OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TExhs AUSTIN flonorp&le Jo& 3. iiudd, Jr. he~-&ator -t Syrt6a or T6JLw huotln, T640 m6rsQ-r O~lalon no. o-3917 ce: Authority of Boar& of True to00 to P6QUiE6 06S’tstn aaount or toebahiqOdurin(i 1937-S u b reQulolto to Od6bUobllYnt 5r prior 06r- ~la60 amalt. . In four l6tt6v or hi@ut al, 1941, rou subat to a0 the foll5vlng faaSs awl Qu6otiouo for 5ur oplnia, to-vit: %6 t)oaFb 5s Truetees of th6 4-r Be- tir mt SJo ten h u r eq lmo ted Ia 6 to lee~w6 a n o p lulwfr o ayao u& a r efp r zo d t& 6authcmtg & Ixl llwtaUow 6t wuat6eo ln r p p r o r - 5f th eB o a r d ifle Or deu#.0& 4It@&eatiOAO iC@ 662d66 NtfX6- Wt o lk wa a o &OO f tUdWA-0 l6mi66 iJ&th6 ub o O* publio 80bo0ld ef Td?tno in th6 l937-38 8ahool yerc vu not of ours~6i6zlt 6xt6at to oluoLry a uo bl6rPiQ6 M a ar64i.tau6 you of 06wia6 eaaord.Ug to repl8ti550 of t&6 beard of Two- tees of a46 mo.o&6~zletirssrnt &yotom. *hWw t0 @6tOtiOIl5 Of tkAC%8&&6~ i%6- tlr6ra6at x&v, Y lmlub6r, m other Iwjmts, must have C~l8tedtVBPty’OTo years of or@U&lo remtao b6fcw6 b6Lq eli@bl6 for ler via ret-t s h lefSt0. la o ld6r SOP a proon at th6 pmosnt time to hovs tvaaty or W6 76&W@Of 6&‘6&tdd 063V%od, it io ObViOUO th a t lueb -WA O&kOt h&V6 eotablloh& 6OdAt X0&’ p r io rl6r via 6.In o-tlon vith the ootabl%irh- la6lxt of p2%or aeIw.w t3reat, 1 vidl to F6frrr YOU t5 mtia 4 Of thn %S6h6S’B6tirer#at m o&VI06rteh x%Llb@ pMo0d by the PlorrQ 0.f TPUS- teas of t&a T6aaher Retir6?@aat Syrfea. I &a ltwo h iohg e r eto a OOW Of& 16ttelF Vr ittento the Attorney ChnCaI%& under tit. Of ~OV6d36l' 12, 1937, r6quaotiag th6 opinion OS ttm Attoramy O6~rdlo~6rnl.q owhrullq8 ~006dby th6 Boafd of Truetoea snd 6 oopy of th6 Attorney Qen6Pal'# opulionglv6n uud6r d8t6 orD666mb6r 14, 1937. You vill obrerve th8t rullr@o ~$3 an r ela l ti p6alr168llyt0th6 -r in E& a & t iOrF iOP l6Mi66 rasJ b6 6Otrb- . 'In Pegaml to the nq ulPea6nto as to the 6xtent 88d n6tua-6 of oervloe r6qulred fm a l6h661 y66E in order ror owh 06rvlae to b6 608Oider edU l a l’6ditdJl67'602 Of OcrmiO6, th6%66h6rR6tL19116ot~t6mhfu oonaidered the roll- r6$ulatloM u ninisnllll P6qulxe- B6ato I “A tether &&Xl be umdlted vlth as.niamaf~oonthoonaoo.l- ary bulo, 6seept a teaah6r in a oahool VhOO6 filll O&Od 7Ul'dMO XlOt MloUllt toyaa8tbl,vhoVlllb6aPedltedvith hV-6 t806hoO1p6rlfh6t68Oh60 r0l. the tLsafha6o6ldsahoolioin l600i~ f9P th6 Oobooi 76~. “A fuU-6la6 t6tuWr ok&l - 6h6 teaoher vhoso rsguler oalorled aoajm- ration ror 06i66 r6Mwwd 60 6 t6&h- 6r6Qualoor6x666dOhlor6ul6roalAr- i6d ooPqpeM8tiOnfOP w 0 St. r 06rvloe that al&h6 b6r6&6r6dinOtbr VO66- t1QM l&i16 raid p6roon 10 6a@g6d in It 16 flmh6r prwlml that ::~~OOiOtMtO sad p6OH6 t- in higher eduaatlcmal i.mtLtutiona on a oaholamh3.p ehau aat b6 aanrtdered fUU-tiM t6Mh6PO. 466oh6ro In a night r6hoolan6AMurx?yb66io a060 POt Qoll- otltu66 eU.g%biUty for memlxbrtip. 