From your letter we quote the follow-
Regular Seeeion
rthor that it shall
, alhoot,or kill any
at a nytimb lxospt
taking came, whioh
OQ RoPtunber16 to Jan-
it ehall be unlawful
also pmrlQes that It shall be
OOBB Sor thwpurpooe ot barter or
sale, or to sell or offer for sale, any oollamd
peooary or Javellnn or any part of the aamoe
wSeotlon la of-this statute prorlQes that
It shall bs lawful to take, OBPtUCO, shoot, QT
kill oollarad peooary or latollna in the Countis8
of Webb, Starr and Zapata at am time.
. . .
&am, Fi8h & Oyster Commieelon,Page 2
lPleaee adrise ue at your earliest oonYen-
e or not ~Wre than two collar&l
pecoary or jarelinasmay be killed and po&eeeeQ
in Webb Starr and Zapata oountios at any timei* -
(Emphasis oura)
The legislation referred to in your letter has been
nted *:aVernon*8 Annotated Penal Code, as Articles @9g-2,
794x-a 4nQ 879i3.-3.The amsndatory aot areated a new eeotion
and in effeot withdrew the proteotlon of the law as to ool-
lared pe&ary or javelina in Web\, Starr e.nQZapata Countlee,
wlth'ths important exoeptlon that such game must not be sold, .
bartered, taken OCRpossessed ror the purpose or sale wlthlq
such oounties~. ma quota:
*Art. 879g-2a. Provided howeyer, that it
shall be lawful to take, capture, shoot, or kill
Collared Peooary or Javelina In the oounties of
Webb, Starr, snd Zap&a, Texas, at any time and
an open 8eaeon gor Collared~Peooaryor Stdina
in suoh counttee is hereby Qeolered. PmvlQed
further, that It shall be unlmful in suoh coun-
ties to have or take my Collsred Pecoary or
Javelina, or any part of the same, in possession
for the purpose of barter or sale, or to sell or
to ofrer for sale any Collared Peooary or Jave-
llna, or any part of same, and any per&n ~l.0,
lating the provlslons of thi6 b4t ohall be guilty
of a EiSdem8MOr and upon oooviotion ehall be
fined in a sum'ot not leas than Ten Dcllars
($lOI.normore than Flrty.Dollars ($501, and
eaoh CollareQ Peooary or Javelina, or part there-
of, taken or poseerseQ or offered for eale or
posesseed for the urpose of sale or sold, In
violation0r thfs ic t shall const1tute a separate
It is our opinion that the bag limit prescribed l.u
the original aot does not apply to Webb, Starr and Zapata
Counties but that any number of oollared peooary or javelinam
my be killed and poese6seQ in aroh oolltltie8.80 long a8 none
ari cold, bartered; offered for eale or possimeed for the
parpoeo of sal* or krter6
Tours very truly
ATl’OOqgPGmEzhL OF T&S -,._