OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I a t0 'theDrCpOr6OIiOtN6ti6n Or .%6X e~ea t%66 lt~tatoain the earn6oi Glty ~.Xballaat. Caohran,Pair. ADD.)166 5.W. 32,&6~66 L+IJ Mtdi *ft ti'themlvataklml0 applloctblr bo a~&t~Ser -UWD~iRJJ‘ptOD*tft ilOa htit%W thOir‘WhM M. UWD- Uw la fouud to ulot lb ohall mt bw enlargsb by 6oMt8u0t1aa. og tha 6QaQtwf, it.ougm to tr8rlvo I strlotootittuuWai~:fw Wm taaaoaablapromu 0%~ b What th a ltato h u $ruztbd io oxproa~ %6x 38ak .intaudrb to grant at all, rod Oha unlua the 1VllW lalimltedto therem tww of a0 atatutr,tr4 rw0t wuld br utdndvl boroa-4 whet -8 aeath' IiCoolayM Taxauca (3d a*) p* 3570 Yhla tulo &alnl# Ma& Oh68 the mtatuto mart 86 ?mk~r lfOaaU$, of, ir the 8wsttU6- uwot $he iawbodl~obtitfl, that thadoabO~tc8lbar* rdvad in t~vw of tha hxlng pow6t axulbaalambthe 2 suthwlud, &%a%.Caa. 26 W.) 8 539; ~;%%tdR t. Uaweko;68 To& 698, f S.W.519.w :, .~.. i’ - . ..
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion