OFFICE OF IHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OLrULD 0.MANN Arro”(III Gl”l”lL Xonorable 011~ ilulbarron,OOmla,rlonsr m1road Colml*sion or Texe48 Austin, Texan Dear Sir: Re hare rour letter 0: quest the opinion of this be emploraea of the Ballroad ior their aotual expeneeo tripa to wa8hlngton, D. a itis oi the Unite4 State exooed the mm of 1ro.t~~ Do The dopartmnt bieaniru, 8ea latum earrf ltpe8t&ll~ htX@ the88 a l$ij6ovl4ed that the pro- tioa lita 0i thi8 Aot .rLth refer- II or aaaunt of tnYea.rb& 4xp8neo 0 the Ucbt*mnr, the Lleuteaont member8 of lsoiamlillrlPn* who re- Honorable Olin Culberroa, page 2 Xt 18 to be ob8erved that the OxOmption tma thm liuita- tlon iqmsed by Ssotfon 12g, oonterrml br Se&ion 13t, extend8 oaly "$0 the mmbsr8 0r the Railroad uOlPnf88hL* You ark thererore advised that, la thO ebreaoe 0r an lx8wtion 8xt81& ing to the employcaO8 of the iuir0aa oomml88lon, 8ttOh 0 oyaw traveling at the Oxp8ase ot the Btate am, by thr, provl8"pl on8 ot 8eotlon 126, lfailted t0 the amount 0r Four DOllar8 (k.00) pu by expenees ror Eted8 and loagne. The hot that the -On08 8re required to appear bOrore the DerenAO amnolar or th8 Ied- era3 governmsnt in la8hington, D. 0. 4008 not authorito the Comptroller or the Stute Tren8urerP ignorethe plain and po8itlYe proYlsion8 Or th8 appr0pfiation bill in l'88mOt to thl8 matter. 8eotioi 126 0r the fume rlaer, pmvhling, ln etfeot th8t member8 and usployee8 0r the Rallr08A ~0SWii88~On rtC8ntb lng hear-8 or 01.~3 armYAt helA betore 0OUl'tS or @vexa- uenti 001d8810n8 in other State8 or Umk%agtim, D. 0.. fnyolv- w M&/Or tlF8M~rtat~Otl Idt8lVB, 0O.d IlOt &rOOorCr I X'4lt438 rrittenstatesent fro@ the Attmnoy @oned in aWaneo oi the trip, adri8ing tlut lb8 pprpO~A Of the pmp08OA trip iB in tba oplnlon of the Attorney Qenoral Ser State bud&m8 BJ~C p888, A0438 ILOt rtiiOY0 8Wh OF@OfaO8 troa th8 ~ait8thli 00 the amount of'tr8YOling lz$en8O8 i4308oA by ,Seotion la.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion