OFFICE OF ‘I-NEAlTORNRY GENERAL OF - AWTtN .k. i ij Honorable John R. Shook~,Page E tiomi are rillsdxithout expense to the County, the Court bellming that the addi- tional training eooured by suoh employee6 nil1 Breatly benerit tbs County and would con~tltllteElgood investuidntoven if it were necrsssaryto pay for substituteem- QlOyll%8. "our quef3tionthan l,r wGan the Comaiesloners*Court grant a lwva or abmenuo,with pay, to oomtp health employeesto enable therpto take a special traInin& aourcw outside or the County where the State Departmentof Health la providing: substitutesto perform their Qutiee at 110 mlM.tiona1 ooat to the Gonntrrp . . r" Under the authoritieso&ted in o fnion No. O-M&, or this dapnrtaeaent;a aopy of utiah la encE0mea hanrith; it b our opinion that your question should be answered la the nsgattve an4 it 2.6no amwered. X rurther rwuson why the orxintyxuapnot pay the edertu 0r therr eaploymoswhllo they em 00 a loat0 or abamnee 14 that 8wh eat would asoust to a mtu& rhiah p”n” %a Inh ib ited by Ar t%,o l 8, Swtfo n 58 o f c u r c a a stita 3 o a . Ver y tr u ly y o u l=B FIX? ASSISTANT A'ZTSRNEY GENERAL vim.S. Amidant COMMm-EE
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion