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mall t mad.8
Ronoxeble Charles E. Baughma, page 2
that attar Bond for torm WidilkgAia&st 2otli,
obtain’8a9 a rerult of en agremat or doal,
of a olelm ther8uador Is not 8tutejd uatll
after August ZOthi and a settlammt of tlm olalm ln made,
WOUIUtint reduce the liability of the Bonding Ccnpans 00
tie haul provided ior through the atteohiq of a cntlfloate
OaPrpingthe ~~ooisionaset out herein.
*In tins would the Deprbaont be justified in aoaept-
&.tg th8 aortifiCati8bearing kkHh’13hit6tiO~ 8tated hOr8in.T
The legisletlonwith rbieh we are primarily concerned
in answering the various questions pro ouudsd lo Houeo BQl X0&99,
Aotn of tl18 45th Le~alature (Artlolaiifib, Varnoa*r Civil 8tr
ttIbW), ~OU88Btil EO. 557, A028 Of bbs 45th L@titUrO (Artitie
1287.1, Vernon's Civil Statuteu), tid timate bill So. 24, Aok
of the 45th Legielattzzs, 18t 0.6. (Article 1287-2, Vemon*e C1~i.l
Statutes). *
On aooqoat of the llea@ihof the Aetazre~ahall sot bat
me out in tall, ,batshall attempt to &to the substanao thereof
a8 la prtln&xt to themattersla qaeotlon heso.‘
Art1018 II& prcrriaea @Lat 0110*hall not be a &ii3.#
ia sittru fruits qnless .hsapplies to the Oaamlsaiamr of'AgL\ibul-
tas for license a@ moh,~reoalvrs mmh Ueenm, a&¶ film llaQ
.lmr approved a'five Thowend Dollar bond roqulred by the A&'
ibis bond, ooodltione%an rsqulred by law, guaranteea the payment
by the dealer of fruft puTohaeed QIIor&t, t?ndekrthe Berma ot'
tha lew aad th8 bond anyone deelfng 'wltbsuoh'Ueeune% dealer
my maintain aotion on snme~. Article1287-l oonta5.maub&aw
tlally the sama prorlalo~~s, k8 ertlawit to sattera~hrse~lnmlveAt
emsept t&t said ertlcls 26 lpp!Soable to U+lore In vqpt8blu.
titicla 1287-2 prwldss t&u anp,perma who oomes withlg w of
the olaaaUloatlons set out in both iirtldle lleb and AHl6l.a
lionarableCharles P. Rsu@man, page 3
faithfulportonnanoe under both Of said Aata shall be '!
liabls ror only one lioe~e fee or !nVoIIty-iit8 ($25.00).’
Dollars, and his llaense ahall raflsat as tact that
he ie lloenasd thereby to handle both oltrua frutts and
After oarcrfulexamination of the oartlflasteaa quott@
in your lettar,we mmatxue the language to mean that thr algi,nal
bond and the renewal thereor ahall be oonsldored as one oontiausd
obligationunder whlah the bondfag aompany Is liablefor %sfa~l.oa-
tione.ocourbingdurin& the tam of tie bond and the renswal period
onl$ up to ths limit of tho Uablllty set forth in the lea6 of the
bond, and that the liability of t&hebonbisg aolapany
shall ti&tbe
in adUltion to the orlg$nal bcpnd. In othm woTd8, th8 aggre@&te
af :liablllt~eawkicihtight obtain uadtpr&ha bond axpirw'wudt 20,
19l,2,.an%thp axtsnda% bond &plrlag August 20, 1913, oannoa.qaead
Ths obrioas aifieotof tha provision in the renewal
o&$lfloata, wari It taXId, would be~$o lIu&t the llabillty of
bonding uoqmny to an 9xtmt not ruthorlaad~bptho atatutaa.
statute6p6rt$.uen~ to this quea+Wn apwl~mlly state bhat
;%&I lla~~o,Isau8~ Ir~aooprdawe wlth their pre'+Idau ahallA8~
In foraa and W.eat for a" arlod's~ onb am yaar,~('krtlala llSb,
Ssetlon 6 and ScMlon l!t;irbIoX,s12874, metion L) And llka-
d88, .ilI the OQidOn Of tbia ~8~rbMUlt, the89 8t8tUtW OC<=-
Blat8 that 8 band tif.$5,@0.008haU be In affoot durl.nlt tha
afreatlva srlod of $he llaimaa au Iaaitied, and not 6 bond whIah .
may be bl& sued dth Uabllltlaa arlaing wda a prior pnrlod.
