kionorablr 6. 3. smibh
county Atborwy
Braor Coarrty
hlw.11, Tercrr
striets in the County an 6
monb;l~ A. 0. -1th. Fa#w 2
to pay the County en emus1 dalay rantal of;
fifty awts per ear%. Th8 lra8ra has nct,as
yet, arllled ror cfl PE gee and has not ranxo*ad
from tba hAa any oil, g88 or any Other mihar-
Al8 8Ad IMy nw8r 8#&80. UAdar Arliiala2825
Civil St&tukr ot 3%%8a, the ComiraioUar8 pxut
D~pO868 to apprOpri6t4 the MAAd fifty OUbt8
Par'&Qra tG the &AAtr Available md AS iA
*First’ 8bo~~.
-a-t1018 2825. amwslder oth&r rohool
tine8 prorld8a by la*, ttN praorrd8 OS any
luri4 or rant14 of &n&a, heretotore arsntrd
by tha State ~of T-68 tc tJu Aa+.ral eoAntia8
thorrot for rduo8tlonal pur 808, ahall br
lp p r o p r i%tr
by thCa
” oourts of
raid oooatl88 IA tbr mu m&Ma- a8 I# IWO-
,ridad by hr for the App~pri8ttOA Of th6 iA-
~b6n.t ol, bond8 prrr&h&r&d With Oh& p-&&&88
of the aalr of rmob leadat &Ad tbo pl’O880d8
arising from Oh8 ralr of timE8r OA said 1~~48,
or aat part tbreot rhnll
In lik8 be hwaekb
PUAA9f &I tbr ~lUt<iOlB 8Ad l8V1nQtlit88
of tE& pr0oaed8 at the Nk8 of 8AOh laid88
and %trball a unlnfpl - - - 8tO.'
*IA&~WAUO~ 88 A0 g&a, 011 OT 8AJ othrr &I-
An18 h%r% been removed from the laAde,. the buA-
ty 8till ha8 all it bad brtora ths leer& a&ma-
aant book dfwt, 6~6 th&~iorr ir eat 8tmila.r
to the *s&la OS troo8* ia the law.
*Ti.iIFG?Tha laarr &@'&&A&At unaar 's&&oab'
abore elm prorldre the rtandard l/6 reral~y OLI
all b,e8, oil and miA&r&l8 raaO+&d fzO?Jtho8r
l%Ad8. If aA4 Wh4LR t&O h888~ prOdUOe8 a$, 011
8114 ether8minanlrr sad p8ya the teuaty t~,tAroj-
alQ, th* Coamlrsionere court ~l-0pa&%8 to appra-
priatr euoh roytiltialr tc tha fk?uAty FeWWlt
HonW%bla A. D. With, p&8& 3
First, w approve th& proesdurs outllaed In your
fir8t qU%%ticA. Arti 2825, H. tl. 1925, ~XD~8881$' autb-
orlzss the county to approprlatc the procsals cr d graaing
1&&S& '@inth% Sam& PUnMr a8 i8 pZQTi&Sd by l&W iAr tba &p-
FM$Wi&tiOA Of the intOl'@StOA bond8 pUTOh686d rdth th&
MO6868 Of the 8610 Of SUOb 181166” OAd ktiOl& 7, hOtiOA
B o? th% T&xar &mAtItatloA proridrs that Weld 18~40, and
th@ prCO~~d8 thS~Of, Whb~ tIOi& Oh&l1 b% held by said AAUA-
tl.8 alone a8 a b&St for the bon&fib Of pub110 SOhOOl8
thSr&lA; s&Id ~M08ad8 to be 1~~88b&d iA bOBdo Of the UAitSd
Stat&s, tbr St&t8 or lkraa, or sountlrs IA raid ::tata,or in
au&h other 88OUrijii88, &Ad UAt!ar Suoh 2W8triOtiAA8 88 My ba
prasorib%d by law: &Ad thr oountias ah811 b& r88poA8ibl~ ~fOr
811 iA*r8bA8AtA; 6&d iAt8rASt tharaon, &Ad othrr CStaAUl,
lXO8Ft th& DriAOipSl shall br 8T8ilSblS fUAd.’
%OOAd, W Dt88U88 that th8 OOUAtf fOl~0W.d &'-
tiala 54GGa, VarAon*a rhnotakd Clrll Stcrtutes,In ~kily:
the al&are1 l~&888r We cm or the OPIAIOA that thr a4rlay
rank@ under ths ralairat16680 rhm1d &o iAt bh& prnu-
ASAt dbOO1 fUIl8aEd AOt tb8 ltallabla fAAd. TbtS 18 MO-
l88ar~~'~bac8u8aof the A8tArr of a riaar&l 10&88. "By ths
great walaht'arrd ujoritl cf th8 d001810~8 of Taxer 0ourt8,
th& ordinary r0m.0r 011 and gas l&a*& ia not a ~18680~~8t
&ll$ 011tha 6OAtrSry, it IS a OoAt6~aAO8 Of 8A int&nSt 1A
land and, as &U&b, oparrtar to Awsr tbr mInar&l a&tat&
from tha 8urfaOa." 31 Tax&a Jarl8prub&ao& 5'?k576, Saotlon
39. The instant on 011 end gas ~&a8c).Is&x&Cut&d 6&d 6a-
iiT8XVd th& 16888~ boaom68 th& OMl&r Of tih05iAW618 iA
pl&Oe &Ad 8ubjeUt $0 be taxrd #&r&fAr . ~t8phan8 WUnty
t. Xld-Kemsas Gil ,snd06% timp&Ay, 113 T&x&S 160, 254, Q.
A'. 290. Tha %CIIUII~ or ars&ta18w Whloh, th& f88880 pays aro
88 auah a part of ths ~MOSadS Or th8 Ml& 68 th8 'rOf<f'
SAd uador Article 7, 8IOtlOA 6 Of tha ‘f&X68C?QAStitUtiO~,
thr @AtiT% eo&&id&r&tio& ior the 8618 %AA%titUt88 A tX’U8t
fOr the boASfit Of public 80&0018 %A8 AU& bs Ql&%%d iA
th& county prraaneat school fund. Th&i&&n VII. Hobiaon 117
~oxae 489, 8 6. vi. (zd) 646.
Eonarebla A. C. SmltD, page 4