Bomrsble &wtslle HoDDM~~
Bi( spring, Tax*5
?our rrpuert for
rull,~ ccnel4rr.4 bf tair
aur8t 68 follower
pinion thfr auemtlon
pntioaelJ drew2
ot by the t&e-
54 back to the
oeaberr that have
nca the law lr uncoosti-
rrnt ba.rtr< IA,-onthe $usstlOC
u pleame sdriss a~ about ttlr sttsr.’
Opinion lo. O-4lW of thl8 4o$nrthent , a44raseod to
you, dated April 1, 104L, hold Bwee Bill 744 Of the 47th
Logllilaturo UnaDnrtltutioMl. Thim 8ot war a lDCS1 aot pro-
viding ~SO.cO per month tr8~vdingsx’p%~esefor tb+ countf
jUdg# end aounty otidnlOQerD. one aaction Of the eat l?-
plied to Martlo County, T*xsD, a10rMJ.
L. ..^ -- ... . ..-.__.. ._ __ _- ______..-_ __ -_-. --..- ..-.. --....-.. ..-__ .---^..-_ _I _,.- ___^__._. ___.__.. _
pomorabla Eartoll. ~aDozml4, PI6* t
Vtuler tbr muthorltlo8 sited and 8208 t&o r*88oa-
14 of oplnionr o-351 and O-4431 of thla drpnrtmult,
rap188 ef uhlah mm loslosod herawithrar rour lntoraatlon,
it 18 our oplalon thst tha asPbar el the romml88lonar8*
eoart of Yartlo county u&o h&d rraolvrd amnate frm Martin
county under the rbmo drrarlbed unoonstltutloorl act rould
b e liti: fo r l r *fJnd 01lu’ 8uah monoyr rrealrrd by thorn
fr o 0th edata th y wa r e lrloed ti it8 uaoonrtltutionaft~
by rlther tha OountJ attorney, di8triat attsrm) or Attor-
W, oweral of Sexaa.
Very truly your8