HonorabiaCharlesR. Martin CountyAuditor E&rrisoncanty Marshall,Texas I Dsar Sir: OPinion No. o-4116 Ril Logalltyof the Ear&son County Cmmissioners'Court oamtraoting with the City-ofWar&all to fur- ruishfire-fightingfacilitiesto cer+%in~definedfire districts only, outsidethe civ limitabut wit&in an eight-mileradius of the aity'a aenter,to the excluizion of the remainderof the oounty; and O. relatedquestion. Your letterrequestingthe opinionof this departmenton the quo+ tions statedthereinreads ia pwt as fallowrr "The City of Marshallhas made a proposal'tothe Cemissionec8'Cauz$ of HarrisonCounty to enter into an agreemexrt~tith the City of Hnrshall, vdzersbgthe Countyno~Q$‘bsTequfredto first organiz#,flre distriotoin .,tbioklypopulitedoutQ$ag settlommts Ilthin L radiusof eight (8) tiles frmthe centerof the City of Marshall,Pnd in said agreementthe Countywould be requiredto pay a stipul&ed sum to the City of Marshall ror each run mad&by the City Fire Da$arta~ntto the designatedfire dis- trict (therebyexoludingall other se&ions of the County),and under said contractor agreementthe Coun@ in turn would be requiredto make a aontraotwith the individualpropertyownerswithin the designatedfire distriot. That the propew owrs would be requiredto ppy the ooun*, or ratherreimbursethe County,for eachnm made *the City Fire Depart- ment for a stipulatedSIIBI chargedthe countgIy tie City. "QuestionNo. One: Hould the Commissioners * court of Halvisoncountgbe. authorizedunder the law to enter Into a contracttith the City of Marshall to providefor fire fightingfacilitiesfor oertaindefinedfire districts outsidethe city limits,but within the county and within a radius of eight (8) miles from the center of the Citg of Marshall,and at the same time . excludeall other sectionsof the oountg? Hon. CharlesR. *tin, page 2 (O-4116) *QuestionNo. Twoa Would the Commissioner8* Court of EarrisonCounty be .' authorizedunder the law to enter into above contraotwith privateproperty ownersin certaindesignatedareas outlyingthe city limits of bkrshall, Texas,and lyingwithin the county and within a radiusof eight miles from the centerof the City of Marshall,therebyaxoludingall othersactions of the county,whereby for a oertainstipulatedsum to bs pid toths aountyby certainpr0pm-Q ownersin the firo district,the countywould, in turn, furnishto the propee owners in said fire distriat,fire fightingfacili- ties under the above describedcontractwith the City of Marshall,and therebyexoludingall other motions of the County?" House Bill Noo.262, dots of the 47th Legislature,RegularSession, (Article2351a-1,%ernon'sAnnotatedCivil Statutes)providesin part: " . The Commissioners* Court of any countyof this State shall aisc have tlk*authority to enter into oontractswith any city,town, or villagewithin the countyand/oradjoiningaounties,upon such terms and conditionsas shall be agreedupon betweenthe Commissioners ' Court and the governingbody of snob city, town, or village,for the use ofthe fire truoksand other fire fight- ing squipnentof the city,town, or village . e ." Generallyspeaking,the authorityof the oonrmissionars‘ court as the governingbody to make oontratcts in its behalf is strictlylimitedto that conferredeitherexpresslyor by fair or necessaryimplicationby the Constitu- tion and law8 of the St+. (TarrantCountyvs. Rogers,125 S.W. 592; Baldwin VS. Travis county, 00 S.H. 480). The authorityto aontraoton behalf of the count is vested in the'comnissioners' oourt in absenceof a statuteauthoxiz- ing some other agency to contraot3and if an agreementis not made throughor sanotionedby suoh agency,it binds neitherthe countynor the individual. (Sparksvs. KaufmanQunQ, 194 S.W. 605; AmarioanDisinfectingCo. vs. Free- &one County,193 S.W. 440: Texas Juriaprodancd, Vol. 11, pe 630). The conmissioners' court must havu authorityof law for its contract.and, if the authorityhas-keengiven,a reasonableconstruction of itwill be given to effectits purpose. (Conmissioners' Court VS. Wkllaae,15 S.We (2d) 525)a Article 2351~1-1, supra, specificallyauthorizesthe commissioners' oourt of any countyof this State to enter into contractswith aqg oity, toam, or village*thin the countyand/or adjoiningcountiesupon suchterms and oonditionsas shallbe agreedupon %&weaa the oonmissioners' court and the governingbody of the city, town, or -villagefor the use of fire trucksand other flm fightingequipmentof the city/town, or village. Therefore,Sa reply to your first question,it is our opinionthat the oonmissioners' court of HarrisonCountyis authoriasdunder the law to enter into a contract with the city of Marshallto providefor fire fightingfacilitiesfor certain defineddistrictsor areas outsideof the oity limitswhichare tiithin the countyand v&thin the radius of sight miles from the center of the City of Marshall,and at the same tIme‘axcludeall other sectionsof the countg. It.&&in, Eone mari.ai. psge 3 (O-4116) m think that the distanoafrom the oily or the areas to b includedare' imnatsrialand that the ccmmissioners'court oan legallycontractwith the city to providefor fire fightingfacilitiesupon such teams and con- ditionsas shall be agreedupon betweenthe commissioners' court and the governingbody of the city0 In answerto vour secondquestion,you are rsspsctfuliyadvised that it is our opinionthat the commissioners' court of said countyhas no authozitywhatsoeverto enter into the alive mentionedoontractor co&r&s tith privatepropertyowners for the purposesheretoforemention- ed. There is no authorityof law for such contracts. Trustingthat the foregoingfully answersyour inquiry,we are Yours veryt nlly ATTORNEYGRNERlUOFTS?LLS By /s/Ardell Williams Ardell Williams Assistant APPROVEDAPRIL '3,1942 /=I GROVSRSEUERS BFF%?OVRD FIRSTAsSISTAm OpinionCozmuittes A~ORXEYGWEJi&L l&BITE ,. chpiman ~~'
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion