Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorablo Norroll L Bwknor, ChUrnan OIplb, Flab and cyotor CGmalralan ., \ Au8utlu. 20x88 ,.li De8r slrt cplnlon m. c&5 -; Ret x8rt~r0r utloL:rlah &uoa kilhh&aler stuto to rdll or “2. I8 it mfrrtli for vholemlo fish dealerandhr rot&l fi8h da 30 P t0 rue OT otherwlre out upanyRedfirh, ChemmlBaer, mnorable P3arrell L, Btaokner, pwe 2 3peaklod Sea Illrout, Sheepbead, l?loundor, Poapano, Blaakerel OF a.fr-24pe~ for dellvery to a oue- tamer on 04nelgna6.nt?~ “3. I.f the anmru to Queet~lon 2 le in the afrLrm8tire, may euoh rllleted +eh bo eold fr rejeotod by the oaneigaoo0 *a8 0andFtf43tf8 8~ tha rf8h d8u8r8 and paakere in otbsr etatee ax-0 reported to have 80id to ritth d0u01~8 vithin th0 stat0 or mm8 rilleted rroma ash, licaba ktada o? vhf& USI referred to Is miole 929 or the menu CUM. *Thfe lbpartaeat18 uncertain u to whothsr to allow tho ruue 0r 8Uah produota labia thie *tote.* me powor of th6 state to regulate amd oantror the tsging or rf8h and to regulate or praarbrt the lale or rich T&WAtuken haa beon raid to be nbsolute. Pfeh md game are by legi~letive eaaetmnt and deolaratlop tho o- 0rth8a0i0~0p3+0uod~0fth0r00u~~or tmz The Legielature, thonrQre# he powor; not only to ngulate th o fr lla u g h o ter r t&Stag b utto ma klaewra o g u la thtS.ug e r ub p,a 88088i0n mad trvnrportatiop or rub 8nd ra4h othe lW8438 mr b8 &04OJSw tQ &4iooollgrlirh ttri8 p-e Uld &- E evaylcuu a+ pryoat vfolatfone of the &w. 119Tea Jur. . &Lrtfaitt 929, voralnl’e Annotated Peau code, pQ- edor a8 roxb8t aArt. 929. Over8lm or mderezte fleh tar eale “xt *hall be-.unlawful tortiqggmeon te eel& or ofrer rw eale.0~) to hare P4eeseebm, tha b d boatortoha inany i%o&t~ i&.ii% ~.bllrh#nt ocp& uw mm- ket where merohaudfee ie dfemeod’*r, 6ay rodfSh t 1 ththan ~~~eeZLahe* 1 ~irWO water OP epwkbd mea trout or lee8 la Z-J- tvelve lnah88~ auy eheephead of learn than nine in&e8 in leqth; may rlounar OS lere t&sin tualve inohm inlengtht anypcmpmo or 1888 thnn nlaa In&e@ ia length1 my mmkerel of learn than four- teen inehee in length, and any ralt water gttrr- topDeAl or lees than eleven lmher la length. %he plaoe0r male or 0rr8ag for male w rhall ror the urpoee or thu chepter poaeeeel4n to oetablieh veauo,, be el & er tho plaoe Srom YhiahaualifleheSe ah&pod, orvhe~~theffah em round, or 0frw3d for *alai It rhau be m- ‘laeful Zti eslllng or offer&g f'or male rap fish rtentloned in thL8 ertlole to mover the h4a& from shell not mbaeum loam than e tlnahe*iu lAny p o r eo ;r io n ia a &t$ o t kng&p ria vb i4 ne o fth lea r ti4 sh3& a blle 0 do tma <y do i a a le- l. deneanor~ a ndupon QOBvItStiOBahall be rmd a mua not less than ton (410.00) dell4re nor pore thrrn rirt~ ($50.00) do-.* .,,_r;~ ft appear8 to bo 5adfemt rrotn the provl~Iaa or the quoted statute that it IS unlawrul rar,m vholewle iirh deal- or sod/orrotal.l r lehdeuoin r t& b Sta teto lalloroffer r0r male any of the fzleh manticmod therein sithor iLl.lotcrd or other- wlee out up ii ewh fhh were uaugw in Qow. The auewer to your tiret gueetioa, thswroj?e, depends upon YhOth8r thb‘quoted etatute aleo appllea Co euoh fieh, named thers3.n, Importad to Texae f+ma ahor Statem. !Fble rpe- oifLo quortlon doe8 not appear to have beezi D&ore the 0ourte or thu state. Ronorable Murr8l.l L. Buakner, page 4 There appetm to be a ccnfllot of oplalon in the other j~i*dLotLona u to vhether a game &at&e 0r one State a?eSera to #me imported after belas killed in auother State. Where awla a ltatuts doer not by espreea Zmguage indicde thatgtuat-of another State %e either emledod or Ineluded, it ir held la sow jurledlotiona that t&e tom "gaw"or *any greed rerora toellgen, both dcmeetla endiwoign. Other jurledietiona bold t&at, laumob am pea81 etututee are to be atrlotly @onaQasd and only thore act8 are to b4 puniebed vhl0haro Oloar1JaondeBne d, game mm roror only to -a klllsd VLthln thk juriedlotlon, mleee their tome reqalre their appllaatien to gem8 killed in another State. 3ee 12 ~~ta3lng~aee ~~696. From a ourarul etudy or many or the aaeee on both mid88 or taking into oonaidoratlon the wording thlaquertlon, of the pertiaular atatutoe in each instance, ui are or the opinion that this better Tiev is that taken by thoee aoUrte tthtch hold that 8wh a etatUt appliee to,all &me, both do- ~3taetio auarorefgtr. In any event, w think that Art1014 929, supa, ef- preeeea the *v onthle werti4nlnplalaaudunambigu4ue Ian- guago, lowing it8 wanlug oleer end obtioum,~ to-tit* that & ileh amntfoned.thorolp, whether dcwetio or roz?eign, oan be En, ota., ln Tuae ouly am therein preolded. Then II, there- r0m3, DB ~00s ror aouetruetion. It S.e veil eottlod in Texae, that bruaha eaeo, the lavwillbe appllrtd andaa.fcso?du it reada,regardl08r 0r its p4lLet 01Tptaqoee. Boo 39 Iox. Jur. 161, 142. Inthe aae~orExpartelai*r (CUU.) 37 P, 402, th oourt &a4 before it a C8lif@mla ltntute read3ag thatt I. ..t Qwry pereon ia the State or car- 4Zda uho 8w CLt ally t&Et8 a$& or OrfOP r4r male, the hidw or meat or dear, olk, anto- lcp4crawJulata~ehe4g, eh%l be guilty of a M.edemeauor.’ . . w . held that sa id ltatuto extended to, ti The OoUPt in- aluded, the lslliag of the hide w meat oi any 8Uch 4eimel, thtmgh lawmy killed beyond t&e State. We quote fiwm the ootmt*e opinir~i em follower ” . ..I Rcumrable Murrell L. Buolcww, chainnan, page 5 Petitioner oontesb that this pro- I vl.elon'o~ ih; statute, properly ~4onJtmaed, does not prohibit the eJ.le or deer eat lmf tek-~ ma tithout the etata, but ham rerorenoe 9~80 ely to door kllle& tithln thle etrte3 that the law la lntonded to proteat game dtbin the etate, not to pcohtblt the lqo&rtlow and lUe or game from *the* atatea. With thie 00ntentM.n w are uuable to -we It in true the Iru la lntend- ed tar the protootlon 0r the game vithin the etato, but it w’ao meane rollova ;trm that ract that it ie not the Intention, am a .a mene to lo- oamplieh that vmy end, to pmhibit~ the male of the tieat et taa m(Mla procured oleevhon. The etatute la p3rreetly plain md unemblauoua in it8 terme, and fe eurr~oiently brocrd.uwl oom- gUWienJiw4 to inJlUd8 th4 bklbited prtlOl8 uhereeoever taken or pr4awd. It doesnot oanflno lteolf in terra8 oc by impUa4tlOn to the me&t of dear killhi tn t&l8 etatts, but de- noumo*~.ae unlaurul the ma14 0r the ,meat.or say daer~'au$l there I8 nothing ueojrhere in th4 atatute~t4ding to &ve lt a mm reatrlot- ~I& Ilogae. 2helmguago la to4 plrb to laaw ad em4e2y what Zta Mrda import. ~’ Aaide- i’ram the oxplieit lan@age in IIhlah thle 'part+wJJw prorielon i8 ,oouohed, &a exa.!dmtion ol’ the .