219 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN r t l p o a n th t th ewbWOaboubr c f the quadian :i not pnron ty p knowa. (1) Do ~1) hsto anr au~Aetlt uuCor the law wttti0.29a by tbr mrd at CoAtr0 iI t0 whhaia ptyzants in ttie Quo poAalng Batl6raotory ad- juatl!snt ef tbr olda Qmb*ntsa by the Cwt.0 8WDiw t6 th0 @lUdi4A? 1, cetlrato %oatioa whittrd tc Ftat9 hoar- plt*Za an4 6tato p~yolte~tblo hoepita shall br of two *lamw, to witt 221 “300. 8, taarr th patlml@ bar I)6 ,uff:- oialt otteta of hlr, m, he 6hall 80 nl6tafIle4 at tha oxpmM1 *Of the trthrr or mother of mob porre~~ Fi rblo to do lo* lfJ*oa e .‘me M a tel%o a Td o r control lo a u- thtwhed to domad rtaa oeaauot intortimlon ti t& o Oo unf? to dc to r lsinn o o ur t wh e th eorr net l pafient 18 cwwcrad of or eatltled to property an4/oT who&a r ur Aot 6ceLaother QeMon lr logal- 18 llrblo for hi6 RlpFO+t, malatc&aaal, a&I tress- ln4 to a ra t ef thcmier, unl to Isa*0 oitntlaa isew@ an4 w Ptnarsst rtmmnad to be heard on rid lam8tlg4floa~ Too. 4. 36 State Fiwrd of Control, aireot- 1Y QT tkl'O&?.h Ul 66tkOl-itO~ lmAt O? 6g*nt0, w asko oentnste iixl&x tk ptiioo tot tha rupgport, sw~ntmanao au4 treatma% of patloatn la say Ctate &W&l or p+pEopattblo hoepita of a lm act to araw the ee6t of oma or for mob nrt thoreol on mwh re~peotlro patlona hlr. r*l*tltw or guwxliaa oi h!r meteto mny 8a id10 to an4 yrW to W, @Ad blatl~ th8 pC?war ~]rls(l 6t#h owW6etr to pfiymmt thot9w4*rr 223 ,,i