” .,
Ffonorable Tham Aa
County Attoraw
Liberty, !hzar
Your two lettera
ur exosllent brirfr
d expenfsea* when
otiloial busi-
rat Court at
rt 18 author-
yment or the
Auditor that
hs m&pincur outalde of the County au for in-
stance, expenes* ror a trip to hustln.w
IionorabloT~OQI~SA. Cheat, Page t
With r4fbreao4 to y4ur fir46 question qud4e
aboQ4, ub4rt7 Count7 fqvmhter under the tfclnsral road law
or this titatr,rind ~4 have been unable to rind any rtat-
utary authority ivhioh would allou th4 aoamismion4rrr of
Liberty county sxgana48 whils trcvellng cut oil the oouaty
on ofrioi61 buein44s. Th:6 depertrasat has repeatwIly held
upon a number of queetlone alailar to the question pre-
nontad b7 7411 that In the abssnno of a talld lta tu hthe ,
Corrmisaionere~ Court b4s no authority to allow ~knny awn of
mm47 to lta memberr rar 4xpens48.
In this eonn4o~ion, w4 cr4 aneloslng herewith
for your hr0ns6tion copier or opinions HO*. O-755 8114
With-r4rerenor to your eeoond quest&m, w4 hcv4
been *snable to rind any etatute whloh authorizer the pa?-
lnent to the county auditor of any eqwmas fnuurred by
him ai14 traveling, either within or rfthout the aounty,
on orrlofal bneineaa. l%ererore, your'ssame question I4
In the ne*.tiv4.
anitwer4d ,\:
Trusting that tha above eatlefaotorily amwere
your Znqulrias, wo r4smin
D. Burl8 Devler