Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTtN 3itmor8bleQb6rl68H. Theohfd Gounty Attwne Q6lve*tonooun F y Qalverton,Few _i- xt~ingol~iroaths~~*~emddseirianr, as MU se froa othera that might ba alted, that Gangerr haa tb power to wnwol natur~tion fees, aad it hsviag vid#i tb& in war t&m tba Matciot Glork rhould not 401 p"" ect owteln fwr,,ve hold tbe D;Lmtrlot 01-k hu the rygb to -PO the 45lleotion~oi all euoh etetutmy feea, aWoe PO psrt of’euoh feea vo+ltl be pay&b18to tlw State;ud tble WithOUt l'4~&tOVh4thtlllO~AOtt.b 5QldBUiaasbe’ 454Pt shouldpeas au order authorieing0~14 Clerk to r*ive the aol- 1eotUn 0r euab r-8. Jbreorer, the Glork W-no &&xl pl&ht to aollwt lwh foes dlping var tlw uiado~ %ha ltrti¶tee here- lasbom quoted. : Jmtdb