tiFFICEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Jfqer D. w. s8sk.8, Pap P fa8erpoxesl %a+ aeturb, am- stltutsssa intorestln 18~1 The ITexas Prfsea Board i+i?tate agenay@rested I L Ye and employ& sky me Stat) far She purpoqp ofperfoFrin(l the duty et,l&s S8880 80 l.nosroerste and os*.$or psrsonsoan- rieted of~,mrim in thf8 State. IO Perives 811 of Ite ponr sad suthorltrby delegrr#oa,from t&teStats; snd lt,hssno ponr. or dutie&exoept thoks rhlsh are olearlfset forth snd defined br the I3omatl;Lti8loa 8nd st8tut88o? Texas. 37 TeZ..Jur. p. 631 ll Tbx. Dar;;p. 563. ‘*,: a~$~,br 8he prise~orspenfl.no~ 'thenin.w Undsr 8hs above qwkd s8s8uta8he Leeislature plseed fulleostr0leoitks Texss Prlsan System ia the hns kisan BoaW, b@t lmh ~eont~l* ia Malted t? these pewers Major D. W. Stakes,Pam 3 whleh hew been expnsal~ set forth and defined b '%,eg- lslatum, and suoh pswers se must seeessarllybe L fr emth e lx p nsso dp ewer ax.a ulwa00ullt;lr s r. J& na fn~ (,Olt. ARP. 1895) 33 8. 1. 585c Tlmabew quot+ ststuts dess’ndt,~ot OO~~IIO, oon- ferupon tha Texas Prl8on Bssrd 8~ authorityto grant thi naoss~ry eammant. We hare given speolalomsldsrstlon to Artioies -, 6166-0,62034, Seotlans 1, 10, and 6203-d. Artlole6166-o suWmrlses the Prison Board so lease real estatefor a~loultural @Ad graslsgp~pOSe&~ th$er &~rtio&e62034, 8eobion1, a XOIW~ for Lease of TexssPrison lands ls .orested end suthorltyis oonfemd on it to lease Texes Prison lands tar oil and gas derelosmt. Seation10 of said Art1018prsrldesthat %4ld Board shsP1 authorize the layingsi pipe lines,telephoneUses and ths eptiw of OU0h WS~&:@Wr tbvrPdSOA bAdB 88 Yy be d@0aed neoesmr for snd lrwl(lsnt-to ths parposeof this A&J@ > Artiole620)-a speolflosll~ suthoriaesthe Prlron 20~0 r a ntr ig h t4 fwa y lamments for lrrlgtion ssnslm, f sterslm,eta., to personaor oompanlesenw6ed in the ~r&stlon busin48r. .:; A oareful ,sxaabstlon t these 8tstutes wl&l die- 0108e tha absonoeof 8paif&0 8 in the~Tehms;Prlson Xoud to grant the ~aseaut*eont0m&O.8ted aAQ in our opinion nsne ot the'rtatutes ry be ,60 eonstrud a s to luthcmlce the Xea r dto lzereise sash a pmfsrb * Woreion, it '18bh, oplnlan OS thl8 de &me&t the% bhe Texas Prlson~Bosrddoes AOt hew the outrority to mt the lasaasstright-of-my or oo,nrey de8lredbr the &lid POrV BOUStOA Li&LtilXIJ t%SQmr. . -. we hare g&Ten eosslbsratios al.roto,ktlole 6715,' VemiOa*s AnnotatedCivil 8tstutss,~~uherelnauthorityhss k&n given to .theTexsr~Prls~ Board to graat sn erafmen% sorome Tex$s Prisen fgpLls@ to the Texas %fghnr Depsrt- asn0~~or-hlghws~ pgrpeses~~*~ze sonsentof the Board and the -vernal: %‘r.obta%n@; -Thlljska~ute1s obviouslylnapplioable. Xsjor D. W. Stakes,Pam k 'r ..a1 FurtherresosAh-has uio the Legislstbb ha8 re8tedlVnthe a4 simlls~subordlnsteState lgenoy thf,s\rthority $o.grnt M l8OM At t0& A8leOtriO ml' OOrpM '*for th0 PorpOW of plselngIts po 8 884 tnasml8slon 1L es en Is* 0wned SAU uytl by tb Thexwio~, it Is the furtheroplnlo~ofthl8 de-' p&t&t that the oontemplstedls8emeAtoould onlf be ob- tilnellbr sn sot of the Legfslstuw gsntinl; to the ~oumto~ Llghtin~8na Power dsapsnythe 8-e or InvestWg ln the Tsrs8 Ptlson Board or other 8lallsrState spnof the speoit- lo autf@mltyto fgmnt the sa8ent aemirsd. Tours w,ry truly APP?~VXD OCT 16, 194X A’ITOBIOROXXXRAL OT TXAS (si~ea) Orover sellers '.~ Tza@T ASSISTAWT ?r " 4; pTOR@Y- . ..,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion