OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabl8GeorgeB.Gheppard CQzptrollu of Pub110Aoaountu Awtin, Texas we have year 18tt 0pbii011 0n the routwig q00 t*ined in Rou" titheforty-sevaath dallaqaont bofom r that anlw?' ---9- -- i¶ bz9 the Mata or Tuaa 8sotion 3 of uala A& rea411, 1x1 part, uo irollmmt EonorableOeorgsH. Sheppard,page 2 within the Countyof Calhouu.InalrdIn~rolling4took of railroadccm1panIe6, a6 heresinabovepravided;and hs 6hal.l accompanythe 6(1E14 With an 1temIzed6t6t43U3LIt lrhoring ruu di6~06itiOn Or 4l.l such tUe6 aolleoted. The aala aiw6amor end oolleotoror -taxes6hel.l r0md hi6 report to th6 Camptroll4rand shall make a like resort to ths,oItytrearuru or -ih~city or Fort L6vac~ 4nd he shall IMY oY4r tb the olte tr4a6ur4r0r the city 0r Port Lavaoa all 0r tb4 aon4m ool- 1 eat said math, leas such amounts66 4r4 8llowea by lew for aeseaslngaad oolleoting; 6&me. l * 4,"(Under6eorIng our8 ) . It will be ob6ervedfrom the tmdsreaorsd portlonc of the 'aboveoitsd aeotlom of E. B. 7 that It wa6 the Q&mntIoa of the L4&lature'to grant and donate4ll taxes aolleot4dafter . Septemberl, 194l, Irrespectiveof the nature or suoh.tax46,that Is to 641, whetherdurrrntor ddlfoqusnt. Partl,oalnrly do w call yourattontloato that portionof,SeotIon3 abaro quotd, which r&da! ** * * he rbnll pay over to the City Trearuror of the City of Port La~aaaall of ths monsye aellooto6 by hia iraa to ad ~aloreotaxsa lai4d ior general@rp0446 durring g --~, d -t& + I *a. .-..:. 64 ~&of th0 n0ra *14&4d4 in 0ti opinian,ha8 no p4&Iodlar bearing upon the type of tax&hat de&l bm retalnd by the~a~~~emor and oolleator and paid over to the City of Port Lavaaa. obpiOU64 LLOtU48 O(uLbe Wll4&4d Wll466 th.y hY4 bran 14v14db, hnd ths abors quotedphra64 6144~16that the l6n46sor and oolleoter of t4xru.slmll p6y oY4r to the 0Itytreastira6ll o? ths money6 oollsotedby him fraa State ad Yaloraap,tuw 6urIne each or aald~monthrwIthIn th4 tu4ntyyear p4rIod ao661~4nalng Sept(ilEb4r Xl 19&l< You 4r4, th4r4foresadvl64dth+t In o& opInIonthI6 ,gr4ntapplI48to taxesg#Wi w4re daliaqnsltbsior4?ept4mber1, 1913, and whIah lpayba oolleotedattsr that dats. muding awwor# that ths foregoing6atIsfaotorIly your &lquIry,we are ,APPR(IVED DSC 18, 194l Vbry trulp yourr (SIGNED)GRCVEV SELLEZ& ATTORNEX GFSHAL OF TEXAS FIRST ASSIS'fAt?'l! $m&%' By (SQned) CLAMWE E. CRCWE Cl?C-6 Assirtant O.K. G.&L. APXOVED OPIXIONCt%h!ITl'E Ey $.w.B. Chairman