Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honomblr W. H. Franka county Judgu hulrd cotmty Ysnard, Tesar Dear Judge Franka: Opinion No. Ret co1lnty in ax&d fOlWt38- wneP..~entltleQ to $5.09 tee on plea8 ofCgti?ty‘..~ brltloa rhould be made or the Y&JIo~& herewith for your informationa oopy of oplnlon Xo. O-23& oi thlm dsp:&mnt whleh holde, among other thlngr, t&t thr Comleelonera~ Court neither har the author- ity to grant a leave or abrenos to the oounty attorney to anter the armed toroes nor the power to dralare his orfics vaoant if he does enter the armed Soroes. . Menard county, Texas, her a population or lore thae EO,OOO inhabitants acoordlog to ths last preoedlng Fadenl OQ~SUIS. i Honorable 1. H. Franka, Page e 71%la a um from your letter that lta oi$loora are oompenaatod OS a Sea baair. Artlolea 1068 and 1070, Vernonca Annotated Taxaa Cod* of Cr5alnal Prooe4ur0, ma4 a6 tollowt *Art. 1068. I? ths dafandant pleads guilty to a bhargs before a justice, the re6 allowed the attorney reproaontlng the Stata ahall ba rive dollars. Thr attorney rho rspraaeata the State in a orllsinalaotlon in a juatlo*'a oourt shall reodve, for each aonvictlon on a p1.a of not glltp, where KIOappeal la taken, ten dollara. *Art. 1070. Ho fee ahall be allowed a dla- trlct or county attorney in any aaab whe.rehe la not present an4 roprsssnting the State, upon the trial thoreof, unls66 ho hea tokaa #ciaoaotioa therein for the State, or la pramit and ready to represent the Stats at eaoh regular tera of the oouzt la whloh such crlmlnal eotlon la ,pendlngy provldad.that whe& ~leaa of guilt7 are lc o a h d fn any Justleo court; at any hermtlms than- the regzzar term tbereor,the oounty attorney ahall reoelvr the au& OS tin dolhra. fn m oaar shall~the oounty attorney, la oonal4rration ;;eamplmk or guilty nlait any part oi hi6 law+ul. . You are reapsctiullyadrlsad that it Is the o~inlon or thla aepartmrBtt #hero the oouaty sttorney~haa taken roam aotim In the oaaf;*for the State in the jnstloa court ho would br antitled to the @LOO fee on a plea of guilt in the juotlce oourt regardlsaa of whet&r ho was praasnt ln the ju+tloe court at the tlmr the plea war entmad. Bar oxample, ii rour oountf attorn tiled a complaint in joatlor court before he lsrt to Join the hnny he would be entitled to the iXU0 ire l’r the aerenuant aubaequentlyIlaad~guilty. 2. I? ths county attorney ha6 not taken any aotlon in such a case and la not prsaent end ready to represent the State at a regular tcm of the juatlaa.oourt,an4a defendant plerdr gallty- at suoh raylor tenitthe aounty attorney would not be entitled to thr fea. Nor would t&s oountyba ontitled to the See. If no fso is 4~0 the oounty ettornry it should not bo Ohar(SOaagainat the a8rendant. : 1 1 HoBomblo W. H. Franka, F’ags S 3. If the defendant plead guilty in luatlo~ oourt at any time other than ths retplar term 0r auoh oourt the oounty attorney would be entitled to a 45.00 iSa oven though hr was not prsaont and hea taken no aOtiOB in the onme *y ~$Q-+ Wm.J. F‘annliq Assistant WJFrGO