OFFlCEOFTHi ATTORNEY OENERAL~C&'EXAS -AUSTIN Bonorablo C. 0. Nurdoch CoulltTAttorney Hermrd county aenard, TCX88 qurlIfI8d who hold8 any offlue OS or either the un1tod at8t.r In 8ny clt7 or town In thi8 *I &'&Or the oplnlon that a deputy rhorlff OmOt 80-8 L8 c&inVn Of the EXeOUtiV8 COr- Bitt.8 Of a OOUXit~l hwever, It i8 9 UDhr8tmd- lng tht If one voro to do 80, If thare vercno lrregularltIe8, or fraud, la the holdlag of lleotlona, the dOOtiOn8 vould be valid. - Honorable C. 0. Murdoch, Page 2 "Chestnut YE. Wells, 278 3. W. 465: 280 9. w. 351 oayle VI. Alexander, 'i'5 3. h'. (al1 706; savage vn. umphrlon, 118 3. v. 893." It vi11 be observed that the pertinent words of the statute you cite (Article 2940, R. C. S.), and vhich ve empha- nice, Are an follovsl ‘0 l l no r 8hrll anyone Sot ae ohalrnn a ny off108 of prarlt or tru8t u nder l l l *hIa State, l e l." The prl.wwy irotor to be deterrlnrd In ansuerlng your que8tIon an 8tated, 18 whether the plain tenor OS the above 8peoiallyquoted and lapha8iSed vord8 of the 8tatute are to be con8Id8I'edaS mt%AdatoryOC dIX%otoz'y. IA the ea8e of 0ayle YE. Alexander, (Tex. Clv. App.) 75 S. W. (36) 706, at p. 708, the :dI8tIUOtiOiXbotVMn the tV0 temn a8 applied t0 Artlole 2940 10 Stated thU8ly: ** l l, & -tOly pFOVi8iOn in a 8tat- ute 18 one, the 0ml88i0n to follw vhloh rendem the prooeeding to vhIoh It relate8 lllegrl aad void, While a di.l’OOtO~ prOVi8iOA 18 OAe, the obeemanee Of rhiUh I8 XlOtA8Oe88aw t0 the Validity of the prooeeding. A 8tatute my be lWldatOry In SOm8 X'e8WOt8 and dIreOtOrJ in Oth8P8. 59 c. J., p. 107~, 8 63001owrier v. ca8tock, 108 Ark. 515, 159 S. W. 1097, par. 3; Hoaklng Power Co. v. HuI-I~oA, 20 Ch.IoApp. 135, 153 A. E. 155, 156, par. 1; Deibert v. Rhoden. 291 ?a. 550, l&O A. 515, 516, 517, Parr. 2, 3. 8ad 4. There 18 no unIver8il rule or sblolute te8t by which direoto~ pro- vlslon8 in s 8trtute my in all oirouwtanae8 be dI8tInguIahed from those vhioh are mandatory, but In the QetermInatIon of thir qUe8tiOXL, a8 every Other qUe8tiOn Of 8tatUtOTI OOli8tNOtiOP, Honorable C. 0. Murdoch, Page 3 be given a manclatorysigAifIaanae to effeat the legislative intent. On the other hand, the language of a statute, hovever mandatory in form, may be deeasd dlreatory whenever fhe leglrslatlvepurpore OUI beat be carried out by SUOb UOA8tPUOtiOA. 59 c. J., PP. 1072. 1073, I 6311 Burton v. McOulm (Tex. Clv. App.) 3 S.U. (?d) 576, 583, par. 15s Haman City, II.dc'0.R. Co. v. Roche8ter Independent School Diet. (Tex. Clv. App.) 292 9. Y. 964, 965, par. 1; Valley Bask v. Mlcolm, ?3 Arls. 395, 204 P. 307, 311, par. 4; People lx rel. Tho4~80n T. San Borxurdho llighSohool Dl8t., 62 Cal. App. 67, 216 P. 959, per8. 3 8Bd 4. he legl8laUve iAte& In 8~- aotIa#t the art1 e under OoMideration -8 8videAtlY to re8trlot th8 .8eleotioAof lleotian officer8 to those vho vere free from thq 8 or interer a failure to pq l poll tax.