Hononble Charloy Leakhnrt, Pqo t _u rocordod by nny UotmtyOlork la thl. St.t. tan- : tll tbue b.. b..n *itheA to 8uOb in8trunont o tu m in la a o r dnnowith o the p x wido a m o ? th la \ ma tP an: prorldlq itut86r that mhoul6 thm ilr- 8trumnnt fl1.Ain th. otflo.of th. Qouaty Cl.* be mourity or 'illobllgntion tht hnm preprrty 9X6&@ 68 86ourlty in 6 686t6 or Btator other lo..blo. ..hv.lu. of .ll pprty Tenrlnthm proportlonthtni4 property ln Ten8 bear8 to the total v.luo oi the prog6rty roauriry thr obUmtloa$ MA provldirg furthor, tht OIOOpt 88 t0 r@M6al6 Or ~%6M iM 6 Or lO- aruod tntmn8t, th* 9mmirionr OS this 8ratioa .hfi ZlOtapflJrtO i66tXUWtt8(riWl iE%W-1 or 6xt6n81068 of lnmtmam6at8 'therm~on 6t6gW undmr the provimlon8 0r thi8 Aat or the arm uenb ld hereby and mhll not .pplr to ianrtrwmat. given in thi reiundi.n@of lxlmtiq bonds or obll- ~tiono where thm proaoaing inmtrunent of 8*our%ty W.8 .fuprd iB 8OaOFbBO. With tilt8 ht, Or ttM on. anended kareb~l revidod further thnt Wt. tar leti& in tllb Aot 6& u -4 t0 OJl42: hUB#- mnt, the.on8 oi'the ip66t6.t A66mia6 #.V.?81 iXl8tIUWMt8 ar0 05ntUj!O%'M.@U.l &A+ outmd to IOOUF. oa. obllption; lad'pm Idod fur- th6rtlmtwhenenae rtup6Aa6~ruVi464 hemin, lu inrtnment my b4 rao6mM in lny attBb8X of a~t~8iathi88~~dthO~6giaki~ @O %@h%8lratioa 8b.11 not .ppl to inrtm-. aentm, ;tugmm,or othu ebU &"tioa8 t&nb,or on bewlf OS the Unlt*b St8 em or of thm State or Ten8 or any oorpernto l(wnot or in8truma- t.lity 4 the Waited Blatott, or of the 8t6t6 cb Ten., in a ur y inuout l (yorrnmenkl Flrpou am lx p ~68eULn say Aot of the Oongremm oP the United 8t.t.8 W Of th. 8lrture ol thr Utnta et Tmnm, aOr '8b.1xthi. Y 860t @6 6ppl t0 iMt-t8, not68 or other obli #on. t.k.n b of on behalf of nat%olml Ikalx 8 A6866i.tion6 or6nalae$ tan&or.the I l6u6 or th6 United 8kto8, iamtru66nt8, not66 nor or other obli86tlonm t&ma by or oa bahnlf of Stat. Buakin# aor l’.tiOB8’.f th! 8tate Or Ten. aruted undu Titr l 1 6o f tha Redred dlvil8tnt- at.6 ot T.x.8, aor .hdl tha ~roti.iOM Of thl. lmoti...pplyto obli&ntlonm .a!iMtl'UOMt8 meaurmd +, . Eonorabl. i%mrlmy LmklmTt, -66 8 by ll... oa Or098 SB A r u n o r l l.al8ur.lpro- duotm, or to l.lnmtork or ?8rm E Pluu8t8, er '- 06 Sb8tnOt O? jU6&88at. ‘I? the nmount .~oureA by . lautrmmnl 1. not expro86oA tb uela ,o r It lny p a r to f the rmourlty A6.arlb.A in ln$ ailohIaotrunMt 6 p66rm to b8 lQO.t.A~witboUt the St.t. o? Twu & County vlmrk8Inll require proe? by writ&n &?I- A.vlts O? muoh ?a&. ..~y be ..~.8..l7 to dmkr- min. t&a nmount or thr tOr do.. *. . . . * It f8 W.1 1 66tthd th5t WhM l &WW.h.8.~ et mtr ma pert:.? the plrohme 688am66 8 ibbt or other obligrtion .of tho vendor, opulty irplimr a 1166 tQ 660ur6 tha p6rfmm.60. 6f the ..8uupt~on. 4s TBS. Jar. 46as Burtea-X&w 00. t. atmn- anru, cl7 8. 1. 446; 8nn&er we.. vetBtmwll, m 8. v. lss; (togu1.z 'I.Z.ohrJ, 64 di.V. (m) 85S ~(W.'P.Bo?.). Bueh. trnnn0t10n 0rent.. q lie. la i8V.r or'thr~v.a4ar~.n Bh* It it .t.,t.A 'th.i'th8'ihrt~t &idoniir;“t~ Ori&Ml In(lObt.&...8 -6 1. ?8VO@ O? .II -Ilot 4-8y. l?ouevu. the 6puit6bl6 ~Xlsnobllgntlon or66t6A by the 6xeeu- tie. O? thO,'dWd in qU..tfO., d... not Tull in ?WOr O?. 8hi8 but In favor o? t&o vendor in the tnrtro'meat,6 lpi- x:2 l;Alvm.l. fax lovled by Al-tiah Tho 00110 18 08 the *at&O n&l a0 exemption i8 maa* neither i8 to oblly0i.n. tioa, !q trao hUBb6Bd to alto ar ob,tloa~ on boM.t+ea6.. Th6n?or6, ,1trollm. that al* deea 8 rob oat to the t.x. Tti. pn-6Xi.ti4 i.k.bt.dS.68 ‘.8ti by, t . Wi?. 8-4 k o o ~8iAuo InAlxdv%?q 6t tB6 mmaut qt th6.t.x to b6 p.l(L,, mad the tof should ,be fi.6araAM tb. Mtbonmount .8..Re#. APPROVBDSiPT.ZCO, /a/ ?rover Sml~*n YIRST ASSISTABE ATTtXUf8Y WWERAL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion