Honorable D. w. Stakee
oludee ever to looalso.
brtageot etsaand iron, wa
h~fpq our government:to-,be
leoi junk, as that is all-
sure tha! 5" oannot be used
Unttaf~ 'tiefaota stated; yotkaxe advised that
neither the Tesae Prison System, no* +JI~&liar agenoy
of the State, 'hasthe right to sell this property, for
Honorable D. W. Stakes - Page 2
the simple mason it does not appear to belong to the Statq
it was sold and paid for many years ago.
We suggest, however,that '70~oomnwloate wl.h.:
,Hysssrs. Gibbons & Gordon, the purohasers oi said prop@iy,
and insist upon their Immediatelysglling this propertyito
oome juuk dealer, so that the same amy~Oome into thi.~brurQir:
of the Government;02, in the altprnativa,they rcrlwi8q to
the Sjiateor Texas all right, tit18 and inteqietFhatsQy
ever in and to the earns. ‘;I .
- U these gentlemenpursue .theitret Oo?xrseiu& \‘\;.
geated, there Is an end to the matbprj and'iii,@I the eon- ?j+
trary, they relfnquirrhthe property tdtbr State;.and your f’
will so advide II!;we will then glr? $urth~x.+fif)aa8 .?.o:,
how to dlaposs,ofthe same.
c&m :,r_. (:,,’
AUQ 17..1942 .:
ffrover Sellers