Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Gerald C. Mann AUSTIN AlTonwr+omEnAl. Eo-zo.po& Oledrrsj b mar slrr Oplnlon lo. o-ugg Be: IJJD~@ faoto rubmlttod Your letter of Fe oplnlon of this dopartmnt on read8 in Port aa follovo, _ Bon. Joe c. Oladmy, p&a 2 barn ouvhlly 60xwd.m your mquwt in oolnwo- tlon~ithOtDO~kb.0-~,0~00l~ o+J2# am3 tb authorltiea 4it.d in mmh opla%oaa. usdonotthinktbtolw0phlonIk.0-5024&aadug apPllaat$ontu tbqw*tlom pmeentadlnyow%aquWy.Aa atatad ip your btbr, thl.8Wmrtdbeat held b Oplnlon 80. 0500ltbt&~lr~,V~'*~tatedCiril8htubs vao 8 Mlllty. . . Dlikrlot Attornmy," does not exist in t&se oountle8 oomlng vlthlntheprovi.8lon8.or8aldartlo&. Seation 21b .Wtlala 5, of tb 3t8te Constitution provides tcr tb oiiioea 0rooa attom arrddi8triotat toWJ. ItoxPro8slyauborizeBL~ioL~to~~ for tboleotionofdi8trlot,~ttommy8 in mohdlatrlota 86 may b deemd mcesaary. Paah of ulb offly puwlded for p&e,meotioa of the Coastitutlon Is l o o nstitutio na l Wbbn~8Olg~ot~8p~Oia~8~ntor~ distr& attcmmy," it la olear that It refom to.8 “dlatrlct attoraey” vlth 8geolal f'umtlon8 OS povbn rrd dutle8. what&w the orbulnaldl8telot atiarmy l8 attokmy vho8e duty ir 18 to 8enm8 "orlsllnuldl8triOtOourt,'orVfibtherh8 ia 8lmply o m vhoser ve8eldlstrlct o o ur ot” fa dl8trl.d o o isp ocsed ra single o o unty itbla immutvneo er to adea ur ylde. Iaeither ouae, the offloe webted ls a coastltutlonal offloe, ou9 sapresa4 author;zedbytbs Constltutiontobeoreatml by the Isgl8lature aad such dl8trlct8 88 muy be deem moe8suy. In Seotlon5a of Artlole 326q, tb Lsgl8lalam expire884 dlsuvowd ths intention to oreate "any office.of district uttormy or say otbr coastltutkmal offloe,"tbbmt farlmob88lty 08xX& be oonstnaed tobe u~oxaraise of tlaefrgirlativepavertoomate "a oonatltutloPeloffslie.* Itls'~tbbrLrsldino~:~inlonO~l"thotfb, Isglslutum doe8not have fM .povsr :tomate 8wh 8tututory ofrloe lo aLad 8hun88ntlyoleaaintbd8olslonaf tb oouzd of this stute. Aztlole Sb SootIon 21r of the Cfwtitution, onates tb, 0Sfioeof oountyltto r m ud y b mb ltbtlm oounty attormyths authority to repn8enttb State lnalloue8 in thedl&rictaM iaferlorcovrts lnhlsoounty. Itl8only vbn the Iaglslature-lse8 ths authority oonformd by that wotlonot tbOorrrtltutionto~~tbott~ofd~~ist Etto~yor~~dir~~t8ttonuyo~hoi tbreoartltu- tlonal0fr10.8 thuttb orrlce cf oouatattorney My bs abollab& or the pouera eaddutie8 0013lrmdby the Coxmtltu- tlon upon tbr oounty attorneys &ri&o&~* Uedo~tth~tbstitsur.kuidthat*bsnr person runs for and la elected ta the o%Ylo~ OS %riminal dicrtriat rtteney” uuler tb pmvZ8bn8 of Article S26q, that ruahpsnon~rrovt&~oountyattor(uy~itucrrb6~ thut 8uohstatutev88 inrdlld. Invievriwouroplnloxm &8.0-2p8lrrd O-WOland ths uuthoritieroltad ths;csln,it la our opinionthat ths psrsoa . * . .. Bon. Joe 0. Ols8myb wei 4 vhovas.laotad "o'or~dirtrS.ctat~y"~ItuskCountJ 18 tWt th6 OOUBt~ attoraeyOf Said OOUItty. Bmmver in rlev of ths rongoing fads and our OpitAiOtt lo. o-D& it 18 OILC OpitLiOtt thht usmnova dof~0tooountyatt0rv3y. Weeml.i~nhmwi iiia oopyof raid opiaioaRO. o-3158. whathtuttuteasaldsboTeamveMyuur StldfOUFth qU88tiOtUJ. fi.l'St b VO hBV9 MSUW'OdJOUPfint cad fOUt't&h qVB8tiOd itt tb St4lttWl’ ?JhOVO Stat& it beOOrpS8 -OeSWy to OOtt8idOr your seaold atma thlrcl qUOStiOtI8. VO t&Ulk yOU iOr t&B brlei SubPitted Vith JOUF CB- q-St. Yours very truly ATTORBBYnmnaznr. WZlCXb c^3; BY Amlellmlllcum A8sl8tant AWt8brrt ~losurr APPlm~ApilxL16,1903 (slgml) wrald c. mmlt Attoamy oemral OS muu Approve& Oplnlon Conmltted Byt B.W.B..~