OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFT- AUSTIN Honorabls Oharlrs IL Bot&gan Criminal Di&riot Attcmney Mllrlln,T*xaE .Bearsirt apltnionx0. o-392l 13~ St UL i.adlVidti.OUAUa tmo% O? land 108s thin 200 aerou and vallwd at 1.88 than #3,000- and th. W~u8ty~llaedivides the same Fa half, oan auah laudown~ &ah hometed oration in both oountieB? so are in rmoeipt of pour letter in w&lab you fom queet tho opiaian of thir dmrcslent upon thu question sot a& thoreln aB rollown "St!en individual own0 a traob ef land low than 200 aoraa and VPluod at low than $3,000.00, and ts critided with a portion in -A- oounty and a p6rthn in -B- ooorhy, or in &her words the oounty lia lrdltidem th e lme $ nh a lt,c a n euo h f;rAtn¶g al&m htwaostaadoxee&Mon In both Saotion la of Artiole VXU o? the Conatltutlanof ~ Texas provides aa f0110rs; "'i'hreo Thousand Dollara [$,,OOO.OO)of the assessed tkablo value ot al3.r?oridmo* homestoads aa now derlnad by law &mll be oxmpt tram all caxatlon rim all state purposoe; provided that thio oromptiorr.'~al.l not,be applloabl~ to tha% portion of the ad valomfa tares lotied ior ,-ate purpoaas remlttsd within those oountlecr or other polit1adl subdltiaions llcm reoeiving anY runlrslon of stato taroe, until the orp+ratrionof ouch psried of rends&an, unlees betoro the erpimtim of suoh period tho bwd or govarniag aOdY of a4 me 02 more of snqh oaunties or politloel wbdiri- afona &all have esrtifisd to the State CO5ptroUor - - ATl!ORL?EY GENERAL Bimi
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion