Honorable T. Z. Hllkineorr
County Auditor, Hill County
lrrr are thoea a r th o r lsed
1 Oounty, datb4 April 10,
ta si S$ per enmaei, and whloh
~oialeeloaece’ Court of thm
able to be darlvti from the #alo
netruotlon and maintenenos
It now apgwwe that a
oh bonle. end: the oouty
de for the rate thsroor and he rroelrrd
to enoh ldr er tl#ment.
hat Road Dietriot lfumber 6 of Hill County
in the aounty, Artlole 066&o? lbrnon’8 Anno-
t8tad aitil 6tatute8, would oonetituto the l.rgal airaotioa for
the lele of luoh bode. Thfe artlelo proridoe that, after ap-
proval ard mgietratlon a8 provided by law m>atirb to 0th~
bonde, eueh bond8 ehall eontinue in the ouetody an& oontml
or the Coedeelonere’ Court in the oountg in whiah the+ were
leeuod and shallbo by raid oourt sol6 to the U#hwt ld
bert bhr for oaeh, olthorin rholaor la mroc)l8, but at
aot 1err then thrlr ? value, ad tha po?ahaBr moarr thorn-.
fu .rplu, b. J.urb the Ootmt~Tparartfog rusheount~
td~thr.~6rdlAf bha'avafld%laroad~iadl ror euahp01101041
eubulildoror-xoa4IIli*rlot. 1% will be awn thatthr above
rtiituto rOquir0thelbvrrtlrmuntfor bldrl %he only
du$y lmperd upon the Qoou#e~lonerr* Court with @fwonor Co
thr eala .idroad dietriotbolld*le WI&&* rousf~ehaU rul
aeld bold8 to the blghet dnd.bert .'blbdor for;m#W&t not
leer than the par value or tW .:boi#r. ’ ‘I ~. ‘i.~