OFFICE OF T’HE A’lTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honozwble Henry c. l$jLe county Attorney HWO county 8ut nertt08, Texa.8 Dmr Jar. Kylet *n 0pinlon or thir dewmment o n th e l h a a b een reaeived from vhfah ve qu ra a&o the Tmteeea Sohool Dirtriot luq teta r io o rn rtudent inth e qwitht IO 60 r0ii0w4t xe the rule or the Boardor Trustees 0r the San litwaos Independent sohool Diatriot sunpending ioF the current sohool year a student vho PprrIea rsaaoxmble and valid? In your letter pu olts the8 spplicable Texnr statute8 and also a nwabar of mm@ deoided by the @ourt@ at this state mwtaining vartoua rular e~tdalirhad by rehool b0tird8r0r ths g0vOnrannt or the rah00l andr0r th0 dit5Oiplitw Bon. mnry 0. KYle - p4P 2 0r th6 student body. Th6en06 0r w0Lm8et al v. Tmatema, et al, 1?2 90. 737, referred to in your 16tteP clearly holds that A rule aatebliahed br e&O31 authOritlea auuh E6 the tie in qwation ia WP4PaOmblS and lnvslld. The oplnSon la by ths supremCourt of #iaalealppi mad vNh It la per- lua a ive, It la, of course, not blndln,g in this state. Our courts hold th8t aohool autimrltlea have a brud 4iooretiort io promulgating nalm ror the goveaa- Httit Or 5UhOOlO Md dlSC$pUJM Or 8tUdOBt5, aI%d it la g0~r- srallj,hold that t& ~lailw and upedleney of a rule eatab- lLa&d +y achaol bonrde ior tha oond\rot of the aahool la entirely wlthln the jumnt and dLacretlon of au& boarda and v1l.l rmt be cpatuvbod by the court8 unl6aa it clearly appear5 th8t th6 pule la rrbltrary and ttttrassonabl6. St vi11 be Obaermd th8t U&P Artlaln 2904, R. C. S., that th6 authority 0r th0 raboo~.bcmrd to suspend a ltudttntrr0t5 the privilegse0r the roheolfpr the aumea lahoolycr la llaltedto lneorz4.giblh eonduct on the part ‘ar the student. , xt i5 thought th0t th6 0plni0tt 0r the tt0tm In the aa*e 0raaeob, IIaplu,l8 eOundafid cthosa$dcontrol our anaverto your qwation. TherOrom,. VQ thak that pw quartian ahourd be, and It Is, sarrsmd la the negative. r&r5 V6ry mtly ATTQRREY(3mIEluL GP rExA F-- d4-r’ BY * B. 2. Price Ra6s6tant EPP”BT AEPROBEDDEC 3, 1942
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion