‘. ‘. OFFICE OF THE ATT’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tWe ure ..in ~r&eipt tdd deed dlaoloaeathat ante& 8ol.duid reupon mush oonreylcse~:ahould?M- and asid land lhotid tith- park piwpoaes or elia8mrert mitotptlsrlly to tU g$~mtos. See ,&IIPoxaa Jur. pn 25. While the deed reoltsa a mminal oonnideratian.the fats further d.%aeXoaethat the oatweymoe wa4 ro0urlly au outright land donation,to the ,Ptate of Em86 for park purpoaea. 3IonaN~leOlennLLnk,p8ge 2 It la 8 well lettled rule that pub110 offioera and governmental bo8rd.8poraeaa only suah powerr M m experrly ocderred atpanthem by lalfor are neoerruily laplIed fro81the power8 80 aonferred. 34 Tex. Jur. 4110; Hsrlingen Indppendent Sohool Blat. Y. 0. H. Page Q Bra., $8 8. Y. (26) 983. The .98x88 Strte Parka B&rd ir an agctnoyOS the State, authoclsed to and abvged rith the waponalbility of 8oquLrlngandmalntainingr ryntemofpubUa pada forth8 benefit of the pea le generrlly, Sor the benevolent purpose Of &WOSIOt~ he81tg happlneaaand general welfare OS aiti- red. State v. Br8&8m, Dir. App., 11 S. Y. (ad) 3'17. It za;e8 8U it8 power and authority by dale tion f'rm the See Aatm 1933, 43 rd Ing., p. 571 rh. 187~ Artiale 606%;~. 0. a., aa amended by Aata 1939, 46th Leg., R. S., p. 516. Mea8 rpeoiria8lly author$.sed'bytlw Ooxwtlttattion or rtatster, raoh atate agenolea have no 8utihorLtyto oonreg any operty8oqairedb~theafor the pyrpoaer of 0-m out EL& delegated duUer. When authori&ed by statute to oonvey ruah $rOperfy, they muat do 80 8triatlr in the manner protided. The poweM, l$ +ny, or the state Parkm B0ard to aonvey thn~laud8 under ita aontrol are.found in Art&al* 6668, whfah we ‘au, V.A.&?.S., ote 88 foll0n I “Th ela ldB o a r ahall d roll6it donation to the St&t8 of traota of land, Urge or ama& to State the title to aq auah traat 08 traots bi land, or, where the rite popoaed la not deemed aultable ior a State Park by the %tate hrkr Board, to reject or refiuetitle no that it 8halX not reat in the StMe, oa ii title to 8 sit8 ha8 beaome rested in the ltate fa,park pur’posea and deemed~unault8ble $or 8 St8te Pmk W the rite ~3.s the State Park8 Boqd, whether the United M4ten of Amerlaa har ~undertakenthe derelu8pmentoi my rite in whloh title to 88~1 18 IIQW mted in the State for park purpoaey the Board ia helrebrau- thorised azxdempowered to trannier title to another i ~BonorabieQlenn Mnk;page 3 Stete &wrtmeat or iartitutlon wi&lnu the l&nd, @r-wherethe Lan&aSr'beea&&te~ bj a oltx or oounty or other.dogm, to trui8Ser title to auah alty or oount$:,oro'her donor where they viah the sit6 returned to them, or where the United Strtea of Amerioa has undertaken the development of any site in whleh tltLe to 8cUs 18 now vested in the State for park purpowa to tmuxafer title to the United States OS Amerlar, or where the deed to the State Pmka Board containa a reveralon alma8 provldlng that title shall revert to the donor when not uaed for park pPrpoaea to dealare t&&t the park la unauitable for SC&e Park purposes and that ,tlt.tle has reverted to of'thla seation the ,Stete.Prrkr Wmiir'th~~mvialona Board has the wth6rltT ?where land has been donated br a altr to truvfer tltle'to 8uah oitr where they viah the site returned to theii'upon ~r~tro-thlrdb:(Skb) rote of khe member8 at the Board &uthorlslaS e-me, au&pro~lding that the ?hMrmm of the Board mU,~?Ign all l.natr?mentaso autherlmd.. W&er auother alalue sf the same rtat&e wh%ah w quote aa followa: "or where the deed to;the State Park8 Board oontalna a rereralon olauae prorldlmg that title ah&U revert to the donor when not used i'orpark purposes” the Board ~ an addltlonal ruth~lt~ ql3dortbs ,rrat-•itu&tieaand statute "to dealme that the pmk ,La unaul.table'Ss~Stat: park pu@poaea and that title haa Feverted to t~4~gra&gra. There+re 1t.l.athe opiaiou of this de the Tessa State Park8 Board has the requisite aur-I" -!+- hopity te deed any portion oaf the ,deioclbeddonated landa to the City HonorableQlena wsk, page 4 of Xerrrllle, if it wirhea that same be returned,wider the oanditlonsurb in the%mamar yaoMmd under Art. 6068, ji. 0. s., aa atended Aota 937, 45th Leg., p. 360; Aota 1939, 46th Leg., p. 51 . Yours very truly eia PEZ! Aa;Iatant BY aheaterlL'ZE% CEO: eah APEFMVEB 0PIMeN o- By /a/ B. V..B., chairaan ThlaOpImioaOeaaIderedW ApprovedIn X&milted Wnferenae
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion