OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN iionorable Charler a. Theob%ld County Attorney Oalreston couaty Gelvactcm, Teus Yaw rqwst SW 0 received tnd concldered by The Secta related by you art brltS1.y et S Court? in Prt- lnct 0rSioerr of Jurtiat Piperi, tttd in tht J#ovtm- Be Piper1 voluntttrt6 ip Sram your letter that vt btse thir opltion up- em that Jwttce Piper1 1943, ae Jwtloe OS Court u&hit OS Court 1 “A’ ir dutitr OS the Jwtlot of Court 0S Article 2377, V. A. C.-S. Your ur requect) are as follovsr QUt3ltlOn it Vh8ther the JUstf@s OS the of Court 1-A rbell oontinu4 to per- pteet, form th8 duties as ustiae OS the ptaoe OS Couft 1-B; end, lX %o, vi 1 1 the abrent justice OS the peace be 8Atltl%d to th8 Seer earned during hlr abmenas or will the Sew earned In Court I-B by the juetlct of th8 pesos OS Court 1-A be acoounted for by him in hr@ amual report and all ti exce%@ iiomrable Charlet 8. T‘htoMd, pose 2 OS hit k&al oaptnratton bt oeneidextd txotso fees to be prl4 over to the County a* 1s requlr- 8d OS any osfiaial operattng under the See t;la- tea lr required to do~ttaould he htvo exaws fear. 0. . . . ‘T&erefoxe, Sror the tx@atmtlen eS the @ltuttlon vhloh 6otUrontt w, will you kindly advlte mt IS, ln the event a jwtltt OS tht peace use rt-tltoted at the ltrt general tleatlan to ha o illo t le jwtioe of the peace, uy he ap- potnt seatene to ttrvt f* him until he it dir- thtrgtd Srcm the mllltary rtrvlse~ aa& if to, hov are the Sets to be dlrpottd OS, t&et 18: tc+a- panration earned 0~ Seer3 and, tn the event he h&c luthoxlty to appoint eomtont to aat Sor him, is t&era any provirlem ia the l.m by vhioh e valid bond oould bt taken to protttt the tounty as to uctm Sttt, or rould lt bt maeartirp Sor tuQa8ristant, 1S luth o r icto r dbe appointed by the jwtlct OS the ptmt, to girt en lntltmnlty bend to the ebatnt jurtlet or the paaas to pro- teat hit oSSlola1 band vhen be qualltlta. l .. .. ‘You vi.11 nett that Art. 2377, RAM., is rather ptrmirelve, that lus that the nearest jwtlot 0s the pebaet i4AI ttrporully pertoon the dutltr of oStlct.l;hwrtUOUM be tht tltub tion in tht event tht jurtitt OS the peaot OS Court 1-A should deallnt to ptr’fwm the dutlet OS the jwttce of tht peaat OS Court I-R? )I. . . . * &tit318 2377, Veraon*c Annotated Ttus Civil stat- uttr ) provldt* t %htsmvtr the&t Lt e vaaewy tr tbt jwtlot In any pxtcinof rhtll b elbeent, or umble or unvllling to ptriorm tbtdutlet of hit otliea, the IWtX’8vt jurtltt IO the oounty PUJ ttmpor- arlly pertom the duties of the aSfLee.” Bonoreble Charlet H. Zhtobeld, pt&e 3 Oplnlan lb. 0-37k3 of tkir bportaant holds, 8aoq cthtr thing*, that tfrert ttn be no %sll@t8nt oaunty jutlgt. Ye quote Srom *aId opinion lw Sollovwr “It ir our oplnlon that Artiole 3902, R.C.S., doa@ not the UOunty judge aUthorit to lppoiat a deputy or asrlrtmt to lOt a@ oounty judge dur- 3.q the ptriad OS his abstnot. “It is e Semlllar rub that JudSal*l rutbor- ity aannot be dtltettd. The oSSlot oS oounty Judge ic oreeted by the Comtltutloa, and the mnneF by i?hloh it ir to be tilled 19 p~ovlde6 in that e0mtnt. The dutler eS the oounty udge awquIrt So* thtlr txttution the txertfte 0r udg- mnt and dlcor~tlom. The ptoplt, by e&eat&z@ a oeunty jud,gt,sopore rpoclal eonSldrwe in the won thw eltot- gf doubted whotker tht L6glrlaturt In rueh elmusvt8n~t8~ rry artett th6 0Sffae of deputy er 8sutrt84bt oounty jw and petit the touaty j&u@. to delt$ett tht txm- . Parsnthetta8lly, it 1s rlguiffau~t th8t the oSSlce OS ‘deputy’ or ~artlet.ant* &&go it, 10 fu, et vo een thtdrmlnt, ankacnfn to our mystew or jurimpmdonca. *Vhettvw the maept at the &giwlatlv* paver R&y b6, hoYeVez', VII thbk it Oh88 th8t tbt &U- tharlty to de1qptr the sumire OS judialrl paver, OF thr 8utherlty alreatly sonfemed by the Legielaturt upan the ‘deputy1 to lxermise lt, must be txprett. It l# aat to be l&erred rraa the mm pcrrmirrto~~ EOrppoint dtputior, aa- elstantt, and alerke, Sor the mture OS the au- thority to be utrelrtd by eutb rclbo?dlaattr it not prtearlbed by l8v. In lwh s.n~tenot, it la rather to be a~runud th8t the & rleturt ~@a- templates the dtltgatian to the etputy or emit- tents OS he authority to dirahmgo alalrterial or admlnlrtrettve funt3tlon~ 0S the ~lnuipal OS- rice. *ilo rtauta oratea or daflnw th@ ouuw ur da uto 01 th e0riiw 0f bbguty* OF tlfu- tARt tountg judg e . Par the mm011 stated above, Ye hold th&t AMOle 3902 dOW not 8UtbOlm t& appol~tumat by the county juQo of 8 66pUty or walrt4nt vetted with 4uthWlty to (Let a@ the oounty jud@ Umaeli rrl@ht VlLtb ant- torr lnv01 v1 th nga lwt01 .eo f judg m u lt 4 a a a .%?- oretlcm, or the exeralae of the judiolU par&~,’ Artlals 1011, Vorncm~a haototsd Taxm Code of Calm- la41 PmIaoaduPa,provl~rt '< "80 item of oowtr rhallktued i'w l pur- ptea 1~mb0 a0h V~C not ~r0t9i0a. w SW 8 lenrioo for vhlah no faa f@ eacp~ersly pro*ld& by l&m.” Anrvectng your qqwt1cwu LE 10 our oplnloa undu the act* *tated 4a6 M~lmod! There is no 8wh aSfloe TIC %@8let~t Justlee of tba Pm:;" as Judlelal ruthorlt 0~1 not be &lrgated uld no suah purported %sclrtult* Q&n g e 4ppolatea to 44t rot- tba Justlae of the Peaoo. 2. Thw Jwtioe ol Court 1 “A’ vi11 be matitled to reoeive the toee he luns uhllo teapwully ewvlng la Court 1 "B" uhlah he of oou??l uut lobunt for uxkdu? the peotl- aaat mxlwm 4ad eroe*e teer ct4tutw. 3. Justioe Piperi IWAU not be eatitloa to feea ho dew not WR. For 4bxMplr, Artiole 19~. vemoA'# A¬- 8toaToxw cod. of Crlln%nal PrQMOklro, pcwider oertalntr1al fWS t0 jWtl8e~ for fiAI83.1~dtl$Wit&&Oi WlaiR4l Q8(IW, if th8 jU6tiOe Cd COWC 1 ‘A” 8eO@n4!d 8 b8 Of guilty In 8 rludeab8nOr care la Cvwt I “13’?&.W ‘&I Juatioe of court 1 "A" vould be entitled to the trP8& fee 8& aert8lnZy not the jurtlce of Court 1 %' uho did not ~form u.xy remdoe. 4. bh 8@'wa vltb you thkt Artlolr 2377, V.A.C.8., rupr4, 1e dlreatory 8 eJAtut* et&d 1s not m4ad4tay. %v*ver# lf the Jurtica of Cturt 1 "A" ciealkmd to r&ve ia C-t 1 *B+ lltl~4nta! and peaoe orflcero soul& frlr U&x crivll ElWOr8blo Charlee B.l'hoobUd, w 5 rultc ud arimiml asor in iowt 1 “A” ld It wuld those bo the mamUtory duty of the JwtiQo ol: Court 1 “A” to Urn- pO@e of th6 air11 8nd orfaiu81 litig8tion filed In hia court. FrwtlRg tat thlr t8tld'~tWi~y 4aauor8 your ln- WWY, VI aw
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion