Ron. Tom &Berry, Member Opinion MO. a182
Stafe Board of Control
.kustln, Texas Ret E’umbase of Plc!nap truuk
D%ar sire
Your letter of Gatober jl asks th%s department
whether a coupe pickup truck may be mchased by you at a
ride exoeedlng $7~.00 (ticludlng the trade-in value of
e he used ear) und,er the provisions of Section 2, subaectlon
X4, General Prwlsions, Senate Bill 423, Aots Regular Ses-
a%cm47th Legislature, reading as followsr
n(l4) Uurcbase of passenger ears. Moo
moneys herein approprlatsd shall be spent for
the purehuae of a passenger ear in excess f9r
Sevsn QWred P’lfty ($750.00) Dollars, including
the frade-in velue of t&e used ear, and t&r
UrLted pr%ce shall cwer a aar equi.p ed rlth
e an extra
and extra rim or wheel but LIQ
or ‘tube.”
7th advise that the .picSuxp?XW@ 5s aonticted
exaotly like a passenger soUpa with the *xnexptitm that it
paG%&trdk body behin&the seat ratker than the
You alsa advise thag *heha Chrwliet ~truek
&Bfia book as w& as the automobIle dealer* P market record,