Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

666 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ioaormblr Ooorgo Ii.8h+ppwd 0clr~tro~l.r of Publir ArrouPtr Autla, Tour Boar Bitt ortr the opinion thu u u~ouat Ar#hltooturil 8hlp ‘Of that Baird l br th. h&l&UFO br the La&lirlaturrfor o St&a Boar6 of Arohi- or the pn?~omr of a.- lrrr4ull~,laaurrod bf l rblairtrrtloa of the noat bf the kgirlature. r uttum. rhloh loatributb in no th rldrialitration of rooh lam lro whatsoever to the rnforoonwnt of thr law8 intrusted to that Board ror adminlatration. You are therororcr adrlaed that t4o aooount for this purpose may n?t be paid from the lp- propriationr mad8 to ths Board of Arohitrotural Exlainerr, Yourr rrrr trul7 - -..v “T --I!? ATTORRISY 5- 01 TEXAS