Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableIL '8.Sattertield PerlPlOll '(ZosEf+io4er State Firemen s a&d Fire Marshal's Association Austin, 'Texas Dear sirr Your letter of ~thls department a copy of a to begareoated:by the',loc.al Bo&e WLi ay3, aotr '1937, ~~th&..~yot~~z& obtain,the,info y to enable you, air,@riaioh fiommie requirementsof then,&et that ,ehe t6 the State Trea 1143the rEt9tS~i8hi required of thblr existence. The adetjuatein every respeot .ae.Vs~one;The form letter aeters to the oity ox t@-n as having;a "]regularlyorganizedFire Departmant,w whereas the Act make6 ePigible.only'thoseinoorpoiwt,ed cities and tmma hav2qg a "~reguiarly ~ra;ani@d actlv,),FiseDepaitment.n The letter should be amende& in this reapedt. . .. Ecmtarablo H. 8. Satterfield,page ,2 Aa pointed oat above, the Aot 1a silent an to the m&hod8 1y whiahtthe Fi.romen*~ Pamion :Bemmlamimer~~shal.l satisfy himnelf of the.etlmtanoeo? the fag&r detemining the. eligibility of the board.: There is no reqnliament,therefore, that the lnfornmtion knoorporatedin thk Iotter shall bo supported by an arfldatit.,Howswer, the~Commlsaloneris at liberty to require the infonuatlon to bs submitted in affidavit fOW. Yours very truly ATTORKEYCZl’iE?AL OFTEXAS tUgned) R.W.FAIRCIEELD By '(