Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

-4 3. ,\* OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS b. AUSTIN IionorableCerrge IT.Sbegpard~ Oom~troll~rof Publla Baoounta iiutttin, lkxaa lottrr ua the aa- ea rollmt In 1938 in rapor 0f ma . me gFanto*WmQtt- of $l80,000*00to ooajtlypayable to or their oath mu-- ao abluation to pay tad for the safe keeping the prfmads on OF srter doatE of the grantworthotnm- olleot the procoed* o? ths pol- 6iWtsr pay the otypua or tha 08 or fnrotttunder apre8iwt ior a 4,aihlte porlod cU yoarr, die- itlOOt $0 eaoh Or the bM.flQi~i~~r trwteer 8re given authority et cap 4lstPibut~ uiy mrt of tb. ecnpus ot the trust a8 they may eonrider to be to the best intmMt of the banefioi8risa. 4Mole XIII of the trust lntttrwm t gro7ldse for the f~llmlng~continmnayt *(aI In the sront of the death of any of the beaetiolarlen, unsm~~ied or not having child or ohllilmn surviv~n&him, ii EarMod, then hfe share in the trust estate shall go to the SW- viving l.wu3fiol4ry or benefloiariea,ahttreand ahars ellke ii 45th~ or both cr the4other bsne- fioi6rieB survive. If there are a0 surviving beneiioiariesand so surviving ehil(!or-ohildren of the beaefloiaries,.thtmthe trust estslte sh4l.l pss aetordiq to the last will and testement 8f the larrtttaniri~ bamiieiary, or acoordiag to the lare of Qerqont and dietributlonii h4 die8 w'ithoutnIlI. "(b) In the event eaid cIcrcesaod.~~%enefliai- nrlts shall have bean ~~&+rriedand leave 1 ohild or aE.lldz!tn au~~lrittg him, than ltuttecd of the deosai348b4n4fioi4r~~4r' sham3 bei~~@dmini4t4* 08 ror the bensfit of the other bemfloiaris~, it shalLbe atbaiai*tendand belong to t&e::~up viivsing cE!lldor aEll&ea, ahart and share alike.* ha.to the Wxablllty ni tbfs'~trwtthe f&?uLQ@ quo4ticnta ha*4 been 3uhsllttedt nil) Are the prau**d4 er the inruF0nos polIolee plaoal Zn trust, 106s~thu st.a.utorg sxwption, taxable under the Texa6 XnEstitanas Tar law? w(2).If it be ahown that the benafloltariw# under the trust prld the ~eaiuuts on the inaur- anoe p03toles after 4wte were plaoed in trWt, aat #feat w@tld thltihew upon tho tax.&Ultp of the ~roaoeds oollooted fItsrounder: *(?i)wmm the besnefiolariesbe entitled to an c+xemptlQnon the ih4uraa44 polioi equal to the oash aurrsn~er value of eaid poli- clss at the tlms aaid poliolaswsre trunsfwmil to the trust?" bioil Etatutes, as~wrandod .;rtlole7U9, Reisrieed Zn 1939 gro~iU4st "41 PrOpWty rithln the JurlsrdiotlonOX thld state. , , miuaing the proo~eds or life 1 nsu la zlo e . l . to th e e x tent of the exams riverForty Thow.sratl Dollar8 ~&O,OOO) of the emunt maelrabla by all other bsneficlariea cc ineuranoeuaclerpol2olecltaRen out by the ueael!ent upon hf8 am liia . . . Taioh ahell pas8 absolutelyor In truut by ulll or L;ythe laws of deeeent OT distributionof t.h,ls OT any ether Btato, OP by daad, gx-a@, aale or gift mada or 1ntePldbd to take eff8Ot in pO66086i0B OF anjoyaent after the death or the grantor or donor, shall, upon pamUng to or for the use of any person, oorporatlon or atl6ooiatff.w,be eabJsot to a tax.. + .* Lat w ooneider the nature af the ~intem8t8 W IL thm beneflolarisrundortha Iaauranw trust orc~almdby Bm I L s-B:19w. Prier to the daath of the aatgor in 1 19451. the bsnefloiarlaaaaoh ha6 e ma third Intermt ia ,,.~ tha ultfeafd pros+eda 0r‘thr l~~uranos polioUm plaaad in I ,. '.trwt, i?mbJeot, hbm~bk, to eomplet6 defeausme until t&a ~ : dlstribatlonoi tha praoobds by the tmtees ~cl%or the Math of the eettlor. Ii my mo of the buaef~ciatieedie& aurag tn6 ure 0f the aettlor witmat. 1u.w. his intereut~ rpc dwaated. 3urlag this period the beneflo3.arl.a~ had no tight to the proo8rds or %nJo$aent cd ~thspropexty~tr the lmurancs poliaiss. rt 16 mat,until the cUetrlbUtlonof the prwesd8 ai the pozioiea by t&t t zWi?te8uin aoOOrdaUoe with the terns of tie t~'Wt~~ar'tcrthe 866th ti ths,Mt%~or, tket the lntmerta oi the bmcrfloiarieab6ow.e inde?tea#iblr. teated. Gertsinl~ Eht grant Pa t&e beneriaiarleh aould not %sb3 arreo* ln poeaoreion ‘or sajoyaent~ until *after tbo arm 0f the ~rtmm.* Bonox'able Gem@ ii.Shapmrd, Page 4 8 mr0aotive erreat t0 the 1939 43mnb~nt, 3b9e the trensrer cr all the dscc8ent's latarest toolc pk30. upan the araation of the trust in 1936. Lewellgn v. Friok (lses) 26t3u. E. 23&3, 69 t, h?. 996, 45 3. ct. 487; Biw- ham V. c. Y., Z96 17.S. 211; Indufbtrlal ‘bust co. 0 v. s., 298 -3. T. 2.20;HelverinF v. Helmholz,~ 296 U. C. X5. r;uah 1s riot,however, the nature of the ‘i'eraa lnharl.tanostax. It da88 not tax the trsnefer of pro~ertg by the deaedant, but ratner the pxiv%lage of the bsn0fiolary to rsasire the property. '!.?~is di6tlnatlonbatween,theFedamate tax and tha Taxas Inharftanoetax ‘Ia8 oleerly enunciated by Judg% Elalr for the Austin CmWtof ClvU A peals In E&heee P. ShspparC (1940) ,143 S. ir.(2d) 997 fwrit of error mfuatxl) at page 10628 %a do net regard as tiaoesmary a lrqthp dleousshm of+heEi8tinotion rkcrognlzotl by the authoritiesbetwtven the rsderialestate tax ana the lnherltuw! or ~uooersiontax levied byttho teriouz statem. Suffio8 it to say that the federal estata tax is bposed upon the right of grantor or tmx38faror to transfer property, and that the inheritanceor suoaee8lontax by the State ia impo8ed upon the rlgbt to mosiw. or-8uooeed to the possa88~oz oi enjopmt of progsrW* Her la it neoe88ax-yto disaue8 th8 oozfliot Of euthorltieenith lW8paOt to th. dis- tlnotlvn as to thaee tuofomz of taxeo. Under the Federal Eatate TWL 'an, the primary quas- tlon to d&on&m 1s whon the deoedent or mant- or parted with all property rights, Under our Stats Inheri"Wnosor SUOC68OiOn Rix %tat;lt*, the crlaarp question la whsthor the tr6nafer was made or intended to take btreot fn po8SMh slon or enJoynat aftor tha death of grantor of settler, psrtloularly in ‘JadlCiS oi tramifer of pqarty ia trust. It i8 not a que3tion Or whan the benef~clal lntorast 18 orsated, but the tax is imposed upon the right to moeive in poesession or enjoyirent aftss tba death oi grantor or aettlor, In oon36quanae', a grantor or settler map cwa%s a iireveaable trust dur- in: hisilifetiprre, atill if ha pO8tpOnWJ the right of'posueeslon or enjoymant or-the bane; flaiary until after grantor*6 dWth, the prop'- erty or any interaat therein hR 8uh$Mt to tU lnherl8anoror 8uOo*rui0a&ax at or after hi8 death. Under bur 8tatute, where either vp~ seteslon* or ‘enjqpient* i8 mde wantingantupon the death of grantor Or 8e$tlor of all or any part of the truet mtate, 8uoh transfer iz.taxa- ble." Rts above qtmtaticm disousdn(3as it dooz, the, l general prlnelple8 Of thy ppil0atlonof the %~a& Inhe~rit- anoe Tar Law ta inter PiTO trU8t8 whereby the alttlor po8t- r-8 until after his death, the bensiioiar$~spe8iae881oa and enjoyment, sean8 to oonpel the oon~&~sion that the in- euranee~truet In the in&an$ oasb 18 taxable, eino~mherO, not merely the ow!.lz& into po8#&8SiOnand enjogaarrt br tti thrse benrflolarles,bat also the~lndefOaalblOvestin& of their respeoti~e fntlmmts OanIKXttake ~.aOCunti%af'tOr the dezth Of thO iettlok. FhrsOplnlon Pn th8 Bethea oasb applies wlth lreCgreater partliy.lariDp to Um inntant oan$ in faob, 80-8 &host drserlptire of it, whul it aiSW88e8 th8 pro*iSiOlU~ them SEVO%vOd,at Oi the'fr\lrrt paga1001: "ThdI8,BNI OOMkUO th3 bl3tlWS3llte, i conelm8ive&yshOwi* th8 latention 0r grantOr w 8ottlor to ultbbold the full .or ompletu p08se88ionor enjoyam&t OS the truzt srtate,ex- oept the anmlty paysblsto appellurt prlmerlly out of ths revenueas, frrrnappellant gtil after the death of grantor, or until eight mars after her de&hi The truzt hztmment *xp*zz- ly provides t&t% the *rsm$indar*of the e&ate ‘SW1 not be diatrlbutad’ &a~$~ tb* ilf@Jtlne or grantor, and not*untll the explntlon or eight yeara after her death’. The transfer or right of poaeese&on or anjo~ent of the re- maln&*r ot the trust t38kk, was Redo aontla- gent upon apppeUant*amn-vlllng ths ~mmtor, whloh neosssarilpfixed appOllant*sright at or after the death or grantor. . . Thw the trust Instrument exprssslppprovldsd that the death of the grantor imet ta c&l eventa Ooaur before the ram&near of t&e estate aan take of- rOotin possessionor enjoymeatln appellant,. the benerioiary. &bd ttlUUthe t-t iJl8tX'UKi*nt ii by its OWR tenon brlzqe th6 inataurt aa6e 6qU6r6- lp within th6 ut6Eut6 whiah do6a not impae the tax on the tranef'nro# t&6 property, nor on the papaaslng or the props*y frclathe grantor, nor OR the ri@.~tto baooms ben6fialallfintWeeted in the property, but lmpos68 th6 t6x UQ*?Rth6 p686ln& Of the prOp6l'tjr OF lnt6F66f tharsin wh6n 'IAtiaO OT iII6OrrdUd tb t&k0 errOOt in pO66e66iCuI or enjoyment after t!w death et the grantor'< In other words, the thilng'bordsnba with the tar 1s the right to reoeiro or the rl@6 of 6w1068- eion a8 d16tl6&!Ul686d?rom the r1Eht 0r traanfsr. state v. Hog&-m T&xi SW, 90 si % (2dl 699, 78 C..W. 2nd RQ3.w Appwtbg 6hb 6bOV6 OOISUmI6tl66Of the m-6 Ia- heritanos !hx ha t0 thb 166t66t 0666, it iOlXOw6 the6 the turbl6 OTeat, ($.a+ ths 6oarual olrthe r66pbotiVdbswii- 6l6rie6' Tight6 t0 ?666ive th6 pXVO66d6) t&66 p&t6, ait6r the death of th6 6OttlOr,WElOll06eurr~d in 19U, aad tE8re- urrurt $8 &tV6llto the loa9 65Wildm6nt r0zr ao.rutrcrcrotlrs in aparing %t in t&l8 06660 "so long a8 the privilege or 6uOk68iOIl ha6 not been fully rx6r0166d it may b6 maohwd b~tdm tu. See Gahen v, Erewatur, %03 U. 8. 543? err P. ~Ollman,183 0. 8. 890; 0-r l'r g6166p, m)b u. 8. 4661 #Otiitt Ve Quo, a?18 u . S. 400# WloEel v. Cole, a!56U. S, ES%" In cahea 1. isrsrrstor, oit6d &bmo, th6 %iti 8t6tOt3&pm6 hUrt SWtI!liWd6 Lorii6iaM 1IIh6ritaaOOt6X levied upon the estate of a dwedent w&4 did prior to th6 pa66age of the taxing aot, but befOr dlstrlbutlonof the propertT.Yr. JU6tiOO St6%nn6, In that opinion, dsolarad, atJ-*Te 551: ~Thore 1s nothing la tho6e oa6b6 whlah r6- 6tralns the ponw of the f%tatea6 tQ the tlmo of the l5po6ltlon or the tax. xt mpg 66leot tb#lmoment or death, or it may exerol66 It6 power aw* eny or tne tlllle 1t hold6 the pkop- etiy frctmths legatoe. *It la not’, we Mid la the Pmklns OaaJb,*Ulltl.l it ha6 yleldQd Lts eoa- Crlbution tc the Stat.ethat it beoem61) the prop. arty of tha legate@.*" h@Tt in hi8 WCTk Oil"!#W6ttlUld %33l6tOO6", vol. a, s606 281, mkse the iOilO%ing 6tat6Bleata8 to the a- bility Or trUst8 areated PZ'iOrt0 the ~WQ&I@ ot the tax law, ln which the beneiioiaricw’ interests are eabJe9t to dereaaauoeuntil arter ths death or the 6ettlOrl *Put, if auoh remainder, though teohn:o~l- 1s VWJted war0 eubjaat t0 d4fe66anw at t!#@ tti0 the tar 6tbtUtb 06X6 into or stat.6authorltJr sustdm.tb6 tax, rSether.thermalndsr wara failr?reor tbs.~inds~n to 6Ul73V6 the.death or tk4 iir4 tehiut or thr ~i,t%lor.~~ In Belieriq~.v,H~lioik'(i~4o1,,309ti.8, 106, 60 9. ct, 444, 04 L. Ea. eor~,~~w~AiL,'R. lasu, tae l&llt.ad St&68 SnpT6iU6COUTt held th6t UL iTlWviMab~6tat&T +tvfb$ truaf W66 mbjsot to the federal 66t6te tax Op06 ths~'d66th of the wttlor; we6m his death utlngulahed 0r rsoerter Lo him-~ aon6tltutlagitranrf6r ta k e in p W64 68iOB Or k y o g 6Sttlt o r after c uieOt h i6dwth.” If the Uti.ll@XbhaeAtOf 6~Qw6 @ itj Of F6V6l%6r 6t the 8ettler*8 donth'aonetlttieej Wtx&ble evont'hndot.tha'frd- rml estate tu vhloh loakr '00 the transfer f’roar the km- dam as the ddenas~ of the t&x-oertalaly the et$Qsgulsh- Em Of 6 p0?8ibti%tJ OS dem66a66 Or ?A6 b6t.ieliOfa’~O6’~ lmmestg under & trust, would'om6tltu~~6 t6x6blo evsnt under the Texas lnherltuoaetax, which 1-6 to the ssoeipt of property 5y tti b0mrioiw a8 th6 lnoldenor of the tcu. ~ThsSuprem Oourt of Uoaa66tlowttin di8ctrsaia& the in0iaOno8 0r the lnherlt6noo~tu or that Stats in 'Ibpplag 'I. MeLaughlin 11939) 6 Atl. (Zd) 549, deolaredt "It applies to tr6q6fers,wh6rslnthe dwth or the ssttlor is a tijotw in the deoolutioa of the use or enjoymat or th6 grOp6rty. It i6 la- tended to reaoh a shiftlag Oi the eafOpmaat al prOpert~--eooaemlobbnsflt8 or 66oIl6mloln~erema ther6ln-whleh boara a dtitfiaot8na aeosesar3 relation to the death or the s6ttlor." E~mxable George IL Sheppard,Page a &A as said In Re Rollander'aXatate, 12S d. J. Eq. 52, 195 A. BUS, VW, quoted with approval in Rsthaa v. 145 b. n, (2dl 907, 1002: ~he~i~ari?, *The teat of taxa?~ilityis not th6 ti~a of the Ompht.8 diVeStinp of tha ~~CUIS~QTO‘~~'~ intcreet or owmrship; it is tha tima of tho o-late euooeseion by the transfarae.Fhara thara is a transfer ct a 8paOlfiO intareet in property and tha suooaesloa0r the transfena doas not become, and under the teame of the transfer 58 not to be8cuns oom~lets uat%l a time i at norafter the death 0r the trsaefbxor,that transfer is tarablq. %ie alstlnctioa . . , nsts oa . . . whbther the done@ I.8 daprllad of aa interest a? amm kind . . . until the dOnOr’s death.'" Under the aathorltioaend far ttqir9afxons ,aOrafn- above dlaeuased,in aaswar to your first .quaatioa,It ia our opinion that th8 ~Xo8bedS of the 1lTa inayraaoa poliotea placad'in trust by Mr. d. Eehwartz in exoef~8of .$40000.00 am aubjaat to the lnheritanae%ax JBrosad by.*iu?tlria 7lX7, ?i.C. %,~a8 orrfmbd in l.539. ~Your 88CCUIai$sast1on,ralatiAg’i0the a&i upOn tha tarabllityor ,thaprO@ieds of tha FOliaias, ii itsbe shown that the baaafiola~iasm&l tha pritkiuaastnoa the omatloa of tha truss Ia 1935, is sub8tantially the ema as that involved kn nansea V, RlaogPon raaantly daaldad by tha El Paso Court oi Civil &paila L nhloh appliaatlan ror writ or axxor in now panab betom the Yexae yUprea0 couxt. Until the Snpmme Uourt paaaelroa this quartl~, we 40 not oonoidsr it propar for us to att9mlit to answer it. For the raesons aiseuasad above, it 1s our apti- ion that your thizd guantioa should be enswered in ths naga- tive; i.e. that the baaafiaiariasare not entltMd to an ase~tlon on the iaauranaa~polloit~equal to ths oaeh mm- randar value of aaid polialaa at t&e time said polials6 wara tranefnrredto tha trustr sin0it ta9 tromar 0f tna pollales to the be,nafloleriee,dtetin@maa rmwthe true- tees, uar’.er th8 terms tprtha trust, doaS not baoam o~lata until after Yr. h. :': c.hwartz*sdeath, the eurrer.dervelue or the policies a8 of the date of the meation or ins trust oan ixiv8no si~hiri06nce for lnheritanootax purpsers. .