'TbsR6t~tB~tsmnoohoa 6XumtbW of tea6h6ro vhe aPe ylprying for a #emlee M- tlr656nt allov?uvJ~ rho bid not r6zd6P 06rv106 i m-b16 Jaha 5. RI&%, Jr. j pae6 3 in the l937-3& euhool year to the extent requfre& for 6U6h S6PViao In 6wh yWU’to h6V6 been. eon- sidered a oredltable year or oervlae. The em- ployem of ouch persons in 1937-38 deduoted Pfve per aant of the 06Ury vhich vas paid to euah persona and remitted cuab deduct&one to the Teaahsr Retirem6nt System. The T6aohe~ Ret-- mat Syot6m Pccepted such five per cent conixl- butlona of ouah peroon8, op6n6d aocounte, al- rI.@ed mgmberahlp numbera, and credited ouah eontxlbutlaw reoelved to the accounta OS cuah p6roono. “I vould l.Lks to have your opinion inolude anovere to the follovlng queotlono: “1. Uould tho Borrd of Tmuteea t>a mrrying out th6 intent of th6 Retlrembnt Lav and vould it b6 leg6U.y proper if the Bomd ruled that a pwron had not emtab- li6hed arredlt for prior aervlae unlero ouch p6roox.i r6nd6P6d rarrvioe in 1937-38 to th6 extent rsquimd for ouoh aervioe to be con- o!idered ac a aMditabl6 year of 8ervlceP m2. Uould the Beard oi !htote6o be OIcfging OUt th6 i.Ut6Xlt Of th6 H6tmt I&v and vould It be 16g6lly proper if the Board ruled that 8 p6roon vho 6atual.Q r6n- dOP6d 06PVb6 (LO 8 t6Wh6P in th6 1937-38 #Oh001 76OP t0 an. 6Xt6nt 1660 th6ll the 6X- t6nt required for 8-h service to be oop- lid6r 6d&d a w&.ltablet year of actrvlae had 6ot6blUhed oredit for prior service ev6n though owh peraon~o 6ervlae ia 19X-38 ~66 not ooluridered 6 oreditable yoiw oi’ oer- viost “3. In the event your awver to Qu66- tlon #2 is ‘yefiB, In it vlthia the povere of the Board of Truoteee to set a minimum extent of eerv2ae in 1937-38 whloh mwt have been rendered by :E person before auah psraon vi11 be grented i2red.i.t ior prior cervioe? ~#wMblo Jehn 53. RUdd, Jr., p&6 4 *4. If your awwer to Queetion #3 10 'y60', ‘IOU&i it b6 X'68Oonab16 fOl’ th6 EMsrd to rule that a p6ruon who aatunlly rendor- ed 06rvieo es 6 t6aahor for et leart on6 month in 1937-38 vould be granted aretit Sor prior 06rvioe?* On Nor6mb6r 7, 1937, th9 Bq6rd 6dopted certaiu rallnge inawdlng X00. 3 6nd 7 reading e-0 tollovar “3. It vao mooad by Hr. #Lllo that a te6oh%r ln order to 6ot6bUoh ar6dlt r0r prior-06rvloo Mt f8&lVitbinOnO Of th6 t&66 fO~Ov+as&%W- l.flartleno : *(a) -Me VhOhU ‘iW@&t ill th0 Stat6 prior to the ~8tabUakment of the Syotxm, b ut vholo not tea o h iq dur ing th 6 l%h o o l y6aP 1937-s 6h6ll* lf h6 leouroo 6lQ1Or- a6nt berorc, July 1, 1939 ezrb ii h6 aontin- ~0 t6aahbg r0r a period 0r f1v6 (5),aan- ooautlvs yoaro k ontltled to r6cefip6 opo- dlt faP pPl6P-oecrle%. l(b) mano vho 10 8 Mmb6P do t&6 wr or a16 00h00l ybsr 1937-38, 1.0.~ anyon vho lo rogubPly empby6d u 8 teaoh- 6r at 6h6 b6gLnni.q of the oohoolp66r 1937- 38 cab vho bq@o aontr%butLng and pays his MUlb6POhip f66 t0 th% 8yOt6El tOP hi0 ril'Ot oorqpbnratim ftw th6 year, r6gardl6ee of vh6nh6vaolnot6mployedaoat6aahe~in 96X&U rfLoll b6 9lltitd9d t0 P96OiVO UP6dit for prior-oorviae . *(a) Anyone vim YII 8 tclmhor at any IAm%during 6h6 ticrh00lyeOrl99;$6-37 8&lLh0 becomoo amwiber during the oahooly66rl937- 38 &all b6 entitled to rbobive ccedit Sor prior-rervlee. (Iotlo% th6t la modified by x0* 7) %0t10n yall oecond6d by nior Yood6 6nfJ OS*- rl6d.” wblm Jnhn 9. Rudd, Jr., p6@% 5 “7. Hr. Mills moved th6t a p6roon vho taught for at 16aot 4* 5ontho or the full e6hool tom durln& th6 la62 66hool y66z aould eot8bliah his prlcw-aorvlo6 wedit ii ho taught. for length of tim6 durl.q tho who01 ye6r 1937-J7 at a roeular salmy on full-time employm6nt and mud6 ombe~ohip conttibutlono. Motion vaa reoandrrd by Mine WOO&Iand aerriod." “seu.3.... “(1) All poreon uho 6re towhero on th6 date w or vhlch t&6 RI- t Byoton is ootab- lioh9d oholl boainw a65bbro 00 of that date u 6 oandltion or th9z.r 6qplope6nt unlooo Vlthlll ti porlod of nirmty (PO) days aStar Soptomb6r 1, 1937, any ouah tea&m rhaU file vita tho 6tw.o Board of Trwteeu on a formp~eo6slb6dby lu6h Board, a nOtjn9 Of hi8 616atiOl3 not t0 be COVOP- 6d in th6 ~~5b8POhip Of th6 -atdun Sad a duly oxomtod v6Av6r of 631 prooslrt and prorpootlvo beAeJrit0 l?sob voad oth6rvloo inure to hLn on a66ount 0r hi6 partl6tpatioIl ln th6 RotLmmoiat ayotem. .(2) Be- Sept6mb6r 1, 19% urd sherafter any t6whor for tho Sirrt time b To x u sh a ll b eo o me l umber of th6 Re- tirem6nt SyatbPl 0.a a oonditlon of hir emlploy- m6nt. I. . . . “(5) Anyon%vho hm tmght in the stoto of ‘26X&9 in M00~d6nCe vlth th6 tOPmaOf thi8 bat, ~~h$eh~t&~%-;O%~ %z:%if: beooeuo a tea6hm 17Litbintvo 2f year6 of the date on vhlokr t&la Aot becanea eSS6ctiv6, and if he oantinues ua ewb Sor 6 p6riod OS Slve (5) commwive yeaP&, be 6ntitlod to refmlv6 uredit act resultlag b%noflCe f’or p&o*-s6rvl6e ac provided for in thla hct . * “sec. 4. “(1) Under auuh rules 6md regulations as the State hard of Trusteea shall adopt eaoh peraon vho valf a teacher, as deftid Ln thi8 Act, at any time during the year immediately preaedhg the ectahlicthm8nt of the syrtem, and vho becomes a meaber duriq the first year of operation of the Retirement Syetom, or vho la a memberat the be@mlng of the sahool year 1937-38, ahall file a dotailod atatenmnt of all Texac service, w a teacher, rendered by him prior to the date of eetabllahment. of the Rs- tiremeat System for vhlch he alaIm credit. ‘(2) The stat0 Board of Trwteoc &all fix aud detemnino by appropriate rules end regu- latlona hov much eervioe in any year la equiva- lent to one year of service, but in no oace shall more than one year of aervioe be wedit- able for all eervias in on0 sahool year. “(3) Subject to tho above reatrictiow and to such other rule8 and rogulatlona aa the State Board oi Trwteoa may adopt, the State Board or Trwteoa &mll verUy and adjwt, a8 80on M pra8tlcablO Wter the itUng or such atatemente of eervioe, the aorvice therein claksed. aI. . . . I In makhg ita rule8 and regulationa and in laming or iflthholding prior-service crertlflaatea, the State Ward of Tpwteee mwt stay within the boundarioo fixed by zhe et&two. While a reading of Seotfon 4(l) by Staelf mLght Lndloate that it dealt only vith the question of filing the etatomemt, vo think it rather clear that vhen read in connection vlth other parta of the Act thie section also deal8 with ths.fundemental queatlon of vhat fa43t.e entitle a men to credit for prior-eervlte. If he vaa a teacher at any time duxQ.ng1936-37 and became a iuomberduring 1937-36, or vae a member at the beg5.m.Ug of the echo01 gear 1937-36, he beoame entitled to uredit for prior aer- vice. Me are of the opinion that it vat poeelblo aa a mattor of lav for a nmn to become a member dur3.q 1937-38 vlthout act- ually teaoting a8 m&h a@ four and a half months. Also ve yIonoreble Jahn 8. Rudd, or.. yage 7 Wlieve t+at a man might have been a number at the ;,;gf;;T sod not have taki,&c four and e half montha durin& . In other yarda, by requlriq four end a half mo~tha of teeohhg in 1937-36 vould be LmpoaLnga burden heavier than omtemplated by statute. On thic phase of the qwstlon the Board may Squire only (1) vhether he beo.sme a memberdur- ~37-36, or (2) vhether he VIM a member st the be&nning of the 8ehool year 1937-36. Hovever, a “member” mwt be a ttier a8 *fined in Section l(3), and a oertala uaount of actual toeoh- i,g to be ehovn in eatabllahing a pereon ae be- . But, no more actual teauhing OM be required to be ehovn than vould tend reaaowbbly to lend credence to the &aim that ewh pereon vas a bona fide teaohm et the beginnbg of s37-36 or for ease time during the perr. where ie no rola- tubwhip betveon tho 4m0unt of wtual to4uhbg nooeeaary to aowtltute a year’s oreditable eervioe and tiho eaeount uiiloh awt have been rendered in 1937-36 to eetaUeh oruUt for prior 80rv100. x0113 firat quetei02i i8 tamr0r0 sns~0rsd in the mgr- tive and your eeoond in the afflrmatlvo~ Your third qwrtioa ie anewred in the tisirmative. Mvever, tho time 80 fixed am tho minimumin our opinian met be of ehort duration. In reply to your fourth queetion, ve are lwliwd to the belies that lf a peraon ehould oatablieh t&et he hOku2d a bOntrWt t0 tOWh t&0 year 1937-s & onbarked qp0n hle eervIeo, but vae forced to quit beoswe ai come lllneae. ewh 88 tsbereuloelr, ten day8 after oomsmnaiiagto teaah, he oould claim orodit for prior ecrvloo. Honoe ve doubt that tho &abimw oould be flxed at a month, or for a fonger porlod than 8 day. Your8 very truly COMMIREL
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion