z OFFICE.OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS b ._ AUSTIN OQALDc.MANN firromn” omm- Tha WQ*~ of t4,eMl&mn In 8uohplaa.s wa. Gxnating tbn, that the 4gisfatrud was: tie pln00s a06igd0d, to hare boon used 84 m.&‘#on to the WQ~ by $-haphtpmrn6fkrtof ik0080h00ttxt ia tih0O~SO 0r Ccwmmwsalth v. Riley, 97 a, E. $67 '.wheiwia 8 8Batlfir ststuta was ,undorotmetrw- ~:=*&I bs applisd In the.taterpr?tation OS tho ZW~J lkarcltbs aourt said thatths wmd *employa QI wed i;o;man ,"Bobare work" Q "to lpak.e~~wa t?fthe 80w06 0r af3.mw. lB Xooln8kY T, 0rc.lwsl1,11-Y. Y. - (1 Kom) S909r.kheword ~8, sgtil>;defined a. ~fol1ow.t Qbplatyme8~8 to two, as m Imtrummt or &BS ar,.sir0eiag ILIP0bj.0ati .It~isaewora~ot more '&arged slgniiioafion tban~tho word him. A iiaahiriadto labop 18~emplotid but a lpanmay be ‘em&oywS In wodr who Is not h&d;” - ~r~~.ie3r18~c~r0~e.00~ op*t-slr~that thhslord wiiplof”’ a8 &180&i& drtiO~l.81573.'and1674, Peti h&O Of %WUB~ m0fuiettxm~a 30 iifm work, ortomki3 ueeoi-the semi.8 of ru&hoatrd hnd'that the wazd. "a&f alaa* inala an appre&ios, a'warb,.or even oao*s cramaai or daughterI Tim statutea rola: to OhIld laber:(&!tlolo. i"f: 157S-157&i, Fomal ood.1 prohlb t.nothw wh.loh Is oxmIMed in the statutee rela8ing to appmntioss~ *bat WM.0ii Is pro- hlblfod by 8h0 Ohild 1abttC&W 4ipPlb38 witheqodl fOFo9 to apprsntloe.* In view of the80 obaorvcrtiam.It.I8 ths‘@ini- or this dapmont, end yootz .rs 80 advised, that there fs no oonfiio$ bot~oea the &atutae re&atW&tild fbar and those peaaittioa;the ap&W6ittiOingOf ldBO3!0. Youu tary truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion