Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iiooorabl.li&xm Dou&t~ county Attora~ey Uvalde, Count], _. 1941, you further statot *Perhe+ 1’ did not ataka 4 question olear enough. Tztr,mlrport property ia outdda.et the lirttits of tbo .Ituniol.pal corporfibloa ot Uvalde, and althln the county of.Uvalde, ona my quastlon la, ~vhsthor or not sta.te offfoers, suoh 60 the, aberiIf of ~Uvelde County, have the right ta make arrsete upon this property fmviolattfon of thr leaal Code.” Ronorable Dose Doughty, I’age Z Artlclo 1,. %OtiOn 8, CliUU~ 17 Or the i.kIited Statoe COIlStitUtiOA provideat ‘To exorcise exolueive Legislation in all, Cmer whetaosver, over euoh ~lmtriot (hot ex- oeedfng MA BLlleo 8quaro) aa may, by Ceselon of particular States, and the ;rooepttmoe of Congreee, boooae the Yeat of the Ooturnmentof the United Statoa, and to axsmise lik6 kuthority over all P1ac.a purehaeod by the Consent of the L&816- tars oitha State In whioh tho &mm shall be, for the &sction or Porta, Ma~atinma, hvmnala, dook- Tartlu, and other nee5ful Duildings~--md- Artlclor SP42-sUt3, lnoltaelve, karlas CiTll stat- utsa, 19z5, dsel with the eaqulsttion of land in Texas by the Paderel Government for yederal use. Article 52348, ~upra, povidsr: *The United Statua Gowmmnnt thmugh ltn 3ropsr egnnt any puxck.srs, eoquire, hole, own, acoupy end poqi~esa suoh lande within the limits of thie Stats as it deem expedient and say aask to oacu~y end ho15 ae sites on rhioh to eroot and matntaln light houses, fortn, ;7illtary sto- 1~ions, ~op~~zlties, a~rsemls, dock ynrde, oustom house8 , pmt offiaer and all other needful pub- lic bulldin@, and for the p~rpooe or sreotihg end ccnstruotlng looks and dam, for the etraight- enin@ of atrscme by ranking outoffe, building levees, or for the ereotlon of any other atruc- turds or l~provcaments that may become necsssury in Eeveloping or k~provlng the v+atomay8, river6 and harbors of Taxes and the consent of the Legla- lclturo is hereby ergreasly divea to any euoh -purchase or aoq4eitfon made in sooordanee wlth the 7rorlLsl~1 of this lcw.” ,I Article 6247, supa, rea5aa Y4henevcr the United Btstoe shall aaqrtlre rnp lnuQe under thl.8 title, and shall desire to sat&tire asnstlCuClcna1 jurisdlatlou over such lands for any purpoas authorized herein, it shall be lawful for the Governor, in the ncme and in tecri3.f of the Mate, to cede to the United States /’ / /’ I 1 :ic:crrab.la 20~s Coughty, Page 3 3rolusivs Jurladlotion over any lcsde 80 aoqulred, wbec applloetion map be made to blm for l&t pur- ;0338, wBioh spplloation ahall be in nritlng and sc00x;paclled with the proper aridonce 0r such ac- ~ulcltlon, duly authontlcated and racorded, boo- talni.ng or having annexed thereto, an aocorati ~Isscrlptlon by metes and bounds of the lands sought to be oedrd. No auoh cession shall aver be !uads exaeyt upon the exprsae oondltioa that thla 9tate ehnll rstain ooaourrent jurladlotlon with the Unltsd 3tate8 over eYery portion of the lbnda 80 ceded, so far, that all prooeea, civil or orim- lzal issuing under the authority or thle State or any of the court8 or jud~lclal offloers thereor, i.%y be exeoutod by the proper oriioers of the State, upon any yerson aarenablr to the name wlth- ir. the llxlts of the lend 80 ceded, 15 like manner and like 0rrO0t km ir 50 euoh oa~eion had taken ;ilnoe; and euoh oondltloa shall be inserted in auoh ifistrument or oession.~~ In the case or Curry V. state, (court 0r Crlnrlnol &m&la), 12 3. ‘:I. -‘(Ed) 798, the court, in pneelrig upon ‘i:hetr)m a Stats oourt had jurlrjdlotion over an offense cow mlttcd within the bouodarlorr of a nilikary reservetlon, a&id; *. Under the 1anguai;e of the United Serty tiara jurisdlotlGa har been aeded to the Pedsrti “S0voriment m&er hs,foL3 tie47, supra. me aJlaw8r your quastlon 88 followsr 1. The sheriff or other peaoe oilloer my execute 8 larrful rrsrmnt of armat upon a penon in tha grounds uad granieer of said airport i’Or en ofream aoumltted off of said primiieny, regardlsm6 or whether or not a proper deed or OOB- aion of jurladiotion hao been mado to the Federal Government. 2. IS a proper deed of osssion ham been made to the Federax Clowmmint the aherift or other paaos OffiOeX zmp not lawfully arrest a person for an offense aoramittad oa 2hs Erou&#a end medsua ok uaid LtlfDort. 3. If no proper deed of araslon has been made a8 rbom outlined. the shnriff or other peaoa offiosr8 may make lawrul arrarts-for otfenmr coxmltt~d on the mound8 and pras?iesr of aaid airport. 3’s. J. F~tnni~g Assintent