..-.. 4 -...:..-a OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ’ I ml.al;ttl~ foreign firq utl marlno 6cmplniu. 80 f8r u e allow, thr ally prov1rlaM dealins a- proraly with Rail ludnnoo are aontelud in ati- olu 44391 ilut pamgraph), 49tm‘ eau rooaA# au la QhaptwlO md inthomt mBa801 (3.n oonnoo- u-z& with latoaobilo oovrl*Eo) in &tlolo 4910, In c&Dtm ll4 ml uuo luo ntr t8ll~ to b ea 6ootion 1% urine ln8umn.a a6r al80 ba writtan by Chaptrr 16 euualt~ empanlu unhr &tlrlo 4989, rnbulll8loa ll. 0arpt.r 18 itmlf$ houotor, llkarloe OoataUm no:provi8io~ uprrrrly and mf- firmtlral~ author&An8 t& ldmirslon OS toreign aammltf otmpanleri Ro other rtewtory provl8loa, .60 far a8 n know, authorire ue to rUmlt either o r th ir osa p uiu, u.m68r r tio ie4 u86d0u l0* *Ohaptwll oantalae Artialu 4968 ub449es, uqlah ree~b%fnllf requlrs either pwfomanoe Wadr or,ueorit~ &porlfr b7 ktialr 4088 'a.vrry fin lnruranre mt orhnlno4 tlnuor the . . : . 1.. , i . ..J i Hanorabl% 0. P. mokhert, Chsf mm, F%u%3 “11. TQ writ0 marine lnsuranua ln ~hl%h My .be iaolu6%8 ths hazards aud p%ril% inoldonb to ueri *12* TO innurs ugalnat %ny other oarualty or iasusanao riukm %p%olflsd in the’ lr tio lo s of ieoorporatlon rhi%h m%ybe lawfully mad% th% aubajeet of 5nsaranor ami the fvractlon of s ! oorporcrticar for lmuing l3a lnr uhioh t 18 not I oth%mlso proviilod for bf thin law, sxo%pb~ fir* awl llfr 1n%lua00%.” hrtlola 4682 oi’ %d.d ot%tut%%, ixabdirl%ioa 20 provia that the Bomd Of Insumnoe aolami%slmer% %h% Ii aclblt into this 8t6tle %ubual ln%ur@nO% ooa&un1.% 0rglMlsed under thr 1~9% of other rtrte% and who IWTOTVQ cuncr& mo U%M d l?o ll%r oin a r %a tsin lxae%t3 or lAkbilltis% %agagOd ln oyolono, tosnulo, hall end %tomi ln%ux%nO%. Artlole 4505% of %&id 8t%tut%n provides that the:wrlt~ng of ~&II+ an& ill aattero pmtaini~ to suoh in8unknee goYcrn.6 8~16 oor.troll%d by tb6 ps6ti6fona o.f*&%$l,876 to i&01, Lnolu%lvo, and are0 xrtlole% k903 to 4905 ln- Oh%l?%, Of Mid tar.c!3 krclul* 4su0, Of %ald datms, provi&%r that enry In sIMnO8 ooapUiy thenln ntud nou haldim. oertlfioate or authoritq to trenauot bue&mr la this Eltrto, shall be deemed to i#mr %Ooe~ted suoh eorti- f:%ate and to trausaot busln%%% themunder, npon ooadltlona that it oonmmtr to the tonus and otirions 0r thir cbptas u~d that lt aarm%%to fransaof bus pr1193%ln thie 3tat8, %&- Jeot thereto, nhoth%r %u%haompany is orq,%nlerd undrr the law% oi tl-A;ie Dtate or und%r the lawo of any other steto, territory or poss%s%lon 0S tho Vnltod States, or foreign country, or by authority of the !?%beral C~OtantwMh Th%r% Is also lncl.nUaU in said mtlolo the rhom end of akl marina rlakks insured ap,ainet loss bp rim ; Artiole bRO1 or stid statute authorizes the Coml%lrioa td rrquin &woTp ItPIe- manta f.roa nn$ imnmanoa ampany affeoted bj thla law, ard raid Oamahd.on 18 autlimiaul to ridt t-ha offloo, whether 68XUBX’l3l, loml or OthOIWi%Oo of any lnsunmoa %aWaW a%.W burinwa in this State, .26 the horse Offis* Of mid W outaid% or th;% stat%, Artlole 4902 0: aald statute trovid%% that the Bats of Texas, %haU hmo%a a oertain tax againat hei1 inf3u2f.m prsliume or all oomania% 6oioo % bnll ia- ausanoa businoar in thir Sate. .