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Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1943-07-02
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Combined Opinion

iionorable Charler a. Theob%ld
County Attorney
Oalreston couaty
Gelvactcm, Teus

              Yaw   rqwst   SW    0                      received tnd concldered by                               The Secta related
by you art brltS1.y et S
                                                       Court? in Prt-
                                                       lnct 0rSioerr of
                                                        Jurtiat        Piperi,
                                                        tttd in tht J#ovtm-
                                               Be Piper1 voluntttrt6   ip
                                                Sram your letter that
                                                vt btse thir opltion up-
                                               em that Jwttce Piper1
                                               1943, ae Jwtloe    OS Court
                                         u&hit     OS Court 1 “A’ ir
                                  dutitr  OS the Jwtlot      of Court
                                  0S Article     2377, V. A. C.-S.    Your
                                 ur   requect)   are   as   follovsr

                     QUt3ltlOn  it Vh8ther the JUstf@s
     OS the         of Court 1-A rbell oontinu4 to per-
     form th8 duties as ustiae     OS the ptaoe OS Couft
     1-B; end, lX %o, vi 1 1 the abrent   justice  OS the
     peace be 8Atltl%d to th8 Seer earned during hlr
     abmenas or will the Sew earned In Court I-B by
     the juetlct  of th8 pesos OS Court 1-A be acoounted
     for by him in hr@ amual report and all ti exce%@
iiomrable          Charlet     8. T‘htoMd,   pose 2

       OS hit k&al oaptnratton    bt oeneidextd txotso
       fees to be prl4 over to the County a* 1s requlr-
       8d OS any osfiaial operattng under the See t;la-
       tea lr required to do~ttaould he htvo exaws
             0. . . .

              ‘T&erefoxe,   Sror the tx@atmtlen     eS the
       @ltuttlon    vhloh 6otUrontt w, will you kindly
       advlte mt IS, ln the event a jwtltt         OS tht peace
       use rt-tltoted     at the ltrt general tleatlan     to
       ha   o illo t le jwtioe   of the peace, uy he ap-
       potnt seatene to ttrvt f* him until he it dir-
       thtrgtd Srcm the mllltary      rtrvlse~ aa& if to,
       hov are the Sets to be dlrpottd        OS, t&et 18: tc+a-
       panration earned 0~ Seer3 and, tn the event he
       h&c luthoxlty to appoint eomtont to aat Sor him,
       is t&era any provirlem ia the l.m by vhioh e
       valid bond oould bt taken to protttt the tounty
       as to uctm Sttt, or rould lt bt maeartirp Sor
       tuQa8ristant,      1S luth o r icto r dbe appointed by
       the jwtlct     OS the ptmt, to girt en lntltmnlty
       bend to the ebatnt jurtlet or the paaas to pro-
       teat hit oSSlola1 band vhen be qualltlta.
                           .. ..

                ‘You vi.11 nett that     Art. 2377, RAM.,         is
           rather ptrmirelve, that      lus that    the nearest
           jwtlot     0s the pebaet i4AI ttrporully     pertoon
           the dutltr    of oStlct.l;hwrtUOUM        be tht tltub
           tion in tht event tht jurtitt         OS the peaot OS
           Court 1-A should deallnt to ptr’fwm the dutlet
           OS the jwttce      of tht peaat OS Court I-R?
                  )I. . . . *

                   &tit318 2377, Veraon*c Annotated Ttus          Civil   stat-
uttr   )    provldt*    t
                  %htsmvtr the&t Lt e vaaewy tr tbt jwtlot
           In any pxtcinof rhtll b elbeent, or umble or
           unvllling  to ptriorm tbtdutlet  of hit otliea,
           the IWtX’8vt jurtltt  IO the oounty PUJ ttmpor-
           arlly pertom the duties of the aSfLee.”
Bonoreble Charlet H. Zhtobeld,                   pt&e 3

           Oplnlan lb. 0-37k3 of tkir bportaant   holds, 8aoq
cthtr thing*, that tfrert ttn be no %sll@t8nt   oaunty jutlgt.
Ye quote Srom *aId opinion lw Sollovwr
                 ir our oplnlon that Artiole    3902, R.C.S.,
        doa@ not             the UOunty judge
                       aUthorit               to  lppoiat
        a deputy or asrlrtmt    to lOt a@ oounty judge dur-
        3.q the ptriad          OS his abstnot.

             “It is e Semlllar rub that JudSal*l rutbor-
        ity aannot be dtltettd. The oSSlot oS oounty
        Judge ic oreeted by the Comtltutloa,    and the
        mnneF by i?hloh it ir to be tilled   19 p~ovlde6
        in that e0mtnt.     The dutler eS the oounty    udge
        awquIrt So* thtlr           txttution   the txertfte 0r  udg-
        mnt     and dlcor~tlom.           The ptoplt, by e&eat&z@ a
        oeunty jud,gt,sopore             rpoclal     eonSldrwe      in    the
                                                           won thw eltot-
                                                 gf doubted whotker
        tht L6glrlaturt           In rueh elmusvt8n~t8~  rry artett
        th6 0Sffae of deputy er 8sutrt84bt oounty jw
        and petit  the touaty j&u@. to delt$ett  tht txm-

               . Parsnthetta8lly,   it 1s rlguiffau~t   th8t
        the oSSlce OS ‘deputy’ or ~artlet.ant*   &&go it,
        10 fu, et vo een thtdrmlnt,   ankacnfn to our mystew
        or    jurimpmdonca.

                *Vhettvw      the maept at the &giwlatlv*                  paver
        R&y b6,       hoYeVez', VII thbk it Oh88  th8t tbt                 &U-
        tharlty to de1qptr the sumire OS judialrl
        paver, OF thr 8utherlty alreatly sonfemed by
        the Legielaturt upan the ‘deputy1 to lxermise
        lt,   must be txprett.            It l# aat to be l&erred
        rraa the mm pcrrmirrto~~
                              EOrppoint                 dtputior, aa-
        elstantt,          and alerke,    Sor the mture OS the au-
        thority       to be utrelrtd        by     eutb   rclbo?dlaattr         it
        not prtearlbed    by l8v.    In lwh s.n~tenot, it la
        rather to be a~runud th8t the &        rleturt    ~@a-
        templates the dtltgatian to the etputy        or emit-
        tents  OS he authority     to dirahmgo    alalrterial
        or admlnlrtrettve    funt3tlon~ 0S the ~lnuipal       OS-
                 *ilo rtauta        oratea   or daflnw   th@   ouuw
         ur da uto            01 th e0riiw    0f bbguty* OF tlfu-
         tARt        tountg     judg e .  Par the mm011 stated above,
         Ye hold  th&t AMOle 3902 dOW not 8UtbOlm          t&
         appol~tumat  by the county juQo of 8 66pUty or
         walrt4nt   vetted with 4uthWlty   to (Let a@ the
         oounty jud@ Umaeli rrl@ht VlLtb      ant-
         torr lnv01 v1 th nga lwt01 .eo f judg m u lt
                                                    4 a a a .%?-
         oretlcm, or the exeralae of the judiolU     par&~,’

        Artlals  1011, Vorncm~a haototsd                 Taxm Code of Calm-
la41 PmIaoaduPa,provl~rt                                                      '<
              "80 item of oowtr rhallktued       i'w l pur-
         ptea    1~mb0   a0h   V~C not ~r0t9i0a.     w SW 8
         lenrioo for vhlah no faa f@ eacp~ersly pro*ld&
         by l&m.”

                 Anrvectng your qqwt1cwu LE 10 our oplnloa undu
the act*         *tated 4a6 M~lmod!

              There is no 8wh aSfloe TIC %@8let~t    Justlee
of tba Pm:;" as Judlelal ruthorlt   0~1 not be &lrgated   uld
no suah purported %sclrtult* Q&n g e 4ppolatea to 44t rot-
tba Justlae of the Peaoo.
          2. Thw Jwtioe   ol Court 1 “A’ vi11 be matitled to
reoeive the toee he luns uhllo teapwully     ewvlng la Court
1 "B" uhlah he of oou??l uut lobunt for uxkdu? the peotl-
aaat mxlwm 4ad eroe*e teer ct4tutw.
                Justioe Piperi IWAU not be eatitloa      to feea
ho dew          not WR.
                      For 4bxMplr, Artiole 19~. vemoA'# A¬-
8toaToxw    cod. of Crlln%nal PrQMOklro, pcwider     oertalntr1al
fWS t0 jWtl8e~ for fiAI83.1~dtl$Wit&&Oi WlaiR4l Q8(IW, if
th8 jU6tiOe  Cd COWC    1 ‘A” 8eO@n4!d 8  b8  Of guilty    In  8
rludeab8nOr care la Cvwt I “13’?&.W ‘&I Juatioe of court
1 "A" vould be entitled to the trP8& fee 8& aert8lnZy not
the jurtlce  of Court 1 %' uho did not ~form      u.xy remdoe.
                 4. bh 8@'wa vltb you thkt Artlolr    2377, V.A.C.8.,
rupr4,      1e   dlreatory
                 8          eJAtut*  et&d 1s not m4ad4tay.    %v*ver#
lf the Jurtica of Cturt 1 "A" ciealkmd to r&ve ia C-t
1 *B+ lltl~4nta!      and peaoe orflcero soul& frlr     U&x crivll
ElWOr8blo   Charlee   B.l'hoobUd,     w     5

rultc ud arimiml asor in iowt 1 “A” ld It wuld those
bo the mamUtory duty of the JwtiQo ol: Court 1 “A” to Urn-
pO@e of th6 air11 8nd orfaiu81 litig8tion filed In hia court.

            FrwtlRg tat thlr        t8tld'~tWi~y   4aauor8 your ln-
WWY,    VI aw