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Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1941-07-02
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Fionorableceor&e Ii.Sheppard
Comptrollerof Publla Aoooun88
Auotin, Bxas
Dear art
                                    o.plnlonHO. 0493%
                                    Ret Whether appropriationo?
                                        "b818IlOQ on hand' in ruall~
                                        foa admini8tntion and en-:
                                        r0r00tmtt           rm ta
                                                   0f t110t0r          _
                                        law it3valid.
          We have moelretl your letter of Septonbber
L941, whioh we quote in full a8 iollowrr
           “t3eOtiOR 38 of Arti8.l. XVII of Ifoolld Bill
      No. Bi itqtalar5eaafon of the ~oq%y-earenthLep
      18llatur8,re*d8, la pmt, ac,follow8t
           W~BefOre any dfversloi Or sllooatton Of
      the motor fuel tax aollioted   underthe provi-
    - iione of this Artialo,is   made, eno (1) per osat
     Of the -88            Of 8aid tar Shall be 8at
     add0 in tho StatsTreesury in a 8peeoielfund,
     aubjeot to tho ll88of tho Oomptrol3m in the
     lbtfnistratlon and lnfororaront  &the provi-
     SiOM of tbl8 Artiolo, and 80 muoh ot tho aald
     pro000d~ of eitte (1) per oont or the m0tor fual
     tu   p&id monthly a8 MY b& needed in.8uoh ad-
     mlnletnatlon   and onforaenmntbe and i8 hereby
     appmpiiat6d    for 8aid puTpc@o.  &any umxpSnd&d
     ~portloa~,o~ raid fund 80 OPclOlfi~a8h8U. acthe
     md ol laoh biennium roY8rt to the rfisp8otivs
     htId8~or aooount8 In propor pro~ortion8 towhioh
     tho Xotor Fu81 T&x Fund 18 allooated at the snd
     of eutoh  biennfum.* (&drrscroringsupplliod.)
          “At th0 slidOf thI8 bioMhU#  the~%~ Wa8
     several thoueaud dollar8 unexpended of the one
     per oenh oolleotsd under the above quote% eeo-
      tiOA   Of   thr   statute.
Honorable George     3%.Sheppati,PRO        2

            "The.Osneral AppropriationSUl oarsI
     the iollowlmg rider SOT the Com~trollrr'8Do-
     Pm8fQent  :
          **one px cant 0r tho motor fuel tax ool-
     laoted a8 provtded by law tagQth8rwit.bbar-
     811008On &@    at d@Ist a, 194l. and e
     nQ=,       are hamhy appropriatedto the Camp-
     troller from d&h    itag abor shall be pald,
     and tor thm adminietmtion and enfomement af
     the R&or?!'~el:%s 1Sw8.
            “‘Budit a ndl~aahatiOn r808 Qr~vided by                .
     16~   togdiher with ?&&ULO88 --
                                  On hand ‘at ~+UgU8f
     4, 1941, and kagurt Sl x9423,are hati(yby  ap-
     &GO~rf6tSd to the ka&oll.r    to ba used; In la&-
     itt@aUbft8.' (lihdeT8OOringCrUp#iOd.)
           “?h*    ~qUe8tiOll   ha8 arf8.B.  ill  thi8   dspar8-
     nnnta8 to       whether    or not thlo~ 8o-odlled un-
     8XPUUte~     QOStiOn     i8 i@~lWQShtSd     f8S   th.  U8e
     and benefit oi the Oamptmller in the enioroe-
     ment of the Eotor hul 'i&xlaw, slnos it IO
     argued that the rider in the appropriationbill
     lUpOr8Od88the general 8tStUtO tr~looating the
     bahnOO8 in the fund."
          It is well 8Qt8ld in lWa8 that an appropriation
bill oannot.repeal oc moairy a ganorel law. Linden v. ixnley,
98 %x. 4Bl; State v. Steele, 89 T#i. 8300;Confereno*Opinion8
8990, 2789, lSOe; OpinlonS #OS. O-900, 0-l637, o-81)79.There-
fore, ff the rider in qwr8ion  8axd~Saotian 85 CC-ati(tle.?mI,
Houou~rBil&8 am in oontliOt, the ioxmerntmt yield to the
            However, it ,I8 elamontary*at ‘2stwo btetutory
pl'OV181OMlaw b. &&VW inteX&bMtatiOM, OM Of whioh IS&OS
ruoh proVl8lonain U&U?iiotwith laoh other, mid th8 other
of whioh maksc It so thiitthe tuo provision8may be read In
hannony, one with +;htl mother, the latter mmtiozmd interpre-
tation will be given. TM8 prinoi~leha8 been apply
to a general   etatute and a subsequentappropriationbill.
Homorablo         Oeorgo B. Shepmrd,      Page 8


Gonley~r,         lkra&torr     of the Rapubllq, 186 %. Wr, lOF+ 'Pbo
umoun0.d          prlnoiQl8     rould be 08&WOtal1y6~~liO~blo~to the
prO7;8i@JU UWbr OOMidON0iOB 81ll60~ey.WOtb bOth,p688Od
dUrIl& the 8-O 8688Ion o? the 49th tylialaturo.
         You will ao%ioe oho lanerum wod in 6Ootloa err
or &sIolo XVII*
             :- “~‘un.lp0ndba         pmion   of   i&la’runa     bo
     b&liiiOa WatthO       8l%,&,660hbI86&U8
     rbvwt 30 tho reqbotlvo rum
    ~,                             or aooount8 lJ8
   .,                     ta~hhfohtti
        ~s$.~DoTD~'~~OT'~~O~S                      -torti         ?'a~

        (IB. c---       --sx----.

             “‘1110 aal4 alloaation                lqe
        Oii)Ohi~O‘@Id SUMin iIEtOrOb 8UbjOO,t:tO  f&-
        thoroallooatloaor.a9propriatioa   by the gomrnl
        or 6i&rgboial appropriatloobill."
           Vndbr~hispxovirioathe a~oo6tfon I8,mdo aubjoot
 totha’ghral appiopriatlonbill. It-follmr 'tiatthe kg-
 i816truu.'u66 fU%&yempowOnd  am3 luthorixed  tb mako theap-
~pmpl4etlQl~~%nqUblltiO~,'alldthat the trro &'EOVidO68 am not
 In oonfllot with oaob other.
          fn viOW ob th8 fO~gf&g,   it xi'the OOn8ideMd
o&don of thindopattmont    that the riderto
Clan td the Lbtor Fuel l&x Wririon Of the
Dapartment 6ppmpri6tIag              tho *baJanow on hand        at August
St, lQ41,~6utLAug~t~31, 194F In Thor. ono pm 6Ontiotor
rue1 tax 6dmWrtn)lon   fund 1~ a velld and logal appro-
pria8lon to the Oarptro$lerof Publio bO~USIt8~
                                              YOUM     V8m     jiNly