ar talsgru *anther ttm
0488tltuto a 8810 af real
f OOtarO~*tzkirvould b8
tv4oa conv4yanoeea8 ron8titut1e&
ff the osnv4yan44 o r la leof the tpatalmad oallohs
aonatitute4 4 sele ef r-1 property Art10101677 ‘Oaraoa*~
&motot4& Tbu8 Civil Statutro, *odd 01~x1~ &,y. 'Phi@
fhttialsrmaar a8 foliovri
We odminh~~~~ sourt may, by an ordu
to ba 08 itm,
latqed appoint 8 oea&a-
8loner t4 i.kll an5 di8po484 of any r-1 ast8te
SC the countyat pobllo au0tioa. ?'badead of
ouch oowti~~ioaer,made in 0wforro:tyto root
order for tad in babrrlfof the eeunty, duly ao-
knoulodged una prorcn and maorded lMU tte~&IS-
riolent ta ooaro~ to the pucaheoerr nil ths right,
t1t1. antIlat4met mnd ~ar&o vJ:i& the COQnty
Isy bavu le rad ta t&s pr4mlOu tcrbe oanvey4A.
mthifag eonkili4d la taio wt~ol4 lb?ml~authoriw
onj oodwioasr 0c1ua-t tc dlmpoue of any landa
&van, doqatdf Or grant* to mob 4oun$y for thq
pwpos* of rduoetlw in any nt@u maooar than
obr1 bo Alrat.& by lev.”
I, point4 mat %R tha oaoe of 3duardr v. L&boa
CoUatyr.$8 S. il. (ZA) *Be, tbue 1s a o lktutory provirlon
dtrsoting the mdhoA, m4~41 QT 14 th of the that rrl 4#-
l 15W, t. A. T. C. 8.,
t&e a ? th a oountysolA UBAU Ar ttoIbe
8wt br aAmrtfu+d baforn it, uf b4 mlA et @MO mutim.
*a quote from tbo oonrt'*opiaJoala&aid (l&a*la follw8r
Vhla lend rse BOG rohool haA. Ye flad
ao statutow prevrrlricndlmtiag the nethod,
aaww orl4n&b of tEl*4that@Uob rul48t8k
8wt ba advutleed Mfotr it ry k, m&A at
pub110 auetioa. Tbo barn ‘rAv~~tioomaal* t8
l~noaymma with notloo u34 ir a my118 or aet)aoA
ot attnotlng pub116 etteattoa. The obJ.ot ol
ta mlktute &P ~rovldiagth **la rt psbllo
4mi05.i4 tt2 844~~0 t0 the 60tlOt7 4 rdr mtrioa
Tor B&a progetty. . . lm
w~~blia 4uotioaP UA n ublio ~144" at4 4yaonymow.
SCM IO re lPavbroagh,St6 II..%.ESJ:, 835.
A 4slo to ba a w@bllo 4ale* r;*utba 5rhldla 4 pub-
lic phoe, a pl.404to uhioh t&a poblla 44 4wb b48 4444@0,
errimm, b4 illnd4 parruaat to am4 of the Elm4 and ~1404
of suah sale ic or84r that t;hs ;~uroheesr8 wy advise tboaa-
4elv44 Xn the tmm and the tit14 t4 the pmp4rty and b4 able
to bid lat4lllg*ntly. S44 Dulia *. Batso* city %at, 180
II. ff.4~p.6,
The term "pwbli4 plme* with rssprot to 48144 at
ptsbllo#IUdtiGa h48 b44n bsld t4 mmn 4rrCb4 ~1444 that a&W-
mn4mblr Van ~110 IloE4rlaad, pyrv 5
tlooaent yoatad ia it woolA be lilroly ta+lttno t &454rcrl rt-
toatioa 80 th8t it8 oarrtaato ml@& rwoAAbly bo eqmotecl to
booear R mattu of notOrirt;r%a tb, ?iOlnlt7$*ad fh4 t4Tm
-pub110 ulo" dsnur4a not144 to u eufflelwt numbot of yeaplr
to insuz-4 talm44o of the 4ale uld to plw4otr oo&?p4titir4
biddin& ire. StaRdlsy ** x&u&&q,epe P. 109.
Jutioio SO& 'r'4raoa'o¬4Ced 2exm Cl~il &tat-
ate8, eitml by mu Ut your talq&ru, prorida8the ot~tucory
amtim sf mmkirag44148 of rul aotetr wd4r 4reoutIon,order
or 4414 or ~rn4ItienIaxp8aU*
It i8 OfW OgiaiQA t&t Uhlh th.lW t0 A0 8tAtUtOq
pP4rlolMl dlrratir;g tb4 a4tbOd, 8AAa4r or lU@h or tin4 taat
real aotate of tbr a(punty ntut be 8drortl84d briar4 It ul
bo rold at publlo rwttioa undrt AetUMb lSTp, supre, 8rrab
aal6 mwt b4 a *pub110 @aloe mm lamvm defined, muot bo b4ld
in a *pubUs plao4* 4s rbev4 deflnul, and m%ot bs rdtsrtiood
for e rcrsoonable tla4 6qmndent Apon tbs olromr6woer. Xt
ia our rurtbar opinlan that rhllo it i8 not m4aQtoty that
Art1414 SaQa, Y. A. P. c. s., bo rollowaA, t&o r0i~ovh~ of
444b rrtiale rwld b4, 410 tbfak, 0 oaf0 aad bound pr444du?a.
Ondu krti414 1577, ougn, the Cem~lO8lo~4r8' Court,
in tha sums? pr4aoribsb, he8 cutbority to 0411 thr Oatirr
intar48t is OLtrwt or trWt8 o? oOont? land [n8t OOlutltUt-
lng 8ob401 land). ft 10 our opinion that 6&a authority to
8011 tba who14 of tR8 traot or tmot0 of 14aA reuld ~MIIUAO
t&a 10884rpwsr of ooll&q t&o @aVsl end 01diSh4iA 4nd 011
eeld lwza 4YOA thouj,# the terpl8 :,ft&4 oal4 o&&t Or UVUfd
in 18~ oo5stitute th4 tmauotion a sale of p4r84aal proputy
rm.th4r than or so*1 pro;iortp.
Vwy truly your0