~tiolo 4903 provlaos that oert*b ompanlea lnoorporatwl wler the law of this S*w shill not be ;tlbJrot to the ~Z’~ri%iOti% Of tbi% L%w* , Hoaoxmble 0. Y. Lookhert, Chaise PWO b . Honombla C. r. Lookhart, Chrlman, Iar,e 5 ruoh aompsny had in 011 rowjmotn oooplled with the lmrr in rolatlon to lnrursnas. Artiale 5036 %s am followo~ Vorporatloa8 mar bc iacorporatad ua6ar Oh4 law* Of tblo stito to any en. or more tnaooot kind0 Of inoaroaoc buoinoso otbrr tlhn ll?e, rlra, marina, itiana, lightniog or tamed0 ~ZLSU~O~~C baolnroo in tha 8~8 aosmor, and by ooapl~lq rlth the I&M nquln8oatr l8 rroorlboa br.lar ?or the incorp.ro~i.. o? ii?. 'p no.rono. o..ponloo. Xo r u o ch+a p clhell a y bc larorporotod bar5.ng the powrr to do a iI4olltr oad lamty bacltnaor or a llobll- lty burlmsr with 8 paid up oapltal 8tOOk o? 1008 thon tuo hondnd Zhaaoo~d 40llarr.~ . mi0h 5059 or th0 XAY~OC~ ci~u 8tatlta0 ia a0 rollowor -lkrorc 4 04rtiriut~ or ii04a0~ to any fin, Slr aa nd no r ir u r or lno tornado, , rcat, looldatt, o.o..ltr, ll.I&; bo.lth .l.votor, tlioobility, Plato glooo, bw@o~, budfal title lanty or rhtdity i~~urm oorpuy I8 ~8suOd:utfhriLing lt to trewaat buolurm in thlr 8tata, thr Coa- 0lsoloncr rhell rrquln in ovary 0.88, In l44ition to tha othor rrtpinrnta rlrootly aa oad pro-’ riaotl by t&a low, that roah lwih i.nooronao mapany o&U ?ila dth hi8 an a??ldorib tbot It ho8 not Yiolatcd cny proe8Ion or ttlio la.' ~adcr ~rtirla 5061 $a ahairw~nor the Board o? xn- o ur a noOo wio sIo no rI8 s la tla o r lu4 endit lo o r 4 4h isduty t0 l-m at 'thaha 0rfltt0, i000tca tith;~ tk utitra skk~ or kdea, all bode& r~oor48, lto., or lCIOII oorporu. Uaaar the above rtatutoo, tbam 10 no qU6OtiOa bat thot tba 18~0 o? Tour ld&orlsr thr rritlpg of fin, acrlno on4 hail Iaoaran~. i?h il@th0l-C 18 110 lp CCifiO p x wla lo n l tc how l ?ml@n wrino lnowonoo 0-P-J or l ronlgr lull lnmnaeo maQey, m)’ HOG l lwt i* fimto a? oathorltf to writa 8eoh b~aro~~o in Tour, it lo our oplnlon that tho abwa rotorrob to ltokrtio, br ~SMXJS~ irpl.i04tlon, lutborin4 *ho pontiafi of 8u0h aerti- float8 a? lathorttr, I? and m&on tho'BO4rd Of &lBLUWlOC Cami~~i0f10r8 lh c il b ercti8flrd th8t rush lwur*noo anrrior hao &a all nopoto tally aoapliod dth thr low, .a ptuvldad by Artlola (666. 4’ EonorrbleO.P.LOokhuk,ab*IlnNaI, Pa&* 6 , , .. . Eoaonblo 0. P. Loakbart, obltlwur, Page d , lionorabla 0. P. Lockhmt, Ohairman, W&e 9 . Honorable0. 7. Lookh8rt. Chalramn, Page lo fOT l 8O~ifl8atO Of 8UthOtit~ tO'tl'&iOt-+j kind Of ia8Uw@8 10 tbi8 8t8t4, 8&11, boron obtmlnlxu 8aoh nrtiflorta. fllr with tha Coa- dUiOn8r l bond, with &OO~ 8nd Wffloiwt 8llnty or 8arotla8, . . .* (Unaor8ooring our8) ~OUC~~U& Of ?80%8 8hOW.th8t88Oh Of 8Wh oomp8nir8 about whhh inquiry ia rada a8 to your powr to 188W OWtltlUt@8 Of 8athOrlty t0 tkUm lr. E@d@ N-8 tlr8 lnourunw rmpmniar. thUd~0 W hOId tht 8dd ArtiOl88 4925~8~4 4926 Of the BaYhOd oilfi 8tUtUk8 Of 'h-8 8L1 app1188U8 t0 l8Oh Of 8@1d 08mm.8. ti Oe lXO~ptiOn rl BOt8 ia th4 F8qUirOwllt8 Of r&id 8t8tUt88 18 th8 &8t 8dW~ in Atilala A926, a1Oh H8d8 88 fob 1OMX -18 tit018 8h811 IlOt UPPlY- to WY PU- 80a tinOr lotpoTUtiCJil, OT 888O@idti, aOw t8CI wane., oo-op8ntln or nolproal 8&k.88.r
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion