OFFICE OFTHE AmORNEY GENERALOFTeXAS ' AUSTIN Honorable FhelburneH. Glover County Attorney Marion.County Jerrert3on,Texas Dear Sir: opinloliNo. O-&O,099 Rer Employment and aalary of'sohool bus drlrar and route of opera-. tion or hi8 bus. 5. Fe hare reoeived your letter or Ootokr 6, 1941, In whioh bou ask the opinion of thls,departmenton the rol- lowlng queatlone~ivhfoh we quote trOm y&r letter1 "1. Where a man Itarbeen employed.todrive a school bus, a&the revenues derived iron the State permit .paymentto suoh driver the sum or $30.00 per month for his servloea nhioh Is ad- mittedly Inadequate,0811the Loos1 Trustees or a partioular alstrlot augPasnthis salary out,of the Common Sohool Dlstrlot fund of auoh Dlatriot? "2. (a) Do the Truateee 0r 8 Common SohO Distrlot hare the right to employ a~bus driver, or must suoh driver be employed by the County Fohool Board? u(b) Is the route over whloh a sohool bus driver operates a matter for the Looal Trustees, or the County Sohool Board to detennlne?" For the sake of oonvenienoewe nili answer your questionsIn reverse order. titlole 2687a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes reads-in pert 8s roiiov~s: "The trusteee of eny sohool distriot, can- ,mon-orindependent,maklngprorislon,for the transportationof pupils to anb from aohool shall for su& puTpOSe 8LUplOYOr COntraOt dth Honorable ShelburneH. Glover, Page 2 a reaponelbleperson or firm. No person ahall be employed to tranaportpupils, who is not at least twenty-oneyears ot age and a aompetent driver or Eotor vehloles and sound in body and mind." However, Seotlon 4 0r Artiole V 0r the Rural Ala Appropriation(Acts 19W, 47th Leg., R. B. 284) provides ae rollowez wCounty Board6 of Trustee8 ere hereby author- &d to employ bus drivers for one year and the salary or no bus driver may be paid,out of the County Board TransportationFund oreated herein unlees euoh hue driver la so employ+ Provided further, that only puplla or parsons dlreotly oon- neoted dth the sohool syaten.shallbe transported on sohool buses .Wle In the prooeea or transport- ing pupils to and from the q&&w1 8nd any bus driver violating the forego$ng provisionsehall rorrelt hi6 oontraot and ahell be~lmmedlatelydie- oharged by the County 3oaxd or Trustees. However, aubjeot to the provlalonsherein, bus drivers who own their own buses end are 80 employedmay be given a contreot for not to exoead two (2) years oondltlonedthat said bue drivers agree to make.lmprovementson their buses, so as to more adequatelyinsure safer transportationror the aoholestlos,and the route or suoh bus is not ohenged ror the aeoond year of the oontraot." It is elementarythat the tiglslaturein appro- ' prletlng pub110 moneys is empowered to proride the manner of their disbursement,end as we .heldin Opinion No. O-~$6, lt~la wlthln lta provlnoe to attaoh "oondltlonato their expenditure." Therefore,a sohool alstrlot whloh oomea within the provisionsof the Rural Aid Appropriatlon~Blll and elects to aocept the bonerite thereof'must oom ly with the provisionsand oonditlonsof the bill before i.& ..i will be entitled to receive aid thereunder. Feation 4 quoted above provides for the ewloyment of~buo d?lvers by the oounty board of trustees. Assuming that the sohool dls- trlot ti whloh you have ref'erenoeis eligible ior aid and intends to,‘rcioelvi it under tho bill, it follows that the bus driver Tuust,M esployed by the oounty board of trustees. Honorable Shelw H. Olover, Page 3 Seotlon 1 of Artiole V of the Rural Aid Bill read8 in pert a6 r0imfm *The County Superintendentend County So&~1 Boards d the several oounties of this State, sub- jeot to the approval of the State Superintendent of Pub110 Instruction,are hereby authorizedto annually set up the meet eoonomloal system or transportationposalble for the purpose ot trans- porting both grade and high aohool ~upllarrom their dlstrlota, and wlthln their dPstr1ot.w It follows from the came reasoning expressed above that route of operation of the bua Is e matter, not for the looal board of truetees, but for the oountg superintendent and oounty boar&of trwteea, subjeot to the approval ot the State Superintendent,*a part of the authority to set up an eoonomloal~eyatemor tranoportetlon. We tura'now to your ramafn~g question,whether the loeal board oi truetees may supplementthe bus drlver:a 8alary 0r $30.00. Saotlon 2 of LLrtloleI Or the Rurel Md Bill pro- vides aa rollowsr , "sea. 2. Tax Levy. lo school district shall .'be ellglble to receive any type of aid authorlaed under the provlelons or this Aot unless it shall ba providing for the annusl aupport or its sohools 'by voting, .levyingand oolleotingfor the ourrent aohool fear a looal malntenanoe aohool tax of not less than ritty oente (504) on the one hundred dollara or property valuatfon in the entire dls- trlot. The property valuatlone shall not be leas than said property is valued for State and oounty purposes. The~lnoome from suoh e malntenanoe tax in exoeas or the required tlfty oenta (500 main- tenance tax must firat be used to retire lndkbted- neaa, ii any, in the looal and equallzatlon(Rural Aid) sohcol funda. After the indebtednessIn these funds, ii eny, has been retired the lnoome from this malntenanoetax in exoeas of the required fifty cents (504) malntenanoe tax ma be used at the dle- cretlon of the looal aohoal au% orltles'orthe dle- trldt ior any lawf'ulschool purpose. Provided that Honorable ShelburneH. Ulover, Page 4 no looal funda may be used to lnoreeseteaohers' salaries dlreotly or lndlreotlyabove the aalery schedule provided tor ln this Aot. An or all mlntenanoe tax above fifty oents (506f may not be lnoluded in the oaloulatlonof need ror ala but shall be reported in the budget. If the ln- oome from the malntenanoe tax above fifty oents (50#) Is not spent as preaorlbedherein, it shall be lnoluded as reoelpts in the budget. In order to oomply with the terma oi thla aeotlon it shall be neoeasary for suoh aohool districtsapplying ror any type of aid authorizedunder the terms or this Aot, to report all vciLuatlona wlthln auoh dlstrlots lnoludlng all oonsolldateddlstrlota and annexed dlstrlots and failure to report all suoh valuations shall prevent suoh dlst.rlotfrom reoelvlng any type of aid authorizedunder this Aot. Provlaed that the tax provisionsand other lnhlbltlonsprovided in aald Aot shall not apply to the sohool where the Alabama Indians attend eohool in Polk County, Texas." We have been informed by the Department of Edu&r- tlon that under the rules and regulationsgoverning trans- portationIn Texas, the mexlmum expense that oan be allo- ror operating any on6 bus Is as fo&lowsr an amountinot to exoeed $30.00 per month ror a driver, plus an amount not to exoeed $40iO0 per month for operationexpense of the bus plus one-fifthor the orlglnal ooet of the bus for the year. Under the aot, dlstrlotawhloh reoelve aid ior tranaportatlonoosts have their looal taxes restrioted and bud&eted;.tharerore, no dlstrlot partlolpatlngin the rural aid funds la to have .any surplus funds above the $30.00 per month ror the bus driver unless suoh districthas a looal nainteniinoe tax rats above fifty oents (506) on the one hun- d?ed dollars of property valuation. In that ease, auoh ex- ceaa revenue could be used to Increase the bus driver's SShry, after retirecect of the school indebtedness,if any. This opinion has been writteu on the assumption that the dlstrlot ie eligible for aid nnd desires to reoelve the same, snd your questions have been answered on that be&r. There is nothlng.ln the bill whloh oompels sahool dlstrlots to seek its benefits. If the dlstrlot does not ohooae to Bonorable ShelburneB. Glcmr, Page 5 partloipateunder the sot, then~under Artlole 26878 the looal ,boer&my erzploythe hue driver. fir hi.%ealsry, and deter- -e the route of operation oi!hi% bum. Very truly youre AmORi4EY G.F:T"NERAL OF TEXAS . BIRST AC ATTOi'JW c
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion