. !331
Road dlatrlot baada are autb0eir.d by Articlr 3,
s*otlon 82, Conctltutlon of ToxA8, axl eenoml L-r, 39th
~&a&two, lirrt Celled 5ouion, l@IM, p~go Q8 (hrtiolor
TSRA, et aoq.# Ymaoll'r hmotAted Clvll MAtutu 1. iload di8-
ta t8 a ~0 to ~SBW bond8 r0r we purpot00r %b
o~wOtiOa, mai-8 rad 0jt0aia 0r ~0a6wd, +~TOI-
1.d OP plYed roAda And tl3Pnp~8, or la Aid twOor.*
It 18 8 funda5fJntalprlnolpl* of lm tat t-.0pro-
owdc dorlvmd &cm tb ula ot bonds suet be devoted ta tM
pll'gow ror whioh tbr boadr wwo lrawd, m not ot~i~nlu.
BgAtwmt T. RAtt&w artrrf~t Land CO*, 824 2. 'i;. 539 (6rroP
~fu8.d); 6iPrproa v. city ot Ii~~@oobor, 152 Z. r;, 3591 Arm-
maa County Y* Cols~ur-R&tan F'naturm Campany, 191 t. .:.334.
IA Y~OW Of the A~fih0dtiO# dkd &OYO it 18 OUF
oplnlon thnt the Caalaf1lon4rr~Court or my indlvldualoaw
nny purpaur other tbn r6r the purgxm rc.82eloh tu bcmdt
ww i$BU#d, uX! rOr tbOP8 8 Autbxd.8.d by AHlale
TIUIq, Vmnon’.r btwtatad Civ%?&uto..
8&? th0 TW m & prOO00d8 Of bond& O.CEW&y
kmwaaa the Construatlon~, mustbo phoedinn fund to
bo uaod mol.4 ror the pwpou r0P whloh t!xo bond. *era voted.
Tlw Caml88lonor8~ Cwrt, belag 8 oourt of 1M'aci JwlsdLotlon,
AUthOPiXAtiO& 60 hAV0bW UaablO tO il~d u?y h8
tb Cowlssloa+a~r* Court to lnvut ~11s xd in
urj tm 0r 800titr.
The Legld,ctureiau provided ior the invertwentof
mlrglu8 mozmy In the rink& fuwh of bond 18ml48 in ooctaln
emmer uta lo d
o urtiu
l . If thorn la uly surplur in tiie8lnklng
rund or ea. 188u8 in quutlon, thie 8urplu.slccybe inrastmd $Il
United sktu SAP 801~4~In oanpllraoe witn tiirprovlrioria
Artlole 779, Vernon'r Annoktod civil st&tutar*
Fe r,drot ttut.m oumot agree rltb your o?lnion, but
be- Our anmor M thr authoritl.~oltod Above, te belier.
wt both Fuatiolu dlaa188.d ln SOUP o&dnlon &cult ba
$MwPod in tb, noggtl?..