Xon. John Y. Baker
couat? Auditar
Eg , c%g:
mar sirr
..- --
Sonoreble Jo&n s. x&m, paga 2
fn atmter to your fir& @.l6rtfon fti fm our opfnfon
under the fealm rtat& tb8t all of tht Dsputg ShtdX~a of
Lamar Count? mwt be paid on a alara baeio fuxl thet mm
of salA &put~e.esOM be paid b&ally m a ecm!nit~Lon,fee,
or any ather bus18 than upon the salary basl.8 uml5r the
ofrioeru ’ hlaar7 IAl?. see authoritle8 oited in inion x0.
O-1565 of thte 6egmt?tment, a oopy of whloh 2.88ztO
“pwed here-
ah r0r JOW ittr0m~tf0a.
Your reoon6 gueetlon 18 un%wt?red in that asgative
by Umltsd Conferonae 0-$nniox~ 100. O-3551 of this 6epUtunt.
Thea oplnlon holdr t&t euch pcrtlon of the twnty-Sive
oenta retalm6 by th8 “deaiguEt66 agentw am ir not Feeton-
ably nmesrarg for pying eaptmtelr inclaent to ttm httfaient
pecformbutceof the clutlee of a uch egent, mw t bs forttarded
ta the stat5 xighway x38purtmullt
XOF d6p0alt ia the state
liA&nray Fond, a%ong vith the twenty-,tive cents Somqrded,
on collectfos, k, lucla EepcrSme5t, arrd that cwh bcrtance or
rurpluu war nme*rary eq.nmfeu Is not a *see or cc4tul8mlan,m
tobe ptU.6 into tlb9 Offl.cems Salary Fund;, or to be aaaouated
tar am roes of orrias ltmler exl.8- fee etat leer. we en-
i . . . Tke aunmfsmlmer8~ aowt haa na
authoritjr .to berm mom3yby mmtIttl
OS warrento&
th%u ‘IyL0.b dew aal b7 the irmeixrg of bondm~
* . .
wuld nuthorixe the 0ountT to %88Csl,
interoe bear&rig van-ant8 or
rorlp ori the Gan8ral Fun6 of the oount~ nor rot&l the7 autboo-
ire the oounty to borrw mnc7 bathe+ lerganoe of intscemt
bearing Varrutta or rorlp.
OPItlmx c-m
By /m/ B.W.B.,C2taWwu