OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorablr George Ii. Sheppard canptroller of Publle boaount8 Austin, Toxa8 oonflnod to that quwJt%o& Arbiol. XVI, 300t1on 66, Con8tltutlon of Tams, pro- hlbib8 tha aooouxbtlla6Offl8OP8 of ttctll stat0 from drawing or paying a warrant upon th4 Tr4arury ia “favw of w prrscnr ior salary or ocnupsn6atlon98 an peent, otflaar “fL;ph~ix$O wha hold6 at the 08m4 time &uy oth4r offioo w pa . honor, trust or profit under this StGe or t;he lhrited State6 . . . . I Bnphamllir mipplhd). trndw Artiala 44lS (80 tbi *ot tat a vetsran reoeLv*r husQ fraa tha state w Pod wd Qevwment, a8 provided ln $2~