OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I ci AUSTIN Honorable I. L. chandl,er county maitor Montague County Montague, Texas Dear Sir: Your request for oplnf rule ooneiaerea by this dspar E from your re- qusat as r0ima: title to rsoeive stlce Couxt. this The case dioh I The sherlrr a two case8 aga mm paid our dollars eaoh.,- that has beeCcol- r a numbsr or years. OaQes, to be taxed against the deima- ant on conviotlon: "1. For exeouting aahh vtrarrantOr arre6t or oaplas, or i-king arrest wft.houtwarrant, two dol- lars." Honorable I. L. ohandlor - Page 8. t I I In answer to your t3p60iri0 question we reepeotiullp advise that it 18 our opinion that 8hsrirrrr and oonstablse am 0ntitha to a ree 0r $2.00 ror each 18 arrert Ma0 in mir- asmsanor oaaea. (Thlm or oourse inoTP u BI legal arrsate made In Justioa Court orlmlnal oaesa.) In this oonneotion we are enoloelng herewith a oopy of Opinion No. 0-ll00 of this de- partmat rhioh may be helpful in various raot situations v&ioh you may hare b&ore you. to& very truly k.TTOFBGtYGEli- OF TEXAS