Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Bonombl. B. 8. Cartar, Page 2 0-49Q5 bythe CamtJJudgeto the RnantyQark,mditthe qplioatioas arm filed dire& with the COUB+~ Clerk auoh filing should be . reasonable the kfore said kllotm lm to ba printed. ATTORUBY QBURRAL OF TRXAS By 8/ As. H. Bassett Jan. ll.Bmmtt Amiatant JSBmp1wo APPFXWBD OCT. 14, 1942 s/'Growr Sailers "'. PI2STASSISTAliTATMRSEYO- -. APPSljVSDOPISIOlI COBWTl'lZ BY SW2 CHAIByaB