OFFICE OF THE A7TORNEY GENERAL OF Tm AUSTIN Ronoreble Charley Lockhart state Treasurer main, Texas War Sir1 Attention: II. %I. Webb Opinion No. O-3893 Ret Xhether Oklahoma mortgage eeauring note 0S $3000 and made In ravor OS Commis,sionerr of the Oklahoma Land OSflor requires stamps when Slled In I.fp,econb County, Texas. .:e have received your lettor of recent date re- questing the opinion oS this department on the above cap- tioned question. Bo Saots are given except those embodied in the question. Ye will assume that the land in Texas covered by the mort@;age ia part OS the so-oalled ‘strip” land whloh the United States Supreme Court found to be in the State of Texae. (State OS Oklahoma v. State ot Texas, 201 U. 3. 109, 74 L. Zd. 731) We have had a aonierenoe with eertaln offiola1.a OS the Qeneral Land OSSice oS the State of Texas, and rrom the saots which were made JCnownto us at this oon- Serenoe we will aleo assume that the Land OSSioe oS Okla- homa aoted in the oapaoity OS a mortgage aompany and that the land. la question was not pub110 land either oS the State OS Oklahoma or OS the United Statea uovernment. lbue, it Sollows that the ~3000.00 is not purahase money due the. Stats OS Oklahoma Sor publio land, but is owed to the State in the same manner that any mortgagor owea money to his montgage 0. It, theresore, is unneoeseary for us to deter- mine whether the Instrument would be aubjeot to the tax IS the benaiicial interest were owned by the State in its eovcrelgn oapacltp. Article 70479 levies a stamp tax upon obligations OS the type OS the mortgage under consideration and exempts only those taken by or on behalf OS the United kstes, the State OS Texas, or an instrumentality thereoi. It rOilOWk3 BQnorabla Oharlry-tookhart, pago 8 that,the mortgage is cnbjeot to the tax levied by Artialo 7047e. ~However, we oall, your attention to thnt part of &otion’(a) of the tit whloh read& “. . . providing further that rrhauld an Instrument filed in the offics of the County ‘O;l& be ,raourity oi an obllgatioa that haa property pledged a# meouritg in a State or States other than !&xa8, the tax. ehall be based upon the rs880~blo oesh values of all prop- ltrty pxOag0a In Tua8 in tihs proport ion thet said prop0rty ia Texas: bears to the total value of the proportg.seourfag the obllgatlon; . . .* If the arrmmp~lone Chat we have nade in this opin- ion are erroneous,.ploaae aaviee u8. ATTORNEY G&$E@AJ, BP Glenn R. kwio Aseietant