OFFICEOFTHEACTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Eoncr&bleB. T. valten county Auditor 8mith county Tyler, Texar Dear Sir: Tour rrrqueat ro aen reaelvoa ana osrcfully 6oniuiider.d by t we quota tma your xequQmt 88 f0llow6: on, our CcuAty bar to help bup work mtiue0r, ana can- JLot that is set up, ro plot on which all The WPA will rur k the garden, as well ~IYtc 8, but each sahool m-t fu~?nirh of the expanee and buy the itans , fertilizer,*to., es set out above. %inca the mahools are not in good finan- cial oonditioa gcsnemlly, they bare (?skedthe County for asai8~Ace.” Honorable8. T. Waltere, Page 8 ArtlclO 2351, R. C. s., provideA: "ICaohooamleeionera*oourt ~hallr 0. . . "11. ?rOriflefor the Aupport of paupem aAa such idiot8 ana itmddcr AA 0-0t be Ad- mitted iAt0 the hmatic a8ylua, reAlde~8r of thelr county, who are unable to nupport them- AOlVO8. By the term re8iAent aa UBOQ herein, la meant a pereon who haa boon a bolu tldr inhabitantof the oountp not leAA tbAA rix IDOAthSand Of the State AOt 1088 t&A AA@ Y-. nlhsA tha ~05i8miOAeX'A CoUrtA WOI’O Ax- preeely given the powor and duty to *prorIde Sor the Aup ort of p~upelm * by noaewary ir- plieatloo.ttopwAre alothe$ ribh the authority to a0 all the iAOideAtX%ithing8 nwaraary to provide for their ~tipporC. Stat a8 the power to snot P oourthowe and jallsarrlaa with lt authority to aoquiro a buildlag site. Yoore f. Alred, 277 8. W. 787. AA~ juAt a8 the power of gnensl oontrol ofor sil roaQ6, blgbmays, rerrlm em% briagecl,naouwrily lmpliea authority to oo~~truot a dniruga dltoh to protect Auoh r-8, brld@eA, an4 hi&i- wayr fro23flood watera.:~ ::lXl Pare County 1. &lam, eupm. See,Texrell v. apark8, 158 a. WY.619. *Authorityto provldo food arnd olothlng for ouch putrposerneoeesar%ly i~oluder tha power to p08aeu, atore and greaarve the same to that end. FUCthermore, it may be mire ~o~noalc~land doelrable to dlatrlbuts Auoh Aom- modlties, rather than hate the rsaiplentaoone or send for the same. Powor to provide ruah food and oloth&a$ would lnalrda the powW TV deliver it, aad authority to aaquiro the nm- essary mean of dellvery muld foll,m. HoWrable B. T. Vialterm, Page 3 Wbec Commiesloners*Courtiswere burdsn- ea with the duty or woviaing support for suoh persocs, they #ore given the sound dlssretlon of deternlnlagthose whom they were required to provide for under the terms OS the statute. By neoessary implloetloAthey aoqulred the power to es@oy such help as might be neoessary to properly alit out thoss entltlsd to mush rsller aAd to investigateand asaertaln the extent ana IUCOUAtOr thS AOOa. "The mot that the Federal ~oternmeatpro- vldea the somodltles does cot, in our O~IA~OA, roAdor the authority of the Cfamml.sslon~rs~ Court of Hunt County any leas in the dlstribu- tion thereof that would be true If the Gounty iteelf wore fUrnishlAgsuah provisions,so far as the state laws wre aswmer~ed., Wi goes without ~aylry that the dl6omtloA resldiag la the Comlsslonern’ Courts in suah atters must be soundly exorolsod. If the m- alplents 0r suoh roll& am not so indigimt as to fall wlthln ths terms or the statute, the Cmmlssloners* Court n0ula bs uithoub sutborlty t0 do any of the thing8 you faqUlm about. . . .a Ws enolose herewith a copy OS said opinion tar your 1cforisatlon. It 18 oAr opinion that ths Ooa!AisdoJlerA' court wsultlhare authsrlty to expend sotmtp fuado ts assist la a consunity garden as set out la your latter for the aouuty hst lunoh profeot for ind&eAt ohlldmn ootmlngui8hin the provisions or 6UbditiSiOA11 or Arti95 S 351 8. C. S., rwm. In other swrds, the county has no authority to make oontrlbutloasfor the purporee stated in your inquiry for th4:? bcAsfiC of school ohildren genetally, but only those or whose parents fall within ths o~es~fioatlon llaaaed in the above quotitl.rja taken iron our opbilon enslosed herewith. Very truly yours