bfra. ‘Plla Kas Murphy, Presldont
State Board of Coematologl
Austin, Texaa
xhr matit
baen or la being lnatalled.
keeping to be in6taiha, leaving that to the aiaOrOti0n of
the Board, and that, thersrora, the monrfa 8ppropriated
might be expensed, lr the Board thought ldtimbb , for the
rerislon or the existing mystem.
I *a. Ella Mae Murp4, Preai&+nt, Page 2
?fo aid not hold in that opinion, nor aid we intend
to imply’, that the ma8 ~ppmprima in the rider were avail-
a wkfo rlxpan8ltura ror the purpose or keeping up the 8xi8t-
iag aymtem of reoorda maintained by the Board at the tima thm
appropriation wa6 mad*.
The intent of the Loglalatura aamua olearlr to hato
bban to grorlde run68 ror inatalll~ and maint8ining a 8yat0a
OS neord keoplag, not to msintaln the exlating ayatem. mila
renaiaerable latituaa la arrord8a the Board in asleeting the
lyatem to be adopted; that is, in determining whether a oom-
pletely now system should be installed, or whether a new l yatem
ba erfeoted by revision of the present ayatem, it la not given
authority to expend the funda merely to melntaln the existing
lflr tem.
We do not undertake to pass upon the question, whiok
la, apparently, in dispute between rou and the other members
OS the !3oard as to ðer there is in prooora a revision of
the existing system or record keopfng.
Yours very truly
R. v. 8airohila