Zion.Claude A. Ef;llW$s, page 2
Is5will mt atte;r,pt t* qwte or dlsours all phases
phi OtitliId ifi tfI@ WtribitS QttaCh0d t0 J%W l??ttW,
- _ ._
have coriaidercd
the Texas l3~euploynsntC?ompenasa-
tlon law RO emoted by the 3rd Gallad Se:;siosof the (Gr,th)
Legislatureelldsince amndod for the Ictwtion of the le&s-
l&tion in the furthertmoooi a fibto unrxzp,lo~ontinauranoe
PI&n. Sect;ion li (I) of the GT3.&$ar?.l 4xlact,7Grr’c aiia krtlcle
&%ib4(1) oaatalns this adzorrition:
Hon. Glaude A. Viilll~s,page 5
limitationsplaced in Article'522lbcan be re1s.d or chsnged-
only by the Legiislaturcof Texas. Section 1 of Article 5221b,
supra, provides statu