Wader the wording of the catantlon~aartIfloatehere uudst oou-
aIdsratIOn If llablllty obttilaodtmdar th8 band ln en anmat
of #g,OOO.bO ths rirst year 'andnot diaooraed until the aso~d
y&r, thul,thqughthe dealer hd pa+3 tihs preaitlsior the mooad
year* hia or8dlbwa wauld hats ao priitootion for the SaOCnU year
under the bond far tha raaaaqthat the penalty of the band would
be eOi8plot8~ exbsiuated by,SIabllItiirarIsIng under the band for
the fIrat year. 31 such a&se t&* l&nd pear prcsmiunwould be
l;ab&the dealer ior JW pob~&bI6rta&atw8r to those nich whm
ifi Public latereat, ap'wall be tha atotutoo thssnualraas
aec3wsaw~y da&&d 8 bond fre$l .br a,? 8U6h llmi$ati?na.
are obher &aaoa$, we think, * the eertlfloate
bearlngtlm attemptad ll&atIon ~ahm0.dnot be aaseptad. A ftmUa-
men&l rule'to bs appltlsd~Zn~detemal&Iag the,ralldAtyof prwIalaa8
oi statutorybond8 as the bond herb Qader oowIdsratIon le to
.asoortaInthe prorfalana artthe ~t~$upfrox statutes prereorlbIn$
the oolldftlona of thsbor$. Xi the atstute or statatea Uo not
psrmit the llmitatfonaaq@ht to be ;asdsa part of the b+d, thea
Hoaorabla CharlwE.Baa@hawx, pass 4
. nwh 1ImItatIoaala,are not authorltedare mid. The uamo or
Globe IpdaanIty4ampaay v. Barnsr, 288 8.W. 121, use on. In
the plaintiff 8ought to hold a surety upoi,a publio
aontraotm*s statutorybond liable for the ,porabaeeprloa of
ftWSIlQhQ&th@ aontraetaa: v&m-ithe obligatloaeof the
band ekpeaifiot&ll~ QXQII&VtQdtha rtrret~fro= suoh liablllt~.
The ComIssIon of Appealu held in that sass tbat It was m#aI-
isat that the bond was lntardml as a caapllanoedth the #&atute
and that the obligatlonal@osed by the statute would be read
into th4 bond. a that 4~0, fod#?3Otti9spQ0r, 6p4&1& rOr
the fksc&sfC%, s&St
"'Farminor purpose to lfplitthat llabllrty Irk
to t&e major purpose to ossout~ the bud
60 a8 to 4nab.l.Q
the eontraotor to prooOe6. Tha attamhd
UmItatlon 1s In riolatloa or the statute. and tharerore
void. 'rheatatutewill be road Into the bond aa thou@&
'itsterms had been striatlp oomgliedw~C]S.~[aqpheplaours)
Slmo It Ia.our opiulon that tha attwsptedUmitatIon
in the eXt6miW OU&‘tifl~Wt4 here under Oadde?StiOn is l%O%
aathorlzsdor pel¶&tQd by rtatiute it 3.6the rwth4r OpIaIon
or this dspartmmt that srras~la 10 td, and ror the89 rea8eru
~ thQ 0awls~1elwr or Agrlaultur*rou.l¬ be $l*tIfi@8In
Yours vary truly
&%RliBY GmRAL OF '&KM3
h?TItWB)~AaC 10, 1942
GZ?ALD c. l,rnmJ