OFFICE OF THE AWORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bosakbl. D.a w. t..k.en,?.@ 2 Toa nquart ou opldon e. to .b.thtr the 7.x A.- ~08801 80e colmtor WXI~II kto 1.8~. 8 lUV~I.- p0rrittd me.1 mamptlon r.dpt unaer th. toma OS 8. B. 76, b7th ?.O~~l.tUO lDd,flAb ?8Osb t@ m 8. th, Od& M f. ?.OdF+t w.. vrltkn, th.t 18, dtbout nqalrlng NJruot o? th. atmt- otory lnt.r..t. IO our oplalonuo. O-Agpg,thr hot. mia( th air8 0r 8. 1. 76, 8 ta x l0n88tor h8d tad 0 tar- ~1.2 that b8 reda rim 8~ -8 or eaiaqua c4~08 DUO by .aah trlpr~or ad Bond her a ‘at8tomnt. ml. wa. oot doaa ROB11 artOrBWMbW 1, 19&l, uI(.I?.ma tJA.tth8 PMUitl 804 1at.n.t uoal4 hew $0 k wU.eMd. III OIV opinlcn lo. O-1960, 8 tu ooll..torhad la- .Md hi. 0.rtifiO.t. tb.t 811 t8.O. ha. OA 8 .OH.iA pi... of property had boon pala. 1tw.rl.t.t band tA.tA. m.. UW Or lIJh8UCM h e Eb Ot ‘b U0p .1@ 6 Ae To .lt.d Git: or 8.. Aq.l. T., D.ut..h, ud A.14 tAet .uoA &.lirqu.atkx, .nb poo- du. th.rOOA, WF. oolloeibl.. II.8. 76 twaiaatod ia it. om .rpn.. tare. on Rweabot 1, 194l, 8n4 It root.irw& no r..l..ioor&t.Q.Tor Of p@A@ity U6 iOtUO8t OA'$UM pa &tOr th8t d&0, A0 Aetar 8h8t th0 0ardm84tb 01 r08.0~8 r0r ~0~-ph)~8t. opt mr to ym? qru.t&rIn......alyl.. mg.tlr. 0a.r cog408 0r 0pit0b8 m8. o-42998rd o-1960 8~9 at- tMAo& B, L&L.i Glum R. rrJa1.t.a
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion