OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabls a. L. West Uauaty Audits v4n 2-t County canton, Texas Yourletter or F P, reqw*tlllg tha pnon~;hka depnrtmfmt on th ted quentlon, read8 ed betveen the tax tu gayerr 4ll the one hbu&ed thoumad dollar8 in cW’en8e bonde until nwded by la ld road dirtriot. wpJ.ea8s, give w your opinion i.maedUt*l~ cm thir qmrgenap th4t nov aonfawntr w. w Bonorable 9. L. Wart, page 2 Artlale 752a, Vemon~s Annotated UIvIl Statute8, provider that a road distriat may be areatsd and "I8 hereby authorlsed to 188~ bonds for tha purpo8e of the aonstruatIon, maintenqee and operatlon of Maadarai8e~, gravelod or paved roads and turnpilce8,or In aid theroof. Article 752, Vernon's ¬ated Civil Statute8 read8 in part: "Thenoleotlon order and notlee of the eleetlon 8hall state the purpose for vbloh the bond8 are to be i8sued, the amount thereof, the rate of iPteMst, eta.” ArtIals 7521, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil 3tatute8, pro- vider that #aid bond8 8hall be 8old to the higheot bidder for oash, kdtha puFd~8e~0~~~th4~0f0.~ 8hii be plaWd fnthQ aounty treewry of luah oounty to be paid to the avaIlable road fund of ruoh oounty,of 8uah polltloal 8ubdIvI8Ion or road dl8- triot, of 8uah aounty a8 the amm my be. ’ Artlale 7520 reads as followsr "The county treasurer 10 cu8todIan of all funds aolleated by virtue of th18 lav and rhall deporlt them with the aounty deporltory in thp 88~ manner as eotmty fund8 are depoa1t.d. It 8hall be the duty of the county trensura to properly pay the Intere8t and prinalpal aa It beoom88 due on rush bond8 out of the funds aolleoted and deposited for that purpore.* Artlols 752p, Vernon’8 Annotated OIvi.1Statute8, reads a8 follciv8t *The purche8e maney for 8utahaounty bond8 mhall be paid out of the oounty treaaua-7upon vammt; dram on the available road fund, 18sued by.the aouaty clerk, aouuterrlgned ba the county judge, 188ned upon oertl- fled accounts approved by the ooPPais8loner8’ court of the aounty and the purahaae money for rush bond8 lo8ued on the face &nd ore&it of politia.¶lrubbivi8lon 0~ road dlrtricrtshall be paid out of the county treamry upon varrmt8 dravn on the available road fund themof, Is- 8ued by the tounty clerk, oountersigned by the oounty judge and approved by the ooml88loner8~ uqe?t.' Article 752~ and Artlale 752v, Vernon~e ¬ated #IrIl Statute8 define the power8 of the aoamlssloner8~ court la wed- eontraats for vork to be pa&d out of the Baid bend money. Bonwable 3. L. West, pa@ 3 Artlale 779, ~erxmn~s meted cl011 St6tute8, provides in parts “The fXtSUSi88iOWX’S’ COW-t my bVe8t SbkiQ3 funds acwnulated for the Pedelrptloaand payment of any bond ISSU%& by 8ucrbcouoty, lithal SubdiriSion OP defined dlstrlat thereof, in cuds Of Uxiltedstates, of Texu, OX'any COrtaty Of this YtSte. . . . 80 SUCh bonds shall be pmwhamedvhI&aeoordIngtotheirtePnm mature at a date subsequent to the time the msturlty of t&a bonds for tha,pa)rmbntOf vhlah OUCh 8a fund vss areatad.* APtiale 7%!q, ~SPUOII’S Annotated Civil Statutes, ~OVideS; 'The eXp6nSe I~urrsdinrurVe~~t~boundurI68 of the polltiM SUbdiViSiW OS road distl’iat, pod other. 4lSpOS8628 Inuldent tO the i88llMW Of bonds Of SUOb Sub- division or dirtriot rhall be paid from the pPoaeed8 Of the 8sle Of the band8 Of tb6 SUbdiViSiOn OF dI8triOt iSSU4g the 88SIer" I We have CaPOtully ~owldersd the Statutes above mentiara- 6% vith other together StStUteS oontained in +ibaptePIII. Title 22, VePnoIl’8 Annotated c1011 StStUteS, relative to aounty and munfslpnl b~mls, eta. fn Vi6V O? tb.0 above montlmwd StatUteS, It 18 our opinion that tQe a~aiml881on4w** oeurt or any other au- thorlty de88 not have Why legal l t.h W ity of pbWeP to eqmd any pa&don of the prlncl~ wA.lsedf~aa 8Wh bond StiO foa'any p~~po8e other than for the pmpore 8et out in the eleatlon srrdthose expezue8 authorlsed by APtI 752q, SUpPa. T&me- fore, ve mmrer the above state& qUeStIOn in the negative. l?, 18 OW?fUPthel? O&liOn that the WSUid88iOMP8’ OOUl’t oould in- *estanyswplua thataightbe aaaurpulatediatbs sintinp fund In 8UCh defenre bonds ill aomplimas Vith the @?OV~S~OZU of Aetiale 779, rupra.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion