ar follov8r '(b) Eaoh officer named in thlr Aot, vhere he reoelver a ralary a8 oompenlcrtlonfor hi8 8er- vice8, rhall be lntltled and permitted to purohare or oharge to hie oouaty 811 rearonable expender necorsary in the proper aud legal oonduot of hi8 offloe, premluu on offlolal8' bondr, premiuu on fire, burglaq, theft, robbsrx inrurenee proteot- lng public Sondr, and lnalading the coat of surety bond8 for hi8 deputies, provided that expense8 ln- aurred for the prealms on offlolalr~ bond8 for the oountq trea8urer. oount auditor, oountyroed oomml88loner8, oountr rohooI 8uperlntendent, aad thq hlQ and animal laspeotor, ineludIng the eort or rur*tJ bonds for q Qputl~r or my suoh otfi- aers, MJ be alro inoluded, 8ad ruuh sxpsneer to be parred on, predeteralned and alloved in the time and mount, as nearlr 88 po88lble, br the Comalrslomr8 Court oaoe eaah month for the en- ruing month, upon the rpplloatlon br eaoh offl- oer, rtatlng the kind, probable amount of expen- diture and the neoersit~ for the rxpeare8 of his office for rush eneul~ month, vhloh lpplieatlon rhdl, before pre~entatlonto said court, tirst be endorsed br the oounty ladltor,lf any, otbervllie i&O OOUKitrtr6aEtZO?# O&y a8 to rhethsr fUUdS me arallable for payment of 8uah exposes. . . . t0~(1~8bk a. t. v088, p8ga3 ‘
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion