Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

i OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Luther C. Johnatan c4uutJ Attorney Andermoa County Palestlna, Texa# Dear flita rrpuestfor our quate rromyour t prrsaa m0vmr outwla 0r oity', e mamo oolmt7, bQrore (Ilaotlon, e sntitlw¶ to rote without a iieriasdcivil Natatea of Tmxas, pro- ~3~ory psreon who le oxempteb by law from eke paymant or a poll tax, and who ir in other rerpeotm a qwiri4a Voter, rrlu, rsrlds8 tm a city of ten tliowaaa (10,000) lnhabitmntr or more, shall before Eha let g{ of~e~#?~ E;- tha yar when auoh vetor m,h title6 te suoh newe.ion obtain fran the Rx Nanerablo I&h@. C. John.t.n, P.S. 8 Col&ator of the oeunty of hi. or her rwl- d.nob, a oartlflcata .houlng air or her OX- mpti0n rr0rath. p8pi80nt or 8 poll tar. "8UOh sxanpt pewaoa 8b.U on emth .t.t. hi8 mime, age, raae, county 0r rwidenea, w- oupatlon, the length or time ha ha8 .rwiaed in seld county, and ths length or time la the oitJr,and th. nimbsr or the ward or voting prwfaot in uhfah he rwl6e8, and rhall al.0 atate his e&root addrssr by same and number, lr mabend, and the greund8 upon whloh h. alalx8 exanptlon rrom the payment or a poll ta. " . . ." The above Artiela ZiWiB rela tsr exeltislvely to those r88ldfag in a oik7 o t 1 0,000 lnhabitnnt8 o r mo r e, a ndlx p r a ~a - ly prQvide8 ad r84uire8 the obtalnfag of a oaxtlfleatoof .xtenptlonon or b.tor. th. 3i.t da7 of January 0r the year in rhloh thep oifiv te rote by ttiose~ exempted by law rroa the payment of the poll tax. Thenron, your ilr.t que.tleB 1. re48protfullyanmrrea in the nes8tiv.. With r.r.rcrno.to your moond 4usrrtioaArti.1. Z968a, Rs~ised CSvll St.tut.8 of Ton., -.pplio.bi.to this.. realdingla a olty or 1.88 than 10,OQQ lnbabimkt8, prevld.. in p4rtr ~avsrg~jwmen not 8ub cot to t&r di8quall- fixations mbt oat in,Artlo 3e ES54 of the Fie- rlesd Cfviil Bfatutea of roe5 who do.8 net re- al.. in a olty of tan thowiarrbiab.bltant8or mom, aad who in oreruptrroa the payment~of . poll txixby nm8on of the,faet that he or 8h8 hna not pst reached the we of twenty-one~eari 0~. tha’firat say or January praoadlng it8 .leTJ, .,gxahcin exempt from the payment of a poll,tax beqeune he or she wee not 6 r.rfdsnt of ths Stets',onthe firat day of January preoedl~ lw 3..vy,but who ahall have slnos bwome .li- p.lbl.to voO4 by rawson of langti of resldw4s cl;age, shall, on or bef.on the thirty-rlrot day or Januarg of the par :n whioh he or ehe orrers to vote, bbteln rren th. k.*a:mr aa Collector or Tax.. fer th. Bwnty or hi8 m her maidenas 8 osrtiriwte oi rxemptfo~~ rrmi the pa7mnt Of a poll tax, and aa 8uah PermoB *O bus fails& or rntuond to obtain auoh eertl- Hoaoreble &~ther 0. ~OhnStoB, P.g. s riiae 0r oxwptiw frolathe PaPneBt 0r e poll t.x .h.ll ba .ll.wed to vote. It. . ." (Sse‘~the oases or Clark v. Stubbe, 131 8. E. (.A) i%S, and Rogers v. Yaith, ot al, ll9 S. vi. (2d) 678.) we Fu0tO rrolp0piti00 NO. o-2434 0r thi0 de~rt- m3at a8 r0iimr,r Sprum en an8ly818 of this ertiole,.Jn- fsrrlng to Art1014 EQd6a) it aypeara tW$ the r4mwtrrg o&8888 or persona rxampt from the payrnsntof 8 poll tax and ~midi~g elsmhere than in e olty of 10,000 lohabitants or more must obtain au eXapti.om eertlficata onLor be- rote the 316 day or Jaauarp of the 'year in whfck th8p 0rrw to vote, in order to entitle them to uaat their balloter (1) Tho8a who nil1 reach the age of t.W.Bty-@Be years, 8rtar tlw let 867 of Januer7 and bairn the day or a rollowln electlen at which they may wish to rota1 (a7 thou exempt from the payment of a ~011 tar beemme not a resident of the stat& on the firrt da7 of Sanuary preoeding its 1.~7, but rho lnve 8inoo becotieeligible to vote by rwaoa or length ol r~esld8noe. . . . ". . . "'It18 the iWthfBC OplihiOnOr thl8 dOpR&- sent that those cursleptfmn tha pafzisent of a poll tax ror the ~880~8 art out in Aft1019 and 8908a, Vernon*8 Annotated Civil 8tiatut4a,. rsaldlng elsewhere than in . oity of 10,000 lnbabftant. or QOre must obtain ..o8XClptiOB oertifiast. ou or bsfore the 31.t day of Jan- uary or the year 14 which they offer tJ wt., in order to be entitled to Wet their ballot..? TLereicre, you exe respecifully advised that the ans- nor to your second queatioa I. h neggutlveone for the raaaoll. eet rorth in opinion Ho. O-8434, a aopy or ri:ioh1. e~olo84d hamwlth. In diditioii to the hrM,aabew rQSerre4 to opiat- ion NO. o-2434, we are onoloslas herawith oopisa or opipionrr %OS. (j-2155,O-174& O-414 nnd O-4520 written cm relate4 pwirtiono. ri;e Muat thtlt the abac, satlefaatorlly amwor8 your insquiry. DaDrao EFlCLom3fm3