~ va r io a e h a ng*a h th e r l eooti4ne 0r th e . Code relatfttg to p r o to o tlo oi a g a me h a veu&or- g o neat th eh a nd8 0r th el4 g .lb lai.8 tuz- p er - e ~>, lue5lwly oon~lming of tho int4ntlan to do ‘: juet what thle set does by it8 tmyj -- en- ‘. t$nly prohibit tr#fio la the meat or the88 gaw tmlule within tlke state, aa0 anaia;~ uze k5.Ued. Andita4edhardlykJ awh a pr4~ielon,. if 4nfor44&, ul‘3 Wad great atd to ta& at~nt or. the: objeot, aoughtT Th6 faotlity Jnd. easewith vhioh the: etJtute8 fw. the proteotlCIQ of game hpve b4en evaded in the pa8t ir a PPattor of oorimonknowledger Beor and other gtuuehave been l laogbUS++d dtM.Ilg (; ( \: Bonorable Murrelll L. Buoknar, page G the oloee aoaaqn,M foisted u$on the market a 8 8a me p r o c u rued lth o th u te lta tej and, wing to the pcaotloal imporelbillty in the great major- ity 00 oaeoaof proving with cetitainty the *our00 fiaa whiah it warn proeared, tb4 attempted on- roroewnt 0r tho atatutea m its proteotlon ham 2lW434?4 proven ab4rt1Ye. %eae:and like oa~id4r- 8tlon PO doubt .aotuated the legislature in the prtmlaea,~and lnduoed the enaotment of the etat- ute Za its preaant atriagent far91 and ae kn4v or a14good reamon vhy It rhorildnot be held to mean uhatlteaye,* Eavingo~ludedthatdrt~ale 929, aupra,applLsa a8 veil t0 lu4h iatpOd&d iiah 88 to dOib68tlOil&h, ve need onlymake the rtwhsr inW.rya8 tovhetbr mu&a rtrtuto ie a valid exerolae 4i the polio8 power Of tha State OS Tesaa or unecmstftutional a8 an loterrereaor vlth tateratrte com- meroe. That euoh a etatutt la valid, a pearsto be vellt eettled elnoa the paaaaga by Co m4uy kmnm am the uIaoy Bet. " via that yE%%%~~0r3z!&~:~ thedead b&is8 4r part8 th8P8Oi 0l wild gama ~~ aaiaial8 or game w 84ngblMa vhentranap4rtadlntoanyState ehall bo eubjeoted to the law of the state, ena4tad in the exera9.80 0r its pollee powr , to the same extent as lf euoh ga~bhadbeeaproduo~dau~stats,BDdaball not be esempt- ad the.reXre#aby reaem of lmportatlon b orlglaalpa4kagea. Inour opinion, thewrd “8amd’ae usedbth4Laoy dot, ln- oludee rath.~ ~or&t and PhPaeee (P. Ed.) Vol. 18, p. 58. It may be p*kmd out that all or tha lp eUee or rhh naned irr Artlele 929 a-4 r00d rfeh, round aud caught in the malt vatora oi thb Stat. in ipeat nusbere. The tak- lug or auoh S'lah above of balov tha elroe epaoiilod in the Aot mayproperly, therefore, be oonridered an iajq to tbe rood supply 0r the people or this state. It ir now vell eettlad that a 3tata aiay prohibit the $818 or poeaeeaion of fish of certain elate evan ii brought fpcm vithout tba state. The objwt Of eueh a IJAW$8 nut to arrest the 18gallt.y 0,C the tzaw.ng 0r fieh in other States, but to ~z'oteat the lOaU ff8h in th4 interoat of the rood aupplg or the pop14 or thlr state. Silt v. Ei4aterb4rgi211 U. i3. 31. . . c; Eonorable Murrell L Buulraer, pag6 7 If forelgu M8h or the rise andepeoiealpentioned IA the Aat, may b6 illleted, Rosen and mold In l!eraa, thsrs f8 nothing to pr6vent T6zaa itih of suoh #l&6 and apsoler from belag Nlught in f6xm raters, carried to another Mate, filleted, rettmwd and aold in Texas. In view Of the r0oragoind, it is th6 apl.nion of thlr d6pam62&, w6~ th6 fatIt 8tit6dB th6it both gout fIX8t pnd 86OOBdQwatianr ahoald b6 axuuer6d in the negative, and 6ach fs 80 6nmered. In vfev of oar rmgatlve answer to your aoc~ondques- tion, It beoomea 1mn666rr~ to anewer your thfrd Qw#tbn. TrwtLugthat yoor inquiry hae b6enf~~yan8w6md, ue ax-6 very truly your8 CiW ATTCilHIfT OF TEXAi3 EPtdb ,,. . ..