Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ,LB QUOt4 6 8S ro1xorr I hold that ohaaoo8 rt 8 prisa 4rrlgn+od aa Vroo* aad drra 4th porohrw ir not la trot ‘fror’ al- thou* rrtlrla purrhrred la worth full prlrr m nrp*etr rhothor trmsrrt1onlonatltater lottery, b utp a p a nt lbraoea in part or pul- r o r o h a no1r 8 ohwr prloa. .I u la8twon4eriry if the holding in the mm. rotall not k l lloabloto t&w held- ing o r th i8 la 84 ~84 ~ a m30 Pdrratioa. p Xa th e state o f ta c tr oubmltted b c r e in o ur CSBC th e 705 Eonorable Clint Earham, Pa@ 2 the urohaarr 0r thr art1418 4000 aot get thr hna- rit Pn 4Oa404444or tha purob4a4 l1 n0. h b g ir .0 hi8 toter to 40~4 other p4raoA. I 81 usable to ?in(, thla pnrls4 quratlon anawor4d la tha a4448 o r lll7 or our OplaiOM. vo era 1orr larlou4 to hato aa op Inisa on thisas soonad poasibl4 in or- 44~ th4t UC 414~ lafora thr &r rtora mianapr a8 to whothor or not ha 1s riolot2 nu the 14% f? bt a11 Doaaiblc p14444 lrt a4 ham an spitioa is tiia nast two or threr 44~8. In y opialoll thlr rtsto o? trots baa ronatltuto lottery 4ven thou tha purah4arr boar rrarira thr ko4rlt in lM oaaea.N Lkotloa 47 o? Art~ola ) o? the Conrtltotlon of T4rra nauat "The L4&rlstum ah411 psrr lrwa prohibitln# the latabliahmoat o? lottorloa 8n4 gift ontar- prlaaria this Statr,as well aa tha aala o? tlakota in lottarlos, &St ratrrprlror or other 4raalons l~rolti~ the lottarr prinolpla, rat4b- linhod or lr la tlng, in other lta to s.” In 4ooordenco with this provision of th4 Conatitutlon o? the 6tata, th4~kgial.rtur4 parred ArtloIr 6% o? tha P4n41 Oodo, eLi6h naaa a* to11owar .It rn~ pa?4OB ~h811lrtrbliahl lOtta r T Or dlrgos4 or 4ny satata, ~441 or paraoaal br Xottrry, ha ah411 br iin EC& 14a8 th4n On0 Ihtdrti (@OO) Dellara nor ma th4n Ona Thoussall (#l,OOO) Dollrrs; lr t? l4 p o r so alhsll loil, ottor tar a418 or k409 ror sale lnr tiokata or part tiakets in my lottery, Lb ah411 k flnad not laaa th4a Ton (#LO) Dollars aor mom than Flttr ($50) Dollars.w Inoit erwlakt. urWla&aam4at~4nJ, loo 6. If. (24) 695, fTe& Bup. Ot.) the 8-t aria: %4 State PIA Cod0 61~8 AOt d4riAO 8 lot- torr, but our owta hm intarprated it ia areorb SM. with ubllo ua4gr to 8I4A s ashma Or plas whleh prors doa ror a dfatrlbutlon o? prlua br ahmoo uona thoaa who harr ~414, or 4-d to pay, 8 oon8ldrratioafor the rightto part&&patetharolm. 26 Tar. JUF.P. bO9,&o. 2, ud t& lsa a alltadin the 8otu.* hd l8 8 later *au 8dth v. Iftrto,127 8. W. (24) 297, our Oowt of Orlalnsl Apmsls has tha tollada to ray8 WA fair aOrinltia or 0 ltt0rf la tam4 In the holdin@ thst lt la aawasuy b order to la- tabllah8 lettow, that thrw thblp oonou: (11 tAor0mat ba 8 pi80 (2) the orurahlpor aurh prim must k snlvs i at br @hawe, ud (31 tharamuatba ama aoaaldontlamrPtlng?ra the nsiplont of bushprim to ths (Lono; of swh Mu. All than thraawaraarry lmatltwats muat k ruut kforo the lstabllahmat of a lottery t a ahou8.* On aamroua eaasslons thla departmat haa asrd m lott*,rqusstlons. ?ho ills awnben oi aow~o? t c as opln- lona are O-428 O-967 O-ll74, O-1202 0429, 0436. l O-1729. shoad you d&a 0pLs 0r ul oic alt 0r thaw oglaloab this doputdn4nt will k &ad to iurniahsmam at roarnqwst. Our aouts btr hold thmt ans lohosa fortha dlstrl- AF #lohsw woo tmldto k 8 lottarr. purebaas,tha rate8 tU hein8 brat ‘br the ?UbhOS@F of the mrohanaiaa ?OF an& la ?-OF 0r sny ooat8ats8t ln whOaa khalf 707 $ha purohssu 0h00808to oaatsuohtok and prlua king smrdod at tha mid s? l ltatodtirrto thr aoataatant or eontaatuatshavln#$W gresteatnumberof rat40 the prln- alpal prlrsboln&lmrdod to the lanteatsat hs~ly tha gust- rat AM~F of totas, tko leaondmoatlmportaat prlsa golly toothslonkatrat haring th4 leroad loreoatnumbor or votoa, ,,.n thIakolorrlr ha0 tuo of th* llounta ur4saar~ to mks lt~aaotter First,t&a p&n raqnlna the pamnt oi a lonaldaration rd OFUOFiOr the pUTOhOOOF t0 ~~ttiOlpho i8 the loate8t br noelr~ tots0 in that ha must 8ako a ptu- ah888 st thIe drudstormla orderto ~esslw th4 totoo, and the ?Sbt that th. PFiOO Of the m4FSh8RdlO4 I4 no p&OF thSA it woulb k It a0 reka won glvms riti ths parahsao 4oea aOt altarthe ?#@t that It 1 8 lO~ldrFstItW as aan- 8ldaFOtlOn 10 dotlaod in thr 0~InIona.Msond, th4 prim llsesnt 18 0~00 loatalor( in thI0plm, k88a80 prlws ax-8 swardodto lonteatanta in looordaaaa rith tb aakr o? totes8a8t la Wwir khJr. B0~v4?, wado 8ot kusro thst ths thirdllarnt lohaaoe. ia pma4at in this plan.aa so to bring it With&&tthe dO?hittOA Of th4 Oph4iOn hOi4ine that srlrotly tJianslplont of the prlsa or prima by oh4noe 14 41188sentl41 414m4at to aonatltutr a lottorr ala00 th4 nua- kr of rotw rasaltrd br laah rmtwtuit aroma to deprau llF@lr OF 0AtiF.l~ 01~”B hi8 ~pularit~, u~~mh;h$l~d lloquwoo ~4 por8urr velbil tl iB parror aoat their +otaa to? him cmhla rismalsl lbl tt to bw rrohandlso ontltlk4 A$8 to rotas. mraron, m bra or t&a ogInIeat&t tk *totfry wataatm 4rasrlkd br tea la la4Us.g llamanta ia oao of the aa8antlsl naausu~ to make 1t 8 lOtt.Ff ua ia t S@eh 8 .lOtkFr 00 is sad. pualah- lb la UdOF AF usle& ;r w Pus1 o o do . A 'h rn oublo to riad la the ropotiod da8Iaiona or blr-ptb~.bny $uH bwrlnd dlrvotly upoa ex 6eSOFlhla~ swh ho$ist&hatuts~ w bhot dbssrtkd b PT latter But Epon rurcrhik(i :eh &oioiwb Of Ot&eF bar atlons,w hmn iorrad nnrrl- UHS la whloh Sh8h GtOk lcmtaatam wan ha14 aot tohal+sttiMwradAousuin aueh aontrats -8% held tu ha ktto&~Iei.Vhlk thaaala a a am othor.statoawmld aoo ~ooonrIdomd sm soat?olUn8,wa thlakthw arm porsus8Ivo ur l3usrntlsn wo quote th4 sppllasblr psrta or *us& 08808 ow, tog4thrr beI" with tkolr oltatlonar *A rotlad aonteat in a atom 81th 8 piano and sIlv0~ 88 prima to h rnrdrd to th4 aoa- testoats hating st the on4 of the lonte8t th4 mod 708 ‘T%o o ~r & idr o f l g o p ’dtiltyo o a k st u8A.r lfhloh mrahontr lsrumdbsllotl to lustea us, oa- tit1lnlgmlst#rr to rot. tar rq potsonnot on- 8qdl la spoBmQrlryor proaotlq tboeontwt the dnnera of rdrfohnn lntlt1.Ato lwtrln priua, vas not 8ulltr of oporatlnt a 'lottorp prohibited b ystatute, llllallmmnt o ot 'ekma. yas 1rokiaA. P. 1. 8683. state T. LlnAm~, Pt.‘, 2 A. 24 201. "A #ohoar bf rhloh l nrohrnt or lssoeistlon on selli- mrebmdfro at r~ lr prloss issues to puroibarorsballots thq to lxpnsr tluirlto ln l a er to irnumb , u oi uns, so o o r a ng to the prioo or rrtiolesbought in rator ef may person omapethg tor ptlros to ia givento tlm persons noslrlag OT holdingthe stoat number of votes,1s not a mlotkry*prohf" blted by stat- uto. P. L. ,8663.Etote v. LinAsar, Pt., 2 A. 2A 201. “A sohasu by which a nrahsnt, on srlltng rorohuidfra at nplm priaos, lsiuor to .gurohanrr kllotr wtlUln8 thornto oxpress their~oholoo a lutsla ~\rrkr.o?~tlmos, laaording to tho ptloe o frrtielei ‘b o @ t la imror or q .p uuml08p a t- iy rorpiiks to L to tho persona rooolr- ghoa lng'orkolAltt#the grertostnumbr.at votwa lr not 8 *loWor& aot lnrolting ln llesmnt ot ohmoo. xstlonsl sales ao. T* xsnol*t, 162 P. 1055, 1056, 83 Or. 34, L. R. A* 19170,b'& .me toot that thorb al&t haie kea inPr ,$.;,, or,ahrrp pm&loo (Luringpopulsritr oontest unbap:~. rh;i* ;perahtg&s %m~eA bsllots to ons~onmrs l at$+i~ tr$hg ~wiatoar8 to .rote for enr pereon not ws ged In lpoasorlng or promotin tJx* l oateat.the WEllOH of rhlohre?o editleA te oertslnprires, did not menborthe oontost a 'lotterf, shoe u.17 sooh t-u6 or sharp pmotln, if ahorn, uoul4 not tond to inhloste blh4 tste uas the 4eolAl~ hotor that ia the lontest. P. L. 8683. Stat. v. Llnaw, vt., 2 A. 2A 201." 709 nonorsblo Ollntmrhrr;'Pa~ 6 ‘lOUlO rO8&WOtt~t s6vlraAthat in tlu Opi8iOE of thlr b ltmnt tho planAorarlkA br ~00 6oos lo t lo~lr rtltuto l Pottorysnb ia lot prohiBitod or puulahsU0ruder tko p?orialon8 or ourPanalcd,. Tkir plan Uf to 91 & St lntm doe* rashon thst Aororlbe6br the prorlsloa8 o? tke Const 1 trtieda? hx40 huolnsbovosat out. I?iti8th a R lnA o r ‘g ir lntmprlso- t AesorlkA in saLA oonrtltutlonrl orlsloathanit la sgslast publlr pollor being ia aontrrreatr on o? tho ConstitutiaA o? tho atsto or Tou8. lion~or, tho to&lmlrtpn hrr'tkor bar not ssoa tit to lttrotuatr thisprorlrloa or our Uonstitu- tloa sob has net prohlbitoA or roridobmnotlonr to? the punl8hmant ot thorn* epustlag s it lntorprireo it, %a teat, tho AosorlkA br lm 01 8 tke k indo r #iitlntarprisa 008. teapPstsA by the Cloutr tutioa. Wo trustthat vo ham su??ioiontIfand rrtirirotorl- lr lnmmroA tho inqalrr oonkind in rour lottor.