- 30 f8r a8 the 8eleo- 8uOh rituatloa Is prec!ent;din tbI8 case. But 8hotid the prOVI8IOA8 of 8aId artiole In that pha8e of Its appliartlon be held maMatorT, It doe8 not Moea88rlly follov that vhea a per8oa nund In said artlole has been 8eleoted a8 821 eleatlon offloer for a pertioular votlag pm- OiPOt, snd his 8eleOtiOn ha8 A& been a88ailed but bar been soquie8oed IA w th8 qualified electors of auoh preoinot by partlolprting IA the eleatlou held therein, and the vote8 os8t In suoh preolnot have been fairly and correotly oountcd md tabulated aad return thereof duly made, Mmt euoh eleotlon a8 to nald precinct should, rolely by reason of the pertlolpetlon of such el8CtiOA offioer iA holding the am. . .., Honorable C. 0. Uurdooh. Page 4 be declared void, the returns thereof exoluded from the 04nv4aa of the votes mat In said elactlon in the entire county, 8nd tha voters of such preolmt thereby ln effeot dlafmnchlsed." -(Emph4ala ourn). In the above oaae, Oayle aad Alexunlar ware opposing caadId4tea for the office of a8aea8or And oolleotor of tuea or xcLenllAnCounty. After the election, the o~nvA88 of return8 showed Aleunder tha VlAAar, aad 0ayle rought to have the 8lec- tlon in low boxes of the oouut~ deolmed A nullity on the ground that 0ertAi.npreoiuot election OffiCIdL8 vare dlaqrull- fled to rot. Of the ohAllenged predwt officers of eleotlon, the trIA1 oourt found thAt four ven 8ohool truteea at the tlma or the lleetlon; thAt one aAn hold A *purported AppoInt- Bent * a8 deputy 8herlff, but hod never tAkAn the orth nor re- calved oompena4tIon 8s luoh offloer; rrd that three had been aotlng as deputy tax aaae8mora for Alexander, the appellee, from January to I(ayof the year of the election, vhlah vaa held in July. The court furtbsr found th4t th8 lleetlon ~88 fairly and honsrtly held; that the aeleotlon of the 4bove mentioned election OffIceP8 ~68 not fFaUdUleAt1~ bmqht about; that their nerViOe bid AOt 088t 8U8piOiOn Or doubt UpOn th8 I'OStitOf tb eleotianfAnd thAt the votera pArtIaipAtIn@ in the eloctlon rhould .’ IlOt b. di8f?UtOhi8ed beOAU8e Of #U&S 88l’VlCe. In Addition to the above quoted dI88ertAtiOllupon *m8n- datorf and *dIreotorf provIaIona of the 8tetute, the UAOO Court of Civil AppeAlI, In AffIraIng the trlrl court, 8180 relied upon the prlnolple ltAted In the earlier oaae of &VW vs. Uaphrlea, (Tex. 01~. ADD.) 118 8. Y. 893, wherein the loo41 optlan lleotlon under aon8IdentIon 1m8 upheld derpite the faot thAt A olty Alder- man aoted AS 4n lleotlon judge, beeau8e 4nother of the JuQer 1~8 not dIrqu4lIfIed. Pointing out th4t in the pending case them vere IA each voting preoinot, in addition to the obrllenged of- flalal other judgea and alerka p4rtloIprtlng therein, the S4v4ge vs. Umphrlea rule ~48 4pprored by the Y4co Court in the Oayle vs. ~lehnder case, aupra. Upon the queatlon before ~8, ve think It appropriate, 4apaalally in viev of our cIt4tIon or the oa80, to quote from avage v. Umphrlen (11B 8. U. 893, at p. 901): ffonorableC. 0. Humloah, Page 5 “The general rule IS thAt Statutory provi- alone regulating the conducting of public elec- tlons, if not uule nandetory by the axpreaa teraa of the l&v, will be oonatrued 6s so far directory that the lleotlon will not be mill- ' flea by UN Irre~larltie8, not frAudulentlY brought About, when the departwe from the pmaorlbed method was not so great 8a to throv A 8ubatAntIAl doubt oa the I%8Ult, And vh8re It la not shorn that thp~ vaa any obstacle to 4 rrir And free expn8sl.m of the will of the electors. 8184k on Interpretation of b%VS, p. 353. It la said thott 'There la nothing better settled than thst the.wtr of election officera de facto, who AW in under color of election or appointaent, am A8 valid. a8 to third prr- tie8 And the pUbllo, a8 those of offloern de f - The doctrine tlvrtelector8 may be dI8- rFZhinea becAUSe one or eon of the judge8 or lnapeotor8 0s election did not poa8eaa all the qUdififJ@titXi8requlmd rinds by 18~ no support In the deoi8Iona 0s AUY judIoI81 trIbune.1 15 cyc. 311. t here if the Allegationa in Appellmtr @mer a 8wndment 8e he, ln violetion of the tit?, aoted A0 A ju@e Of the election, It ohotid be deOiAF8d do 8.d Void A8 t0 that pZWO%ILOt. It 8eema to us thAt the qwatlon 48 to the vslidity or i.XWA~idityof the election should be determIned As though he hod not hated at all, in the absence of my allegAtion that he did MythIng th6t v0rrla tend to change the x-e- 8tit. Jh th 1 8 viw the lleotfon IA that p m- clnot should be regerded As having been pm- aided over by only one judge, for tha coUntY ocnumlealonsra'court v4a required in voting ;...b~-. . .‘. , , Honorabls C. q. &mlooh, Page 6 preclnctr, vbw8 there vore 1088 than 100 vot- .eravho bnd prld tholr poll tax mid received -'theiraertlflo&tes of exeqptlon, to appoint tvo reputable,men. vho vere qualified votsrr, a8 Judge8 of the election, aad It vi11 be preaured tha$,lt performd thl8 duty. We lm not pAp‘Nd, therefore, to hold that, booau8e oae of the 9artlos sppolntod a8 Judge vaa prohIbited m the lav from rotlng a8 auoh, vould vitiate, 80 ae to render null, the elec- tlon ae to etmh praolnot, p-aided over by the a tb erjudge, vh o ,in th elbaenoe of an llle g h tlo n oontruy, mu8t be preeumed to the a8 &mpeteat to rots fop to 80 hold vould be to df8frubahl8e all th8 quallflod eleotors vho voted rt ula preolnot, vlthout it apperr- ing that the lleetlon va8 in any vay affeOted br being preerldedover by one judge, instead of tvo a8 required by the 8tatute. We there- fOl’S OVWPUh tb a88i@tMllt. ’ (&E9hl&818 OUl’8. ) Your referonoe to the oa8e or Che8tIiUtv8. Well8 var noted; Ye flad tvo di8tinat oa8e8 on the cited page8 of the South Ue8tem Report*. - fi.P8t 18 che8tnut T8. we118, (TSX. Cit. AFT.) 278 9. W. 565, the wooad 18 Cheatnutt ‘18. Uelh, (Tex. Cl*. App.) 280 8. U. 351. Although the 8~8 partle8 89- peer lltlgent, the numben of the oases are dlfierent8ad the7 89lWU’ t0 ba 8epUk 8pit8. In any event, the Court of Civil A9~18 ia each oaqo pOint8 out that the elections held vere "8peOla.l"once 8nd th8t the prorl8lons of vhat fe nOV codified 88 A&101. 2940, Rotlred Clril Btatutes, being E part of the Tern11 Rlootlon Lar, did not apply. We believe a further 8tudy Of the oa8e8 vfll aosrtinoeyou of their lnnppllaablllty here. he, al80 an n8 alal" lleotlon8, the 01808 of walker v8. I(obler, (lb. civ. App.Y 105 8. W. 61; Ibid, (Sup. Ct., nn8vering oerti- fled aue8tloar) 103 8. W. 990; Xx mrte Ander8on, (Tex. Cr. A99.) 102 3. Y. 727~ 8111 v8. Smlthvllle Independent school Dl8trlat. (Tax. Clv. App.) 239 8. Y. 987, 9. 991; Hlller WI. Tucker, (Tex. Civ. App.) 119 8. U. (2d) g?. In the aa8.eof Ruff V8. Duffleld, (Tex. 01~. App.) 351 3. W. 298, there ta8 (LCOdXJ8t of an lleotlou held to fill the office of oountr u&d dl8trlot olerk of Wfllrcy Countr at the gmmal llea tfo a ~The votes of flrteen (15) percronevere objected to beamlee the pre8idlng offlcer at the box vhere the Eonorable C. 0. Xurdoah, Page 7 persons voted V&s also act143 aa 9oatmnster, end he alone vrote hla name on the back of eaoh of the ballots. Holding that the .vote8vere properly alloved the 00Urt 8tm88Od the point that the prerlding judge va8 not the poetslaster"but merely taking care of the office until other arruyasenta vere Ilide." The mO8t lWOellt 018e Ve haYe found 18 that Of ge8bItt YE. Coburn, (Tex. Clv. App.) 143 3. w. (26) 279. Oppcalng cendl- date8 fer the Democratlo nO@liatlOa for cmnty Com188iOner be- came partle8 to a oOdX8t lollovIng the 88COnd 9rlIBaryof 1940. The faot8 and oontentlom on the point 8ufflolentlJ l9pear in the follovlag quotation froa the oplnlonr "Appellant contend8 that all of the VOtO8 CJa8tat the %IIie VOthg box, vhere lppellw reoelred a va8t Mjorftr thereof, 8hotid have been held Illegal and not count- ed beoaure tbs partr vho sated a8 the pre- 8lding judge of 8aid voting box had not been properly appointed the pre8idIng juQe there- Of. It dOe8 not appear that 8ueh party had been eXpre88lr 8elected by the IkroCr8t10 Executive Comalttee of the aounty to hold tha election on the occasion in question. Howver, it doe8 appear that he va8 the mBOorat10 ooa1tteemm frcm that preolnct and that It ha been the ou8ton for year8 fo r laoh preolnot ahalraan of said county to 8erve a8 the preetdlag judge of the elec- tion ln hi8 preolnot. The rule 8eeIU8to be that the 8tatute8 vlth .referUme to the m8n- net of l9polatIug eleotlon ofricer am dlmotory end that Irregularltla8 therein vi11 not affeot the validity of the election. In SUoh Oa8e8 vhere them 18 a0 prote8t on the part oi the VOter8, the will b8 held to have ratified the lllegeI appointmnt or uaauthorlred a88um9tion of ruthority of the party vho 8erve8 a8 8uoh deotlon judge. HI11 v. iialthvllleInd. School Dist.. Tex. Clv. App., 239 3. U. 9871 L&aver v. State. 27 Tex. Clr. App. 453. 66 3.Y. 256. It doe8 not appear that there va8 q protest on the part or the voter8 vlth reieronae to the proaiding judge la the voting box in Question. we therefore h&d that the oourt did not em' . Honorable C. 0. Murdoch, Page 8 in refu8lng to hold es illegal the votes counted at 8Pld Donle votIAg box.” Froa the above lUthOriti8e and other8 u8mlned:by us, ve think it extremely doubtful that the same realt vould be attained vhere a aounty ebalrma~'s ell lblllty should be ohal- lewed. Inever ca8e y lxamlaed by u8 7and after exten8lve searah ve have not foaad on0 l.n~olvlnga county ehalmen , the COwt8 have emid upan ooatertr belng brought after the l1latlon, that - burdma lW8t8 WOa OOllte8tMt8 t0 8hWxt the lU8Ult8 of the lleotlon vere affeotti or ohangea bT the 1rreguLa~ departure from the 8tatuto. we can aoaoeive that 8uoh 8 tie vould be oonaldend 8afe and 8ound insofar a8 applicable to elsatlon judge8 or alerk8 vho8e dutIe8 am largely 8ilnl8terlal and vho8c vork oar be oheaked by other per8on8 vhore lllglblllt~ vould not be IA que8tloa, vhema8 a different cono1u8lo~ Eight vell be reached IA the ea8e of a county chalnun, the nature of vhoac dUtia8 aa fixed by lav mae88arlly involve m8ny act8 of OffiOi~ dlroretlon, a8 Veil 88‘Other 8Ote Of mfnfrteril~ ~MAc- t1aAing. We deer it uDaeae88ary to attempt to li8t here 811 of the88, but ru??loe it to point out that he lo the pmnlding of- fleer over all meting8 of the ootmt~ comnlttee; he 18 ?urAl8hed IA ldv8Aoe of eleotlon8 the llrt8 of qualified votere; he ia the recipient of the return8 br lleotlon and custodian of every one Of the bbllOt8 OtL8tbt the e&OtioA; he dOOl&re8 the aW8tit, md certifie8 nw to other proper OfffCibl8; he pm8lde8 over all OOUaty ooPVentiOA8;he 18 by VirtUa Of hi8 OffieO an eX-OffiCiO ' mmber of all dI8trict lxeautlve committeea o? hi8 party; he colleot8 and disburse8 the expeme Monet needed to conduct the prlmarles; he lppolnt8 the preainct presldlng judgea vlth the approval of the ueautlve oomlttee; IA geIura1 election8 he may ~PPOfXLt8U9WTi8Or8 -- In rhort, he 18 one of the moostIBpOrtaAt fogs in the rehlnerj of our election ey8ter. Ylth ju8t a little slip' here aad a~ rrlnadvertenae"there, he can, un.le88of UA- qUe8tlonable Integrity and con8olentlou8 aeration to the high trU8t lmpo8ed upoa hla, in m and various vayr dlONpt the order17 8nd boaert prooedum aontelplated by the levmekere to 1Aew the purIt7 of the ballot -- the strongest comer atone in omr 8truotum of a ire8 government. A d.eputTlherlff certainly holds an “office of profit Or trust” under the lava of this State. He 18 ao moognlsed by both the 8tatutow 8.ndthe case lav of TeXa8. Be 1s appointed by the 8heriff, to 'oontlnue In offloe" during the Plea8ure of his prlnolpebl he haa paver md authorltr to perform all the act8 8~d duties of the sheriff hluelf; he mu8t take the offi~lel . . . l!,norablsC. 0. Murdoch, Page 9 oath. See Revised civil 3XfUtC%. ArtlClen 6809, 6&o, 3884, 3891, 3902, 31024 Code of Crlmlnal Procedure, Articles 30, 44; M:ller vs. AlexnAder. 13 Tex. 497, 506: Tovne vs. Harris, 13 512; Ytnte vs. Brooks, 42 Tax. 6?; Murray WI. State, Tex. fiO'1, 0 "' s. U. (26) 274; 34 Tex. Jur. 601. It aeara 80 self-evident an to be trite to say that a deputy sherlrf ha8 a vltrl and per8onal lnterert IA ths outcome of every election a?fectIAg hi8 prinolpal. Hi8 IlaB lay 88 V411 be on the ballot, for vlth the defeat of his sheriff he ca88es t3 be 8uch officer, 108lag AOt only hit title and office but his emOhEeAt8 aa veil. Ue agree vlth your oonolu8lon that a deputy sheriff la not qualified to 8eme aa 8 oount.7ohalrmn of the Democratic party. We further believe that under the authorities heralA di4CU88Od, he could unque8tIonablj be ousted from a4rVing or attempting to 8erve in 8uch oapaoity. Upon the proposition you assert that if one vere to do 80, the eleotlcum vould be valid, absent proof Of Irre~arltIea or fraud, ve expmer no opinion at thi8 time due to the utter laok of any such aa4e hevlng ap- peared a8 ooning before any appellate court of thla State. It is dlfflault for u8 to oonaelve of the electorate permlttlng the - question to reach that stage, or for the officer In question, whoever he may be, to Fnalst upon it. Yours very truly Benjamin Uoodall .L_. Assistant BW:RS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion